More Moms demand blah blah blah fun Megathread update #647 Shannon Watts Want Your Credit Card To Monitor Your Purchases

Soviet, Socalist, Fascist, Nazi, Communist, etc... all claimed state ownership of children at one point or another in their progression.

We have moonbats claiming it here now. As an extension of "it takes a village", they don't think your children belong to you.

The Constitution explains that it is necessary for the security of a free-state and what is the point in civilization if not to secure the future for the next generation?

Tell me again who's protecting children?

These people who truly believe this crap really scare the shit out of me
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You know, I find it amazing that their FB page seemed to top out with the amount of likes that it had and then for some reason, over the last couple of months, it seems to grow by around 500 or so a day. Hmmmmm.....wonder how that's happening.

& oh yea, you know that "90% of American's want background checks" thing they it's up to "92%" according to them.

[puke] [thinking] [puke] [hmmm]
You know, I find it amazing that their FB page seemed to top out with the amount of likes that it had and then for some reason, over the last couple of months, it seems to grow by around 500 or so a day. Hmmmmm.....wonder how that's happening.

& oh yea, you know that "90% of American's want background checks" thing they it's up to "92%" according to them.

[puke] [thinking] [puke] [hmmm]
92.76754653 %. But that's just a rough estimate. The Mom's big protest of the NRA
Exclude the reporters (I bet there were a lot of NY times, local papers, CNN, etc.) and they could all fit on a school bus. They really want another school shooting, they need something to attract moonbats to them.

This has always been the case.

There are some that simply thrive on tragedy. I have family members like this. One was told that, due to a certain medication she was taking at the time, she should ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY NOT try to conceive a baby, as that medication was linked to birth defects. She PURPOSELY got knocked, hoping for a "special" baby so she'd get attention.

And then there are the sociopaths, that have no trouble with standing on the corpses of innocents to push their agendas - and are quite happy creating more if need be. They have always have occupied our political classes, but many more have come "out of the closet" since 12/15/12.
If you can stomach the douchebag, here ya go. In fromt of her wopping 110 person crowd. Bussed in. I'm surprised it took that long into her speech to mention Sandy Hook [rolleyes]
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If you can stomach the douchebag, here ya go. In fromt of her wopping 110 person crowd. Bussed in. I'm surprised it took that long into her speech to mention Sandy Hook [rolleyes] [/QUO

Yet these Moms endorse the murder of millions via the vagina. Sorry moderators, facts cant be ignored. Moms Demand the repeal of the 2A also are the Emily's list enablers.
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Is that a bearded Mom on house left (stage right), in the red t-shirt? One of those trans-gendered Moms, perhaps?

He's a "Handler"
They are in charge of the bussed in paid "Crowd".
Telling them where to stand, handing out their pre made signs ect.
There is footage of one of them, maybe even this guy in CO. walking down the line handing out greenbacks.

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If you can stomach the douchebag, here ya go. In fromt of her wopping 110 person crowd. Bussed in. I'm surprised it took that long into her speech to mention Sandy Hook [rolleyes]

I'm glad you posted this, I watched it earlier and was cracking up. She criticized the TN legislature for passing bill to allow carry at parks and such and said they were pandering to a crowd from out of state that was here for the weekend. These hags have chutzpah. A professional PR hack from Indiana peddling that crap? [laugh]

Then bragging about how well their candidates did in the midterm elections? [rofl]. [rofl] [rofl]

Hey are bragging they stopped campus carry in AR, SD, etc while it be passed in NV, will in TX and FL, etc. Bragged they stopped constitutional carry in SD, WV, UT, MT but that is only because a few ass governors blocked it. It's only a matter of time before it passes there. They are trying increase background checks in ME while it is poised to go con carry this summer. They are getting their asses kicked all over.

We need to ask if this is a parody group at this point.
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After watching the video again, look at the guy in the white shirt in the left corner.
Print much?
She's got her hired guns there.

But, but, but --- that's DIFFERENT - she NEEDS guns to PROTECT herself against people who have guns.

It's YOUR fault. If she takes away YOUR guns then she won't need HER armed guards.
But she has to be sure that there aren't any more people like YOU. Or me. Or anybody like us.

Hypocritical bitch.
After watching the video again, look at the guy in the white shirt in the left corner.
Print much?
She's got her hired guns there.

I would be surprised if there were not two or three more. She's just like her midget benefactor, bloomberg.

The moms are the most organized anti group the gun lobby has ever seen. [rofl]. My local PTA is better organized and can gather 2x the number in a few days.

One thing that is surprising is how bad of a PR person watts is. She can't give a speech to save her life. She has a very awkward delivery, it's not smooth, it's choppy and she needs to read her notes/speech every 2 seconds. She is terrible and for a woman who was a corporate PR flack, it's amazing how bad her presence is.
I would be surprised if there were not two or three more. She's just like her midget benefactor, bloomberg.

The moms are the most organized anti group the gun lobby has ever seen. [rofl]. My local PTA is better organized and can gather 2x the number in a few days.

One thing that is surprising is how bad of a PR person watts is. She can't give a speech to save her life. She has a very awkward delivery, it's not smooth, it's choppy and she needs to read her notes/speech every 2 seconds. She is terrible and for a woman who was a corporate PR flack, it's amazing how bad her presence is.

Which is comical, because before she became a "grassroots stay at home mom who never worked" she was at a PR company
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But, but, but --- that's DIFFERENT - she NEEDS guns to PROTECT herself against people who have guns.

It's YOUR fault. If she takes away YOUR guns then she won't need HER armed guards.
But she has to be sure that there aren't any more people like YOU. Or me. Or anybody like us.

Hypocritical bitch.

You expect any less from any self proclaimed "progressive" or supporter thereof?
Which is comical, because before she became a "grassroots stay at home mom who never worked" she was at a PR company

That's what I was referring to. She did PR for Monsanto, Ge healthcare etc. For 10 yrs and she's reading the whole speech like a 7th grader. Her delivery was horrible. Whoever wrote the speech expected her to say 'and guess who is also here (pause), Wayne LaPierre.'. Instead she doesn't pause and reads it non stop, and she screwed up other planned applause lines. I can't believe how talentless she is.

Bloomberg must pay well though. Showing up to all these sparsely attended events, she keeps going.
Another attempt to go after Kroger for following the law. Of course, the guy with the AR slung over his back is just going about his business not disturbing or threatening anyone, yet they seem to have a problem with it.

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Another attempt to go after Kroger for following the law. Of course, the guy with the AR slung over his back is just going about his business not disturbing or threatening anyone, yet they seem to have a problem with it.

that a pretty comfortable looking sling.
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The guy in the red t-shirt is the father of one of the victims of the California nutjob who bought three guns and forty ten-round mags, passed all the background checks, etc. and then went on a rampage. He'd been under the care of no less than three psychiatrists.

Dude slashed his roommates and ran down a bunch more with his bmw, and then shot several including himself.

The dad there (Hernandez??) wants everyone to pass those same checks, because the GUNS are the ****ing problem.
The guy in the red t-shirt is the father of one of the victims of the California nutjob who bought three guns and forty ten-round mags, passed all the background checks, etc. and then went on a rampage. He'd been under the care of no less than three psychiatrists.

Dude slashed his roommates and ran down a bunch more with his bmw, and then shot several including himself.

The dad there (Hernandez??) wants everyone to pass those same checks, because the GUNS are the ****ing problem.

Yeah, that's his name, I tought he looked familiar. He's the one that went on the gun control rant the day after. Punk killed 3 with a knife, 3 with a gun but guns are the issue. He hit a few with his car but they all lived. His dad is a hollywood big shot.
The dad there (Hernandez??) wants everyone to pass those same checks, because the GUNS are the ****ing problem.

No, he really wants (they all do) total bans and confiscations. But they realize that's politically impossible, so are content to chip away by suggesting "reasonable, common sense" gun control to achieve their end game.
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