Rep. Rashida Tlaib blames white supremacy for New Jersey killings, despite shooters not being white

Feb 6, 2012
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Garbage from an idiot, but it needs to be shared

A Democratic Congresswoman fixated on identity politics has come under fire after she blamed the Jersey City Kosher Supermarket shooting on “White Supremacy,” only to discover that a fringe group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites carried out the attack.

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was quick on the trigger when she took to Twitter to point fingers for Tuesday’s shooting, blaming White Supremacists for the incident.

“’This is heartbreaking,” she tweeted from her personal Twitter account. “White Supremacy Kills.”

The tweet was soon deleted after it was discovered both perpetrators were black, but the internet tends to remember things and the screenshot of the tweet was soon circulated across the internet, with many claiming Tlaib was trying to stir up division.


According to the Daily Mail, New Jersey’s attorney general Gurbir Grewal, said the two killers who stormed the kosher market were driven by hatred of Jews and law enforcement.

The gunmen were armed with around five weapons of multiple types, as well as an improvised explosive device.

“The evidence points toward acts of hate,” Grewal said. “I can confirm that we’re investigating this matter as potential acts of domestic terrorism fueled both by anti-Semitism and anti-law enforcement beliefs.”

The two gunmen killed a Jersey City detective before killing three others at the store. A fifth victim was wounded but managed to flee.

Tlaib also called for more gun control in the state of New Jersey, despite the state having some of the strictest regulations in the US.
It's just like the "lax gun laws" in neighboring states being responsible for gun violence in NJ, where gun laws are strict. White Supremacists enable Black Supremacists and until they are stopped those other that whites will be drawn to supremacy groups. Right? Blame anyone but those responsible...
A radical, Leftist Palestinian Terrorist. A hater of Jews, a hater of anyone who supports Jews. A supporter of Terrorism against Israel. A supporter of Terrorism against anyone who supports Israel. A hater of America. An active member of the Socialist Party in America.
The very identity of the vermin we don’t want in America and the very identity of how the Leftists intend to destroy America with open borders and unlimited immigration.
liberal politicians have completely eliminated personal/individual responsibility from their vocabulary.
liberal politicians have completely eliminated personal/individual responsibility from their vocabulary.
Donks don't ascribe fixed meanings to words, so such concepts as "vocabulary" is useless in discussing them. They just make noises that they hope sound pleasant to their supporters.
A radical, Leftist Palestinian Terrorist. A hater of Jews, a hater of anyone who supports Jews. A supporter of Terrorism against Israel. A supporter of Terrorism against anyone who supports Israel. A hater of America. An active member of the Socialist Party in America.
The very identity of the vermin we don’t want in America and the very identity of how the Leftists intend to destroy America with open borders and unlimited immigration.

Target Sports delivered here today.......again! ;)
What's wrong with being White...? Some of my best friends are White.
I think it is basically black Jew versus white Jew. If it was anything other than that, rest assured the Southern Poverty Law Center pukes would be pushing for an all-out federal civil rights violation investigation, with lawsuits to follow. It did not involve an angry white southern man or the KKK, so SPLC maintains radio silence on this crime.
Of course it's whitey's fault. White straight males are responsible for anything bad that has ever happened on our planet, including, but not limited to, the great extinction 65x10^6 years ago of the dinosaurs. If you disagree you're racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ethnocentric, metrosexualist, Subaruphobic, and I'm sure many more!
Allowing females of color into powerful government positions was a mistake. Same goes for old white men!

I wouldn't go that far, but the fact that we allow people to make a lifelong career out of controlling other people, without having any experience in real life or having to build something, or having 30% of your paycheck wiped out.... that's a problem.

I really wasn't the type of person to think that things were going to go bad in my lifetime, but now I'm not so sure. I mean shooting bad
I wouldn't go that far, but the fact that we allow people to make a lifelong career out of controlling other people, without having any experience in real life or having to build something, or having 30% of your paycheck wiped out.... that's a problem.

I really wasn't the type of person to think that things were going to go bad in my lifetime, but now I'm not so sure. I mean shooting bad
Not wishing for anything, but if its unavoidable, Id wish theyd hurry up. My eyes arent getting any better. (or my back or my knees...)
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