Wish I could hunt in my backyard!


Lonely Mountain Arms
Mar 13, 2005
Starksboro, VT
Feedback: 33 / 0 / 0
This morning at about 8:30, I looked out my bedroom window and did a doubletake. There was a LARGE bird standing just in front of the tree line.

Looking around, I realized that there were two adult and about 8-10 juvenile wild turkeys in the back yard! In a residential neighborhood in MARLBORO. I ran to get my camera, but they'd wandered off into the trees, so I couldn't get a shot.

This must have been the family that my wife saw about 100 yards up the road a couple of weeks ago on her way to work. I have to admit, it was nice to see some wildlife in my back yard.

Even if I can't have one of them for dinner.

Hmm... time to dig out the recurve again, I guess.


PS: yes, I know that the smiley is a crossbow - couldn't find a recurve one.

Compound. Um. Machines, feh!

That's my 20 years in the SCA coming to the fore... I suppose if I want to bow hunt I'll have to get over that attitude.

Well, all in good time. Hey, it only took me 24 years to get my first black powder gun! I was thinking of getting an 1861 replica next year for blackpowder deer season. Get to the deer before they get all skittish from all us shotgun-toting idiots in the woods.

I've seen 7 deer at once in my backyard. It would be perfectly safe to hunt -- all you can see is nice rising ground. Unfortunately, due to the 500' law, I'd need permission from about 10 different houses. I think the appropriate term is NFWay.
I've seen 7 deer at once in my backyard. It would be perfectly safe to hunt -- all you can see is nice rising ground. Unfortunately, due to the 500' law, I'd need permission from about 10 different houses. I think the appropriate term is NFWay.

No, you only need permission to discharge a firearm. Bows would be perfectly acceptable. (NB: Have you ever seen what a broadhead will do to a kevlar vest? Think hot knife and butter.)

KMaurer said:
I've seen 7 deer at once in my backyard. It would be perfectly safe to hunt -- all you can see is nice rising ground. Unfortunately, due to the 500' law, I'd need permission from about 10 different houses. I think the appropriate term is NFWay.

No, you only need permission to discharge a firearm. Bows would be perfectly acceptable. (NB: Have you ever seen what a broadhead will do to a kevlar vest? Think hot knife and butter.)

The 500 foot rule is applicable for "Hunting", either bow or firearm.
Correct, The law in question is M.G.L. C131 S 58 and reads as follows:

"A person shall not discharge any firearm or release any arrow upon or across any state or hard surfaced highways, or within one hundred and fifty feet, of any such highway, or possess a loaded firearm or hunt by any means on the land of another within five hundred feet of any dwelling in use, except as authorized by the owner or occupant thereof."

Now, I am not a lawyer, but this seems to say to me the following:

1) No shooting any gun or arrow across any hard paved road

2) No shooting any gun or arrow within 150 feet of a hard paved road.

3) can not have a loaded gun, or actively hunt on the land of another within 500 feet of any dwelling without permission.

Notice that the 500 feet rule ONLY applies if you are on the "land of another", not your OWN land. The way I read this, so long as you are beyond the 150 ft of the hard paved road, you are OK on your own land.

It is interesting to note that in Chief Glidden's book, the phrase "land of another' is NEVER mentioned in his comments. One wonders how LE personel have been taught to read this law. Because certainly, that 500 foot rule only applies to that "land of another".

Also note that the posession of a loaded firearm on any private land within 500 feet of a dwelling or hunting within 500 feet of a dwelling is illegal. in other words, if you carry, walk across the street to your OWN mailbox and cross onto another's property within 500 feeet of their home, you are in violation.

Interestingly, there is no exemption for any law enforcement person of this rule.

I'd be interested to hear what the real legal experts say on this one... (^_^)
.22 with a scope, in the back yard, you should be able to take down an Elk. Nothing but eye shots. If you jerk the trigger, the Elk thinks he got bit by a bug, and still stands there. [twisted]
.22 with a scope, in the back yard, you should be able to take down an Elk. Nothing but eye shots. If you jerk the trigger, the Elk thinks he got bit by a bug, and still stands there. [twisted]

Wow.. you guys way over complicate stuff. .177 air rifle. (If they are legal where you are) at 1250 FPS.. you could easily and quietly get the job done.

Nah, haven't seen 'em in my yard for years. I did see a huge flock over by Lincoln Sudbury High School a week or so ago, though. Posted some pix, too.
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