oregon militia seizes building

Good breakdown. Most of what we could gather from the video, but some things that we didn't know for sure, but could have guessed.

Many people were wondering why they didn't just arrest them when they arrived to meet the Sheriff. Well...

The FBI originally intended to conduct the operation in Grant county as they believed, with Sheriff Palmer’s relationship with the Malhuer Activists and their trust of him, that the probability of a peaceful resolution was greater in Grant County than Harney County. This decision was overridden by Oregon State Police and the FBI Tactical specifically to reverse that probability. A reasonable person could easily conclude from that fact, that Oregon State Police and the FBI Tactical Team wanted to create the opportunity for violent confrontation.

Yet some people claim it is nothing but a conspiracy that they wanted a violent confrontation. If the above quote is true, it isn't a conspiracy. It's a fact.

In testimony by Law Enforcement identified only as “Officer 4” it is revealed that “FBI” team members failed to truthfully identify themselves to even Oregon State Police Officers, and were identified by fictitious first names only.

This I also assumed, based on the live stream of the final arrest, with the FBI prick doing his best to incite a shootout, going only by the name "Mark". It was clearly a fake name. What I didn't know was they didn't even identify themselves to the State Police.

the roadblock established by the Oregon State Police was illegal as ruled by the United States Supreme Court as it did not allow an avenue of egress for the fleeing vehicle nor did it allow sufficient time or distance for a vehicle to come safely to a stop. The term for this type of road block according to the United States Supreme Court is a “Dead-mans Roadblock.” This is appropriately deemed a Dead-mans Roadblock because there was no alternative course of travel and the roadblock was placed at the end of a blind turn in which the driver could not see the roadblock with sufficient time to react and effect a stop before colliding with the components of the roadblock. A roadblock in and of itself is use of deadly force and in some cases unlawful seizure. The Justice Departments own policy on pursuits and roadblocks read; “Fixed roadblocks are extremely dangerous and are rarely justifiable.”, “…When the road is totally blocked, so that even a slow moving vehicle cannot go around—or through—safely, the degree of risk is heightened. When a complete blockage of the roadway is undertaken, officers should ensure that the oncoming suspect has a clear view of the roadblock, and has ample time to stop safely, should he or she decide to do so. This complete blockage usually represents a higher level of control, and could be constitutionally unreasonable unless properly managed.”


The roadblock was a prepared and pre-scouted ambush. Statements from Oregon State Police show that the location of the ambush that culminated in the execution of LaVoy Finicum was scouted days ahead of time. The location was selected specifically for the blind corner that terminated in the kill zone and the fact that there was no cellular communications possible. FBI operators were at the location two days prior to the stop preparing fighting positions, clearing underbrush and tree limbs for clear lines of sight and creating sniper positions by clearing snow away from tree bases. This can be attested to by the investigation and by a citizen who visited the scene the day after the murder and photographed the evidence of the preparations. The road block was not a procedural Law Enforcement road block, but a standard military style “L-Ambush”.

Anyone with any sense realized the "roadblock" was designed as an ambush. As soon as the video was released pretty much the very first comments on this forum was "that's an L shaped ambush". Well if the above is correct, it was also, unsurprisingly, illegal.
There's a big difference between an ambush and a roadblock.

None of this surprises me, as it looks certain the intention was to murder them, and true to everything else we've seen, they managed to even screw that up too, just getting one, and leaving a clear evidence trail.
Also, more on just how deep the blue line goes.


Of course the thought of hiding the name of anyone not a cop who is involved in a shooting doesn't even occur. Equal protection under the law? Not even a consideration. It is standard that cops shoukd get more protection and even suggesting otherwise is looked on as asinine.

Justified shooting or not, if you aren't a cop, your name is quick to be released. Heck, if they even suspect you to be involved, even if you aren't, name released. But a cop, on video, shooting someone? No way! That would just be preposterous!

Here is a thought. Maybe they wouldn't be getting threats if people knew they would be treated the same as anyone else, and justice would be served? But that is probably ridiculous too, no doubt.

Pure unfettered corruption.
We have the most corrupt state government in the nation here in Oregon and it is run by democrats. Might think about that come the next election.

As federal land rights issues escalate all over the U.S., we are holding a rally for concerned citizens from 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM on Wednesday, March 23rd outside the N.H. State House in Concord. Our purpose with this rally is specifically to protest increasing federal acquisition of private lands in NH to the detriment of NH property owners and communities.

I probably ought to start a new thread just for this kind of stuff, but they are interlocked so I keep putting them here.

I would like to know about some of these events a little more then 30 min's before they start.
Not trying to be a d*ck, it just seems to happen a lot lately.
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The shooting fallout, court cases and investigations will drag out years and in the end it will be another Ruby Ridge where the government will realize it should pay a hefty sum to the family rather than let a civil case be won against them. I.e. hush money in exchange for silence.
Utah Pushing to Remove Police Powers From BLM, Forest Service


Utah's four House Republicans introduced a bill that would strip the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service of their power to police federal lands, and give that power over to local cops.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz and his three GOP colleagues from Utah introduced the Local Enforcement for Local Lands Act.

The lawmakers say the growth of police authorities in both agencies has distracted them from their main mission of managing federal land, and has created conflicts with local authorities. They also say federal agents are not as trusted as local police, and should be removed.
I disagree that is is a career ender. The FBI shot and killed Vicki Weaver, while holding her baby, from a distance, and nothing bad happened to them as a result.

I think that shooting and this one deserve an ending of a different kind, but that is an exercise left to the reader.
This is sticking around longer than I expected it to.

Threats continue over killing during Oregon refuge takeover

SALEM, Ore. — Officials say threats against police and public officials that started within hours of the Jan. 26 death of ranching standoff leader Robert “LaVoy” Finicum have continued.

One anonymous caller threatened to kill Gov. Kate Brown the day after Finicum died. Earlier this month, authorities documented up to 80 threats against police officers and others, according to The Oregonian newspaper.

“We’re going to shoot to kill,” one anonymous caller said in a message left for Brown.

“You killed an unarmed rancher, so now one of you must die,” said another caller to her office.

Finicum was shot by state troopers as he tried to evade arrest. He and others were part of the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
I hate to say this but somebody has to hold them accountable. We can't continue to have the police and feds running around executing people. If they won't cross the blue line and hold themselves accountable then eventually the public will, maybe this will be the beginning of that. I truly hope the OSP and FBI feel the pressure and arrest the killers before it has to be handled by vigilantes. Not holding my breath.
I hate to say this but somebody has to hold them accountable. We can't continue to have the police and feds running around executing people. If they won't cross the blue line and hold themselves accountable then eventually the public will, maybe this will be the beginning of that. I truly hope the OSP and FBI feel the pressure and arrest the killers before it has to be handled by vigilantes. Not holding my breath.
We have precedent from Ruby Ridge. There's no "holding accountable" by local jurisdiction when the feds are concerned.
Cry me a river.

If there is an official inquiry or hearings the names are going to come out eventually.
No matter what happens , they are going to have to square up with the fact they gunned down a man with his hands up.
If that doesn't eat you up inside then you deserve whatever karma comes your way anyway.
The fact they feel the need to resort to this level of asshattery shows they are running scared.
That's some weak assed shit.
6 million in damages to a facility that's most likely not even valued at a quarter of that ?
The sheep will snort that crap up like cocaine.
STILL waiting for release of the dashcam video and accompanying audio. If this event is as legit as the Feds say, that video should exonerate them as it has in the past, on multiple occasions, exonerated OR SP in other shootings.
STILL waiting for release of the dashcam video and accompanying audio. If this event is as legit as the Feds say, that video should exonerate them as it has in the past, on multiple occasions, exonerated OR SP in other shootings.

Patience. As others have said, they aren't done manipulating and falsifying it yet. At this point I won't believe anything the feds say or show us. If the dashcam proved their innocence we would have seen it weeks ago. The fact that we haven't seen it means it proves their guilt and we will never see it or we will see the altered/falsified version it has taken them months to create.
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Patience. As others have said, they aren't done manipulating and falsifying it yet. At this point I won't believe anything the feds say or show us.

Control (manipulate) the narrative and the world is yours...

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STILL waiting for release of the dashcam video and accompanying audio. If this event is as legit as the Feds say, that video should exonerate them as it has in the past, on multiple occasions, exonerated OR SP in other shootings.

The only people who will ever see that video are a judge and his family during the civil trial. It will never be released because the government will settle right after. Money for silence.
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