US Army's New Heavy M4 Barrel

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I’m trying to keep a straight face, but this shit is gold. 🙈🤪😂

Me and OP def two diff animals, cuz I’d smoke a booger eater for his moped if I needed it, never mind 50 billion in oil.

I’m starting to think he spent the better part of his adult life in a padded room somewhere. As old Pappy said, he is a textbook profile of paranoid schizophrenic, which makes this even funnier actually. Crazy is cool with me. 👌🏻
I'm pretty sure old Pappy was describing you. I agree, we are different animals. I defend the greatest nation on Earth from enemies foreign and domestic. And right now, there are a lot of domestic enemies in the Republican Party. Based on what you claimed, you defend special interests such as the fossil fuel industry. Tell me, does that booger eater on the moped still haunt you in your dreams? There are mental health professionals that can help you.
So you leave something valuable in a storage unit. Instead of putting it in a bank deposit box or keeping it with you. Hell, burying in your yard would have been ok. God knows people on this forum do it all the time. You’re either a paranoid schizophrenic or an imbecile.
I'm neither. Employment manipulation means no income. No income means no bank deposit box. No income also means homelessness. No yard to bury anything in. Criminals who use extortion techniques often leave their victims with only bad options. That's why it's called extortion.
I'm neither. Employment manipulation means no income. No income means no bank deposit box. No income also means homelessness. No yard to bury anything in. Criminals who use extortion techniques often leave their victims with only bad options. That's why it's called extortion.
Sounds like you need to manipulate yourself to a McDonalds job application.
OP must’ve got kicked out of the local library for the night.
You are so astute. Did you figure that out all by yourself? You sure old Pappy didn't help you out with this one? Unfortunately, the only internet access is through the library computer lab system that the Rutherford County criminals monitor. So rest assured, my criminals are also reading your pathetic attempts at comedy.
This guy stole my patent.
Heres a colorized mugshot I managed to get off of the 8mm c.c.t.v.
Snuck into my desk and stole the prototype and blueprints for a weapon I had hoped to use for galactic conquest.
And it was all on a floppy disk. Linux only.
No idea how he cracked it, but he did.
Now I live in a van down by the river.
Always lock your desk.

View attachment 467356
Good advice. Do you live on Mars or are you just visiting?
I'm pretty sure old Pappy was describing you. I agree, we are different animals. I defend the greatest nation on Earth from enemies foreign and domestic. And right now, there are a lot of domestic enemies in the Republican Party. Based on what you claimed, you defend special interests such as the fossil fuel industry. Tell me, does that booger eater on the moped still haunt you in your dreams? There are mental health professionals that can help you.

So domestic enemies in the Republican Party. Do you have a view on the so called deep state?
I'm pretty sure old Pappy was describing you. I agree, we are different animals. I defend the greatest nation on Earth from enemies foreign and domestic. And right now, there are a lot of domestic enemies in the Republican Party.
true, so true. the enemies are all around, they are swarming, plotting their enemy shit here and there. the only hope now is for FBI to come to help, speed up their gulag making plans and start exterminating population. death to the enemies! time came for the great purge. just like in 1937. not a single insurrectioning grandma will escape their watchful eyes, while antifa will finish up all the others.
I can believe someone like this would get passed over twice. For Army officers, that means, "Pack your bags, you're out of the Army in 30 days."
It's a little different in the TN Nasty Guard. I was being groomed for the XO slot in my intelligence company when I resigned in protest to the Iraq War. My unit committed war crimes without me.
I feel bad for the librarians, having to put up with the strange, likely smelly guy using their computer, and having to sanitize it afterwards, etc.
You are so astute. Did you figure that out all by yourself? You sure old Pappy didn't help you out with this one? Unfortunately, the only internet access is through the library computer lab system that the Rutherford County criminals monitor. So rest assured, my criminals are also reading your pathetic attempts at comedy.
99% of ‘your criminals’ don’t even know who you are, the other 1% just roll their eyes when they hear your name.

I do hope you get some help for yourself one day, it’s actually pretty sad to see someone trying to cope with mental illness alone and on the streets.
Good advice. Do you live on Mars or are you just visiting?

Originally from Mars yes.
When I joined the Interstellar Space force I was stationed on the dark side of the moon and then deployed to this sector of the planet.
You humans are an odd breed of animal.
Fair warning Bi-ped- I have intercepted satellite communications for your "Alphabet Agencies", as you advanced primates refer to them.
They have your location and will make a coordinated strike at 2300 hours Eastern Earth Time on the 2nd of April.
You have 45 parsec to vacate your current location.
/End Transmission.
So since you agree that it was first to file. I can't wrap my head around how someone stole your IP. Either you had a provisional or a utility patent filed that essentially put your flag in the ground or you didn't. Since I can only find one utility and one design patent I would say that you didn't have priority in your filing. Stealing IP is a different game. If you own the rights to the design as documented through the USPTO and someone ignores that its patent infringement. If you left your technology in a storage locker that you fell behind on your payments and someone picked it up and ran with it than you have absolutely nothing to fall back on.

FWIW I've got 5 issued utility patents and 1 design patent with more in process now.
Simple. They steal it before you can file. Extortion: Forced unemployment means no income. No income means no money for provisional fees. Also no money for the utility patent application later down the road. I was deliberately kept in a position that prevents filing. This is obviously the tactics patent thieves are using on individual inventors like me. They team-up with a corrupt government entity that conducts the extortion. Then they figure out a way to access the proprietary information and get it filed while the inventor is held down by their partner in crime. Basically, patent thieves control the patent application filing process by directly blocking it. Yes, I could go online and submit application documents. But what good is that if I can't pay any fees. The extortion I'm facing here in Rutherford County, TN also includes the monitoring and manipulation of my communications. So just imagine the difficulty of filing a utility patent when your communications to patent attorneys are blocked and even if you can communicate, you still won't have the money for the fees. Eventually the inventor, like I was, is forced into a situation where he can't maintain anything. Unemployed, homeless, rent payments late on the storage unit, and then the forced auction. All while waiting for the FBI to shutdown the intellectual property theft shit-show!
FYI: I've got 1 issued utility patent and 3 provisionals that expired due to the extortion.
Dude you're the one who crapped out on your military service, you really have no quarter to even suggest that. [rofl]
I served my country honorably for 18 years. I served my country again by not participating in an illegal, immoral, and unnecessary war. And I continue to serve my country today by inventing innovative military equipment. After all these years of service, I'll call them the way I see them.
Just call ‘em like I see ‘em pal. Common sense rules, and common sense tells me, and sounds like every other person you talk to, that your cheese has slipped entirely off the cracker my friend.
Are you hungry Ranger? Sounds like you need cheese and crackers to go with that whine.
I served my country honorably for 18 years. I served my country again by not participating in an illegal, immoral, and unnecessary war. And I continue to serve my country today by inventing innovative military equipment. After all these years of service, I'll call them the way I see them.

Refuses to participate in illegal, immoral and unnecessary war.

invents "innovative military equipment" for the military (who fights said illegal wars.)

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