US Army's New Heavy M4 Barrel

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There are lots of open-source encryption tools 😆
Do you find them online? I would be using the same online access point that the criminals are monitoring, they would know which tool. Besides, law enforcement criminals have the ability to decrypt. Gary Clayton ICC-ACCESS board member and friend to patent thief, Ward W. Brien.
This thread is being read by more than the members of Northeastern Shooters. There are information and psy ops being conducted by nefarious criminals.

Nefarious you say?! Yikes.
(Is there any other kind of criminal?)

I'm not really here to entertain you.

But you are doing a helluva job of it.
“Are you not entertained?!!!” lol
Do you find them online? I would be using the same online access point that the criminals are monitoring, they would know which tool. Besides, law enforcement criminals have the ability to decrypt. Gary Clayton ICC-ACCESS board member and friend to patent thief, Ward W. Brien.
Ooooh. So they also have access to the ISP of Git Hub and have quantum computers setup to crack your computer ... to steal the intellectual property of a slightly moderately more effective M4 barrel. Got it.
Ho lee f***. Just.... wow.....I can't even......

@cams help me out here.
I’m trying to keep a straight face, but this shit is gold. 🙈🤪😂

Me and OP def two diff animals, cuz I’d smoke a booger eater for his moped if I needed it, never mind 50 billion in oil.

I’m starting to think he spent the better part of his adult life in a padded room somewhere. As old Pappy said, he is a textbook profile of paranoid schizophrenic, which makes this even funnier actually. Crazy is cool with me. 👌🏻
So you leave something valuable in a storage unit. Instead of putting it in a bank deposit box or keeping it with you. Hell, burying in your yard would have been ok. God knows people on this forum do it all the time. You’re either a paranoid schizophrenic or an imbecile.
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They’re nefarious government criminals. Don’t underestimate them.

please for the love of god someone break aes-256 with cbc ciphers. I don't mean attack an implimentation, I mean break Rijmen's algorithm. If I had such an ability I could sign my own SWIFT transfers, take Elon's bitcoin, and get PH Premium for free.
This guy stole my patent.
Heres a colorized mugshot I managed to get off of the 8mm c.c.t.v.
Snuck into my desk and stole the prototype and blueprints for a weapon I had hoped to use for galactic conquest.
And it was all on a floppy disk. Linux only.
No idea how he cracked it, but he did.
Now I live in a van down by the river.
Always lock your desk.

I can believe someone like this would get passed over twice. For Army officers, that means, "Pack your bags, you're out of the Army in 30 days."
Once an officer reaches 18 years getting the second pass doesn't get you the boot unless there is a referred oer in the officers record.

But.......definitely get what your saying.
Once an officer reaches 18 years getting the second pass doesn't get you the boot unless there is a referred oer in the officers record.

But.......definitely get what your saying.

I find it hard to believe that with the OP’s personality traits alone, just from what we’ve seen here, that he would make it past MEPS, never mind hide this amount of crazy for 18yrs.

I mean Mulder was a little crazy too, but he didn’t go ranting and acting paranoid on random websites, he went out and found those damn aliens.
I realized my mistake and edited my comment. Good catch!
So since you agree that it was first to file. I can't wrap my head around how someone stole your IP. Either you had a provisional or a utility patent filed that essentially put your flag in the ground or you didn't. Since I can only find one utility and one design patent I would say that you didn't have priority in your filing. Stealing IP is a different game. If you own the rights to the design as documented through the USPTO and someone ignores that its patent infringement. If you left your technology in a storage locker that you fell behind on your payments and someone picked it up and ran with it than you have absolutely nothing to fall back on.

FWIW I've got 5 issued utility patents and 1 design patent with more in process now.
Leaving intellectual property locked up inside the fireproof gun safe along with your class III M16A2 and Beneli M1 Super 90 short barreled shotgun inside a storage unit was the only option left by Rutherford County's extortion. When you're forced to be unemployed and also become homeless, keeping such valuables in your vehicle is the worst option. If I'm not an intelligent person, then why are multi-national companies stealing my intellectual property with the assistance of corrupt Republican governments?
A better option is storing it encrypted, preferably in a cloud storage requirement or with a set of trusted friends. Multiple XOR split after encryption and you will need all copies and the key to read the data. Use a more advanced algorithm and you can have something like "Need 5 of 12 copies plus the encryption key".

Best to use friends in different states and countries to make producing all keys (or the designated subset, to protect yourself from not being able to reach all friends when you need to recover the data), even if they have full details of the protocol used, a jurisdictional nightmare.

If you have a friend with a computer, the first option is easy. The final one is a bit tricky, and surprisingly, does not seem commonplace in the market. I have a name for such storage systems - SPUDS - Subpoena Proof User Data Store.
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