No More Rifles in Califorina

This is the perfect time for all manufacturers to cease all sales and service of AR's to any government entity in California.
It is time to demand that the gun and equipment manufactures quit supplying to law enforcement what civilians cannot purchase!

It is time to demand that the gun and equipment manufactures quit supplying to law enforcement what civilians cannot purchase!


I found suppliers of LEOs in my state and have been contacting them (with our new AW ban/reg.) ~ zero return contacts. Most don't care apparently.
I just heard on the NRANEWS that the bill is on the Gov's desk and he IS expected to sign it

should be some great buys on gunbroker soon

oh and didn't they first make you register your 50 cals and then banned them and used the list to make sure you turned them in?
Another reason why I have absolutely no use for FA-10s. Once they know exactly what you own, confiscation becomes a relatively easy matter.
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