Man gets sucker punched, pulls out weapons and kills the perp… You Decide…

The potential seriousness of the sucker punch isn't carte blanche afterwards to kill the guy. Use of deadly force in self-defense ultimately rests on believing it is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm. Where's the "prevention" here? This looks more like an altercation with a backstory than a SD shooting.

Illinois Statutes Chapter 720. Criminal Offenses §-1.Use of force in defense of person
§ 7-1.  Use of force in defense of person.

(a) A person is justified in the use of force against another when and to the extent that he reasonably believes that such conduct is necessary to defend himself or another against such other's imminent use of unlawful force.  However, he is justified in the use of force which is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm only if he reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or another, or the commission of a forcible felony.
ethically, good shot. legally, maybe not.

Without knowing (as others have stated) the background story, have to disagree with the "ethical" part. But even if there is much more, is it enough to justify deadly force at the point shown?
The potential seriousness of the sucker punch isn't carte blanche afterwards to kill the guy. Use of deadly force in self-defense ultimately rests on believing it is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm. Where's the "prevention" here? This looks more like an altercation with a backstory than a SD shooting.

Meh, my story would be that I was unable to think clearly after that hit "rang my bell" and I instinctively went for my protection. Completely unable to think clearly.
I hope this in-duh-vidual is has sufficient medical knowledge to explain exactly what the medical consequences of a single punch to the head can be, and why another punch could easily have left him dead or organ donor material.
You don't know what the criminal had in his hands, either. The fist that delivered the punch could have held a pair of brass knuckles, palm sap, roll of quarters, yawara stick, etc. I don't count on the press for all details surrounding such incidents.
Tough one, from my point of view.

Yes, it was a potentially deadly blow, but the guy that was hit got up, left the building, returned and shot Punchy.

To me, it seems that it was in retaliation, not defense, as the threat was no longer present.

If we pillory a cop for shooting a person that's not an imminent threat, we should treat this the same. [thinking]
The raw facts are the guy was initially under threat of the deadly force used on him, however getting up and retreating a good distance away with the puncher not pursuing will be tough for the shooters defense in my opinion.

I want to say good shoot but the victim could have sodomized the shooters 5 year old kid for all we know and if that's the case we would be on the punchers side.
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