Man gets sucker punched, pulls out weapons and kills the perp… You Decide…

Haven’t heard of the mall ninja? You think it’s new? Dude. It’s over 20-years-old and it is probably the most epic troll ever.

I am a 69 year old geezer, excuse me, senior citizen who is stubbornly old school. Chief Special 60 .38 and Recon 1 are what I carry, not punk junk. Always admired 007 and Q, with all their gadgets, though.
The shooter probably bumped the “victim” as they were close to eachother. Swears exchanged, victim sucker punched. If they knew eachother he would have known he was carrying.

Speculation obviously
Let me restate my thought on the open hand bitch slap being completely legal. I'd be cool if someone flapped their gums at you, to apply the OHBS. The sucker punch, from behind, out of the blue, I'm not a fan of. I'm not going to lose any sleep over this, but this is a classic case of two idiots entering the field of battle, they both lose.
Let me restate my thought on the open hand bitch slap being completely legal. I'd be cool if someone flapped their gums at you, to apply the OHBS. The sucker punch, from behind, out of the blue, I'm not a fan of. I'm not going to lose any sleep over this, but this is a classic case of two idiots entering the field of battle, they both lose.
Real life case of this happened in Lowell years ago. Some guy named Bilodeau was the victim. One punch, he fell, hit his head on concrete parking lot and died. The guy who threw the punch was a relative of famed prizefighter Mickey Ward.
That punch could’ve been catastrophic. That fall down after the punch could’ve been catastrophic. A slow brain bleed from either or both could also have been catastrophic.

Don’t swing on people if you don’t want the return receipt to be catastrophic.
Could have been, but it wasn’t. And the guy got up, started to leave, then came back and shot him. Even if you think that the punch constituted deadly force (a court would not agree), the threat was over, then the shooter reengaged.

Am I upset that the puncher learned about PSGWSP? Not really. But shooter is in a world of legal trouble if the police catch up with him.
So, imagine you’re on the jury on this one. Given the limited facts of the case (the video only) and nothing more, do YOU vote guilty or not guilty?
Real life case of this happened in Lowell years ago. Some guy named Bilodeau was the victim. One punch, he fell, hit his head on concrete parking lot and died. The guy who threw the punch was a relative of famed prizefighter Mickey Ward.
I was watching some 'Cop' show. Some city had a 'mutual combat' law. I mean, the cops verified they both wanted to, they went at it. Cops broke it up once someone went down. I'd like to see more of this. Cops there to keep it relatively safe, but just let them go at it.

There's a reason I was never in a real throw down in my 21 years as a LEO. I've been KTFO more than once. I'm pretty damned good in hand to hand (or used to be anyway). I've trained with a UFC contract holder. But I know, one hit is all it takes. I didn't see any that did it to me, I don't care WHO you are, if you don't see it, it'll drop you.
Could have been, but it wasn’t. And the guy got up, started to leave, then came back and shot him. Even if you think that the punch constituted deadly force (a court would not agree), the threat was over, then the shooter reengaged.

Am I upset that the puncher learned about PSGWSP? Not really. But shooter is in a world of legal trouble if the police catch up with him.
I understand what you’re saying. I’m just speaking from a point of things done vs. things that can’t be undone in the moment. The guy who got shot surely regretted it as he lay dying.

Legally, I can’t disagree but I would probably even surprise myself if I was a juror in his trial.
Real life case of this happened in Lowell years ago. Some guy named Bilodeau was the victim. One punch, he fell, hit his head on concrete parking lot and died. The guy who threw the punch was a relative of famed prizefighter Mickey Ward.
Wasn’t it his brother dicky?
Yes it was Dickey Eklund, who is now a trainer. Eklund and Bilodeau threw punches at each other and missed. The guy who threw the fatal punch was John Morrell, Dickey's cousin. Dickey was training Morrell. Morrell did a few years in prison for Bilodeau's death but Eklund was not charged.
Wasn’t it his brother dicky?
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Let me restate my thought on the open hand bitch slap being completely legal. I'd be cool if someone flapped their gums at you, to apply the OHBS. The sucker punch, from behind, out of the blue, I'm not a fan of. I'm not going to lose any sleep over this, but this is a classic case of two idiots entering the field of battle, they both lose.

I believe the term you're looking for is "pimp hand".
You get punched in the head by someone you may not know and see how rational you would be after having your brain knocked around..
Many people die from a single punch to the head. Maybe not that second, but later due to complications because of it.
Punch someone in the head and I would consider him a deadly threat!

Mind your own business and don't go around hurting people and you just might live longer,

Hurt me and you will get hurt back. Who said I have to fair about it?
Agree if you stay in the area

But he got up left and then came back to the fight.

In the eyes of the law thats not cool

In real world applications... o well someone who deserved it got smoked.

But once your away you cant come back according to modern law
Able to leave? Then not under imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm. Does "leaving" further expose you to a potential deadly threat? If yes, then you are not able to leave. If no, then leave. What about "stand your ground" laws? "Stand your ground" in my lay person's opinion, not as a legal analysis, codifies "no duty to retreat" if retreating would further place you in harms way. It does not fundamentally change when and how you can respond with justified deadly force when faced with an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm. This guy apparently had the ability to leave, did leave, and came back to shoot the puncher. Not a justifiable shooting.

A sucker punch could be justification for deadly force in self defense. A sucker punch could be fatal. It could be the beginning of a deadly assault. It could absolutely leave a person incapacitated and vulnerable to any number of further threats. This was not that case. Bad shoot.
The people in the area where this event took place have a different set of rules to live by than you and me. The puncher was going to get it sooner or later, it just happened right then and there. The people around there are actually lucky he didn't return later and do a drive-by shooting up innocent along with the intended victim. The class of people in that area of Chicago would shoot you for dissing them a lot less than a sucker punch to the head and knocking him down in front of his peers. the shooter did what he considered to be normal under those circumstances. He did/doesn't pay any attention to "the man's" laws anyway. the only law he knows is the law of the street. beside, it would be 2nd degree murder and they wouldn't detain him under the proposed laws anyway.
So, imagine you’re on the jury on this one. Given the limited facts of the case (the video only) and nothing more, do YOU vote guilty or not guilty?
if he were to have been hit and returned fire to an oncoming attack there will be no charges. If the dude swings on him and then pursues him out the door there would be no charges. In this case the dude got hit, walked away and headed out the door before turning back and shooting. Judging by the video and body language there was no threat other than a damaged ego as he left. That is what will jam him up.
dude is screwed. He essentially left and returned to shoot the guy, and when he did there was no apparent immediate threat.

NES lawyers should enjoy this thread. Plenty of people think this is a good shoot that the NES attorneys should be able to retire early off of ONE case lol
dude is screwed. He essentially left and returned to shoot the guy, and when he did there was no apparent immediate threat.

NES lawyers should enjoy this thread. Plenty of people think this is a good shoot that the NES attorneys should be able to retire early off of ONE case lol
This was Chicago…police probably lost interest in looking for the dude page 2 of this thread…
I think it’s obvious that the laws on retaliatory violence need to be changed.

Human life may have once been sacred, but no longer.

The threshold for lethal force needs to be lowered, or just ignored by all until society learns how to behave.
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