Hey ladies,
I'm thinking about buying my wife a 36LS as her first gun for home defense. Believe me, getting from "I don't like guns in the house" to this is a minor miracle. I think moving to a rural area, and the fact she doesn't have to be licensed to buy a handgun or ammo was a factor. Anyway, a full metal 38 Special revolver seems the ticket for practice and realistic defense at 7-21 feet. Nothing complicated like my autos, low recoil so she'll practice with me. Fairly adequate cartridge at close distance, especially with the +P's available. May change the wooden grip to a beefier Packmayr rubber wrap-around with logo for cushioning and secure grip. Any of you ladies had experience with this revolver? Any suggestions?
I'm thinking about buying my wife a 36LS as her first gun for home defense. Believe me, getting from "I don't like guns in the house" to this is a minor miracle. I think moving to a rural area, and the fact she doesn't have to be licensed to buy a handgun or ammo was a factor. Anyway, a full metal 38 Special revolver seems the ticket for practice and realistic defense at 7-21 feet. Nothing complicated like my autos, low recoil so she'll practice with me. Fairly adequate cartridge at close distance, especially with the +P's available. May change the wooden grip to a beefier Packmayr rubber wrap-around with logo for cushioning and secure grip. Any of you ladies had experience with this revolver? Any suggestions?