Our Westgate is coming.

"On Campus" is not "there".

Depending on the campus in question or mall in question that could still mean 5-15 minutes (or more) to get to the shooter.

Didn't he also chain and padlock the doors first? Cruisers don't usually carry bolt cutters while on patrol, so more time lost and unavoidable.
Don't cops usually carry fairly effective bolt cutters usually strapped to either their right or left hips?

Thats hollywood movie garbage. I'll set up a pair of commercial steel doors chained closed on one side that you can't see, and I'll give you a handgun chambered in a duty caliber... (9/40/45) you can have fun trying to get that to work. [rofl]

ETA: Oh also, to add to the fun, you don't have any idea whether or not there are people you don't want to shoot behind this door. You think the bullets that don't connect with the chain are just gonna self destruct because they know they didn't hit a lock?

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Don't cops usually carry fairly effective bolt cutters usually strapped to either their right or left hips?


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I don't even really fear the durkas actually (there's pretty much a static limit to how much physical damage they can actually do); I fear the way our legislators and government will react, in their typical full retard, knee jerk fashion, if the durkas can pull off killing a bunch of children at once.


This.. The only counter would be if they encounter armed Civilian resistance. And of course.. They will hit the GFZ schools exclusively. If an active shooter gets taken out by a history prof with a CCW... That would be a teachable moment for the sheep like masses.
Fourth reason: They're really not as smart as we're afraid they are.
Bingo. It would be so easy to inflict fear at countless places. Our security may be good, but they are not everywhere. Supermarket, school, commuter train - all simple easy targets that I'm amazed that we have not seen a single assailant go after.
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