Man gets sucker punched, pulls out weapons and kills the perp… You Decide…

Hmm maybe he feared the guy was going to come at him again.
Why give him the chance.
All falls into stupid games, thankful he was focused enough to plug the right guy in a white T shirt.
For sure some judicious marksmanship.

Personally i think this looks like some hood rat shit, while I know these encounters happen, the cool walk to the exit throws off some serious street vibes. Shooter knew that guy was going to die the moment he hit the floor, he just planned his escape first.
In merry Ol'England a thug kills a 53 year old man with a single punch to the head.
His life was only worth six years in jail according to their justice system.. :mad:
Judge can instruct whatever he wants to. Why would I listen to him?

This guy is guilty of a legally bad shoot (Piston, I agree with you), but morally did a community service. I could not in good conscience vote to convict. He walks.
I started replying to Neil's reply as a pure absurdity, 'Plead down to guilty of littering'...mostly true😂; but if you've ever spent 2 weeks as a juror in a Superior Court Trial , one week of rules of evidence, trial evidence, Jury instructions, and one week of Jury deliberations nothing is certain and the Judge can stack the deck as to what you can rule on....
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How about if the judge gave them different options, say 2nd degree murder or voluntary manslaughter? After that punch, I could see where as a juror I might have a hard time with a murder charge. Manslaughter, I might not have a problem with...

Do judges have that authority? I understood it to be that the prosecutor is the one who adds a lesser charge or not.

next guy dead

next guy dead
Still doesn't make it OK in the eyes of our legal system to walk away come back and shoot the guy
Still doesn't make it OK in the eyes of our legal system to walk away come back and shoot the guy
In order to be found guilty the guy had to have mens rea - If he kept his mouth shut and had the lawyer relay that he was still trying to understand what was going on as he was having perception and balance issues which caused him to believe the person was still attacking him.
In order to be found guilty the guy had to have mens rea - If he kept his mouth shut and had the lawyer relay that he was still trying to understand what was going on as he was having perception and balance issues which caused him to believe the person was still attacking him.
That depends on the offense. For example, the MA SJC has rule than AD at home within 500ft of an occupied dwelling is a "per-se" offense and the prosecution need only prove you did it. It's also a federal PP creating misdafelony.
That depends on the offense. For example, the MJC has rule than AD at home within 500ft of an occupied dwelling is a "per-se" offense and the prosecution need only prove you did it. It's also a federal PP creating misdafelony.
Not happening if I'm on the jury but the chances of myself or anyone like me getting seated are exactly zero, not close but exact.
Not happening if I'm on the jury but the chances of myself or anyone like me getting seated are exactly zero, not close but exact.
Chances of it going beyond a CWOF is there is no injury and the party is not someone they want to get for other reasons is slim.
In order to be found guilty the guy had to have mens rea - If he kept his mouth shut and had the lawyer relay that he was still trying to understand what was going on as he was having perception and balance issues which caused him to believe the person was still attacking him.
Maybe if it wasnt on video

Dont shoot people on camera
These days everyone has a cell phone and many homes have doorbell cameras. Unless you are out in the woods, assume you are on camera.
judging from all the shit people post online seems like an insane amount of people have cameras in their home also running 24/7.
Morally, he’s in the clear.
Vigilante justice does tend to be morally justifiable, properly done, anyway. This one was pretty much instant karma, but it just doesn't classify as SD, so all that case law about when it's legal to employ deadly force in SD, etc., etc., that just doesn't apply to this case.
Vigilante justice does tend to be morally justifiable, properly done, anyway. This one was pretty much instant karma, but it just doesn't classify as SD, so all that case law about when it's legal to employ deadly force in SD, etc., etc., that just doesn't apply to this case.
Has the shooter been caught?? My guess is not yet/never will be. It’s chiraq.

Instant karma is great.
NES is a confusing place. In one thread members are saying they had just wished they'd punched X guy out instead of Y outcome. In the next thread members are saying they want people who punch others out to be executed.

I'll repeat it again "I don't remember anything after the hit on the head. "
"I can't sleep , I have nightmares and I forget people I know."
"The doctors are trying to figure out if it's permanent brain damage . "
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