MTM Ammo Cases - No go in MA?

I have one for traveling to the range with, you can put a lock through it if you want, the handles already popped off once under the weight though.
Well the law says ammo needs to be stored in the original container? That just seems crazy to me. I figured these would be better store in the safe and say if I didn't want to bring a whole 100 round box, I could throw 50 in one and be good to go.
Interesting. I went right to the CMR directly. 13.04:(1)(e) uses the language "original containers." I wonder how that would be applied to reloaded ammunition.

Thanks for the cite.

I mean really, what's the BFD about "original packaging" if they're stored properly? It's only going to get worse boys...
So if you buy a box of 20 .30-30 cartridges, then take them out of the original cardboard box and place them in a plastic are breaking the law...? I guess reloading should be very interesting... [thinking]
I've always wondered whether those storage regs prohibit storing a loaded magazine. Maybe anyone who wants to store something "ready to go" needs get a permit from their fire department? Applying in-mass might be a good way to gain support for changing it. [smile]
I simply sell my entire ammo chest to a friend and buy it back for a dollar whenever I buy new ammo.. that way it is always in the container I bought it in.

(I don't really do that)
Sent from my chimney using smoke signals.
I simply sell my entire ammo chest to a friend and buy it back for a dollar whenever I buy new ammo.. that way it is always in the container I bought it in.

(I don't really do that)
Sent from my chimney using smoke signals.
It's illegal to sell ammo in MA without a permit. [wink]
My guess is the original intent of the law was regulating the storage of powder. Mislabeled or otherwise different containers could have disastrous consequences. Then in their infinite wisdom, our esteemed lawmakers decided to include all the rest.
My guess is the original intent of the law was regulating the storage of powder. Mislabeled or otherwise different containers could have disastrous consequences. Then in their infinite wisdom, our esteemed lawmakers decided to include all the rest.

It wasn't "lawmakers" in the usual sense. It was the State Fire Marshal who made those regulations.

Interestingly, the State Fire Marshal does NOT have to have been a firefighter nor does he have to have a f'n clue about firefighting. I once had a deadbeat <computer support> client who had been State Fire Marshal and also once upon a time a Deputy Registrar of Motor Vehicles (both political appointments). His real world profession was a candy wholesaler! My prior Fire Chief told me that his nickname amongst the fire services was "The Candy Man" when he was State Fire Marshal!
Oh my god. Massparanoia has risen to a new level.

To the OP, do you reload, or do you want to put factory ammo in those boxes?
If you would like to put factory ammo in those boxes, I'm not sure why go through the extra effort to move it form one box to another.

But if thats your intent, god just do it and don't post it on an internet forum. Nobody cares, not even the FRB. Seriously, they don't care.

And to anticipate potential follow up questions, no, the box doesn't need to be locked while you transport the ammo.

Ha, this thread turned out real good! :) The reason I wanted to pick up a couple of these is for when I have a 100 round box and don't end up shooting the whole thing. I could just throw the left overs in one of these, vs a ripped open card board box, you know? It's basically so I don't have rounds rolling around my my range bag. I don't even know why I even looked up the storage law in the first place, maybe because I knew this f'd up state would have something weird to say. And yes...I know ammo doesn't need to be locked up when transporting. [smile]
Who gives a F? Seriously? When Marcia and her friends read shit like this, they know that they have the population right where they want us. I mean, the average MA gun owner is afraid of putting ammo in the WRONG GODDAMNED BOX! CHRIST people!
Who gives a F? Seriously? When Marcia and her friends read shit like this, they know that they have the population right where they want us. I mean, the average MA gun owner is afraid of putting ammo in the WRONG GODDAMNED BOX! CHRIST people!


Well said. I tried, but didn't succeed as well as you.

Who gives a F? Seriously? When Marcia and her friends read shit like this, they know that they have the population right where they want us. I mean, the average MA gun owner is afraid of putting ammo in the WRONG GODDAMNED BOX! CHRIST people!

So who gets to decide which laws we follow and which are stupid enough to safely ignore?
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