Mass. Senate primary: is there anyone to vote *for*?

There is a choice in the Republican Party for the senate primary. Jack E. Robinson is running against Scott Brown. You guys might want to vote in the Republican Primary.

As Chopper reminds us, the political gadfly Jack E. Robinson squeaked onto the Republican ballot. I was hoping to use my Unenrolled status to work some mischief in the Democrat primary, But I will use my vote to ensure that Scott Brown becomes the Republican candidate for the January election.

It would be a crime for Scott Brown to miss out because of a lack of attention on our part. As I love a good conspiracy, I suspect that Robinson was brought in by the Democrats because they are concerned about Scott Brown under the current circumstances. [wink]
This was true until fairly recently, maybe the last 2 years where if you are unenrolled and pick a party ballot you are not enrolled in that party anymore but stay unenrolled.

This has been true in my town so I assume it's state wide.


That's the way I thought it worked. That's why the conflicting information caught me by surprise.
This just in, looks like good old Martha made a little "mistake" on her submitted financial reports.

She somehow "forgot" that she had $200K in the bank, don't you hate it when that happens?

Link to story.
Problem is that virtually nobody on the left cares about RKBA, at least in the full on moonbat states like MA. Without making the voters concerned about it... the people running for the offices will never care, because they simply don't have to in order to win. //

If every MA resident who read this thread contacted the four campaigns and asked their positions on RKBA, 2A, and the criminalization of lawful gun owners, I think they'd notice!

But the only way we'll find out is if you do it! I emailed all four yesterday and haven't heard back yet from any of them, but I'll give them a few days before escalating.

Capuano campaign
Coakley campaign
Khazai campaign
Pagliuca campaign

Do it! Think how uncomfortable it will make them feel!
Problem is that virtually nobody on the left cares about RKBA, at least in the full on moonbat states like MA.

Seems to me there are a bunch of state reps in Mass. who have a "D" next to their name, an "A+" from GOAL, and who are actively working in the right direction. I don't think it's a lost cause, and I think with a bit of work and a bit of luck a turnaround is possible. (Also, if you think Mass. is a moonbat state, I suggest a visit to California.)

As for my original question, the impression I get is that none of the major three candidates want to touch the issue with a 10' pole, though all of them have spoken poorly on the issue and Coakley's AG record stinks. Khazei, on the other hand, says right up front with pride that if elected he "will vote to ban assault weapons, implement child locks, strengthen background checks, close the gun show loophole", etc.
I am voting for Pagliuca

... in the primary. I want to deny Coakley at least one vote. She is the front runner and the biggest threat to Sen Brown. Brown gets my vote in the general election.

ETA - I sent some hate mail to WBUR yesterday. Yes, I listen to NPR. Get over it. In the 0730 local news segment the presenter was describing a forum among the candidates for fat Teddy's seat and went on to list Coakley, Pagliuca, Capuano, and Khazei. I complained, pointing out that the GOP is fielding two candidates, too, and that their characterization of the democrats as "THE" candidates as opposed to "the democratic party candidates" sniffed of liberal bias.

Probably nothing to do with me, but I noted in this morning's local segment that each candidate's affiliation was mentioned in the reporting, and Brown and the gadfly got mentioned.
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... in the primary. I want to deny Coakley at least one vote.
One can just as easily do that by voting for Brown in the Republican primary. It's not like any of the Democrats are worth voting for in any way sape of form.
She is the front runner and the biggest threat to Sen Brown. Brown gets my vote in the general election.
Then why not vote for him in the primary to build up his campaign rather than give any support whatsoever to any of the Democrats in this race. IMNSHO a vote for Scott Brown even in the primary is more useful in terms of building support, showing the viability of his campaign and raising funding than voting for any of the crappy Democrats in the race on the very small off chance that one of them might be less electable than the others. This tactic of voting Democrat in the primary perpetuates the Democrats stranglehold on politics in this state.
The ever-helpful Jim Wallace got back to me quite promptly. Capuano has an "F" rating from the NRA. The rest have not filled out a candidate questionnaire and don't have any sort of voting record, thus no rating. (That said, it's not voting but I think Coakley does have a relevant record as AG, and it's not a good one.)
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