Justice Kennedy - Trump Replacement Online Poll - VOTE!

What makes you say that? He's a fairly straight constitutionalist that is not shy about voicing himself
He’s a swam monster believe it or not. He was all for special counsel and Mueller investigation. Now, that could mean someone from the Clinton Crime Family with a black mask or suitcase full of cash paid him a visit (same with Jason Chaffetz). But all he does is talk the talk and not walk the walk. If I had better computer skills I could attach what Mark Levine said about him but you can Google it, it’s very interesting. Believe me, a year and a half ago he was my golden God so it’s very disappointing for me as well. I would still take 1 Trey Gowdy over 100 Ryan’s or McConnells though. I think he would lean to moderate as SCJ, just my opinion.
We gotta be careful using a good Rep. Senator to replace the judge. You never know who or what will slide into the replaced senator's seat. Just look at Romney to prove the point.
Great point. Plenty of good ones out there to choose from.

Hardiman would be a good pick from a 2A point of view. I still like Judge Nap.
Got to find somebody that's in their late 20s or early 30s so they can go for at least 50 years
That would be good, but there's always some risk in that. There've been judges that looked safely conservative but over the years they swung left. Someone in their late 40s and beyond is probably pretty set in their ways.

Yes 67% | 398 votes
No 33% | 198 votes
I've noticed when people are younger they're more liberal "save the whales" "the environment" "stop a big oil" then when you get older your like yeah "I don't want to pay crazy taxes" and "I don't want them to take my guns".
As long as trump makes a good choice and get it confirmed it eould be nearly impossible to say Trump was a bad president...this will be a legacy issue for him.
Fortunately he knows it, and i belive just like commanding our armed forces, appointing a SCJ is an honor and a humbling experience even for trump.
I've noticed when people are younger they're more liberal "save the whales" "the environment" "stop a big oil" then when you get older your like yeah "I don't want to pay crazy taxes" and "I don't want them to take my guns".
Your thought process is more rational and less knee-jerk emotional as you get older. At least that is my experience.
Also, and maybe its me, I began to question people's motives and agendas more often as I have aged.
Absolutely priceless. This just became my favorite video.
Where the hell have you been for the last year and a half?? This was widely circulated post inauguration.

Those liberal tears are f***ing delicious though!
I'd love to see Trump troll the libs like this;

He announces he has made his pick for the SCOTUS seat, gets up in front of the cameras and says

"I'm have selected my nominee to replace Anthony Kennedy on the supreme court and that person is.......
......................Merrick Garland".

(long pause while the moonbats brains freeze up)

Then he says, "oops, sorry, my, mistake, I meant to say (name of real nominee)"

Double down:

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