Showing LTC on demand.


NES Member
May 31, 2008
One of the places they filmed the "Stonado" movie.
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Wheee, a new sub-forum.

Haven't been any threads started here yet, so I figured I'd start one to perhaps get the sub-forum flowing.

Who here has been asked to show their MA LTC to a LEO upon request after an "incident"?

I have been asked on two occasions, and both times, the officers seemed more relieved that I had a permit and did not even pursue a line of questioning about the original complaint. It's almost like the officers expect big trouble when they get a call to go check something out involving a firearm, but when the parties involved show the LTCs, the officers breathe a heavy sigh of relief and dismiss the original reason for the call.
Wheee, a new sub-forum.

Haven't been any threads started here yet, so I figured I'd start one to perhaps get the sub-forum flowing.

Who here has been asked to show their MA LTC to a LEO upon request after an "incident"?

I have been asked on two occasions, and both times, the officers seemed more relieved that I had a permit and did not even pursue a line of questioning about the original complaint. It's almost like the officers expect big trouble when they get a call to go check something out involving a firearm, but when the parties involved show the LTCs, the officers breathe a heavy sigh of relief and dismiss the original reason for the call.

what type of incidents have you gotten into where this came up?
I believe anytime a LEO is responding to a firearms call, there's a heightened sense of awareness. A mind set has to be in play when responding to keep the individual on their toes.
Nah, no CCW sheeples. The first incident was minor.

I was pulled over while driving out of a parking lot, of all places. I told the PO that I was carrying concealed when he came to the window, and he asked where the firearm was, I told him on my hip, and then asked for my LTC and DL. I pulled out the IDs, he went back and checked them out, and came back and thanked me for being "honest" or something along those lines. He said he had stopped me because I had an expired inspection sticker, to get it taken care of as soon as I could, and sent me on my way.

The other more recent incident was interesting.

I was staying at a friend's place for the weekend and they were lighting fireworks in the evening. It was off-season, but they were just firecrackers. No big deal, right? Well, apparently a neighbor had called the cops claiming they heard gunshots at our place. Shortly after we finished and went inside, three cruisers pull up to the house.

The friend answered the door and the PO said they had been called about gunfire at the house. The friend said "No, we were just lighting fireworks." They asked to come in and were let in. They immediately asked if there were any firearms in the house and I said "Yes, upstairs in a bedroom drawer." Two officers asked me to show them up while 2 others stayed downstairs to talk to my friends.

Once upstairs they asked again where the firearm was, and I pointed to the drawer. They asked if it was loaded, I said it was. One officer went to the drawer to check it out, while the second asked me for my LTC. I first pulled out my DL because it was the first ID I had my fingers on and gave it to him, and he said "OK, but I really need to see your LTC." I fished out the LTC and gave it to him, and he gave it to the second officer who walked into the hallway and radioed in the IDs. While the IDs were being checked the first officer asked me about the fireworks, I said "Yes, we were lighting firecrackers, we're done now", etc etc. The second officer came back in and said it all checked out. They gave me back the IDs, and the firearm which I put back in the drawer, and we went downstairs.

The cops commiserated for a min and they said to us, "K guys, no more fireworks. You know they are illegal in the state of Mass, right?" We all nodded in that demure way people do when they are being submissive to the authority in knowing they did something they were not supposed to, hehe.

We thanked them, and while they were leaving one of the officers asked me a question about the gun (S&W MP 45), and I followed him outside. For the next 5 mins I was talking gunshop with them all, having a grand-ole' time. After the friendly banter they left, and that's it. No biggie. Needless to say, my friends learned to not light fireworks off-season, lol!
Wow.....lucky you.

With the limited detail in your story, it sounds like your very lucky for not getting busted for improper storage in the second "issue". Was the drawer locked? Trigger lock?
Big mistake. Never let an LEO inside your house without a warrant.

Well, it wasn't my decision to do so or not since it was not my house.

As for the storage issue, I figure that aside from the "direct control" ambiguity in the MGL, the officers seemed to be relieved that it was not a true "dangerous circumstance", and that they were simply glad most of the "i"s were dotted and "t"s crossed.

With that all said...Does anyone else have any "showing LTC on demand" stories?

Would be fun to read.
Big mistake. Never let an LEO inside your house without a warrant.

Absolutely, no good will usually come of this.

Lets say you had just finished cleaning some of your firearms and they weren't locked up, you could have a hell of a time with an unsafe storage violation. No good can come of letting a LEO in your place unless they have a warrant.
Reading that second story I got the same feeling you get watching a movie where you see all the things the main character is doing wrong and you know it’s going to end bad but you’re powerless to stop it.

You’re one lucky guy.
With that all said...Does anyone else have any "showing LTC on demand" stories?

Would be fun to read.

OK, I'll open carry to the airport this evening and I will get back to you. I have to imagine they will ask me for my LTC... You'd think at least. [grin]
I assume since you need a LTC to own a handgun they would always ask to see it. I have beens asked 2 times in CT to produce when I said I was armed in a vehicle (only after being asked)...Its going to depend on the incident I think. I have also been at someones home when the police were in their Kitchen (some accident report)..I was carrying openly..I saw the officer look when I walked in..We had small talk..but they never asked to see my permit or anything..
A few years back, while hunting, I was asked by an EPO to produce my hunting license and gun permit. I handed her my (loaded, safety on) Remington 870 12-gauge, informed her that it was loaded and then reached in my wallet for my MA resident sporting (combination hunting & fishing) license, along with my FID. She examined the licenses and handed them back to me, along with my shotgun. She thanked me and then left the area. is one for you. I was in Home Depot picking up some supplies. When I reached down to get something off the bottom shelf, apparently some old hag could see my gun as my shirt opened. Now, I didn't know about this. Two cops showed up with pistols drawn. Fun fun for me! After taking my firearm and checking my ID they let me go. This was the problem.....the old hag went to the service desk and yelled "there is a man with a gun back there!!!". So they obviously called it in like I was some madman, rather than a law abiding citizen who's over shirt opened a little bit. Here is a clue for the old hag.....mind your own f'ing business or get out of my hair and go play bingo!
You are involving yourself in what some of like to call "playing a stupid game". Yo could have gotten ROYALLY bent over for improper firearm storage. Loss of LTC, as well as freedom. Dont' be stupid, you'll win stupid prizes. is one for you. I was in Home Depot picking up some supplies. When I reached down to get something off the bottom shelf, apparently some old hag could see my gun as my shirt opened. Now, I didn't know about this. Two cops showed up with pistols drawn. Fun fun for me! After taking my firearm and checking my ID they let me go. This was the problem.....the old hag went to the service desk and yelled "there is a man with a gun back there!!!". So they obviously called it in like I was some madman, rather than a law abiding citizen who's over shirt opened a little bit. Here is a clue for the old hag.....mind your own f'ing business or get out of my hair and go play bingo!

One word (ala Joe Biden) Smart Carry.
One word (ala Joe Biden) Smart Carry.

A very polite way of saying "Don't be stupid when carrying." Concealed means concealed. If someone doesn't understand that it's not unreasonable to think that the issuing authority might think that they are unsuitable. I don't particularly like the anti gun paranoia, but it's something we have to live with in this screwed up state.
Don't be so eager to tell people you own guns and/or are carrying a gun is all I've got to say. The more information you freely offer up, the more situations like these you will find yourself in, and the higher the chance of one of them turning out badly for you.
So here we have a few examples of people somewhat openly in possession of firearms with the public and/or police, and on all counts, they were let go. This seems to confirm my experiences over the years (not my own, but observed), and that the general consensus on NES is wrong about losing a license or getting in some sort of trouble. I keep saying this, but the general answer is "you be the example". I think it is all a bunch of tinfoil hat wearing goofiness, if you ask me.
I am surprised that I've never been asked to show an LTC at any of the gun shows when I've been carrying and had to clear it before entering. is one for you. I was in Home Depot picking up some supplies. When I reached down to get something off the bottom shelf, apparently some old hag could see my gun as my shirt opened. Now, I didn't know about this. Two cops showed up with pistols drawn. Fun fun for me! After taking my firearm and checking my ID they let me go. This was the problem.....the old hag went to the service desk and yelled "there is a man with a gun back there!!!". So they obviously called it in like I was some madman, rather than a law abiding citizen who's over shirt opened a little bit. Here is a clue for the old hag.....mind your own f'ing business or get out of my hair and go play bingo!

One more reason why I pocket carry.
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