post trump, covid vax family relations: conservatives vs liberals

I love the people who hate Trump like he's ever going to marry their daughter or they're gonna hang out with him at a cookout. The thing I hear the most is "he doesn't act presidential" which is the lamest most retarded excuse I've ever heard. So never mind making your life way easier, no no no, they'd rather have an incompetent shithead who makes life a nightmare but he acts respectful and speaks the right way, acts presidential, so that's the turd to vote for. I've always said it and it always rings true, the average voter is the dumbest MF'er on the planet
I think the easier response is and Joe does?
I've always said it and it always rings true, the average voter is the dumbest MF'er on the planet
And getting dumber by the day. Way too many distractions competing hard for young mind space. Also they are increasingly dependent upon a biased internet for what they consider to be knowledge.

One of my kids likes to debate me regarding the Palestinians and Hamas conflicts with the Israelis. He'll cite a news source or some 'scholar'. I've made many trips there and have observed the situation and had many conversations with locals from different backgrounds. I tell him his sources are biased and full of sh!t and give concrete, firsthand examples of why.
And getting dumber by the day. Way too many distractions competing hard for young mind space. Also they are increasingly dependent upon a biased internet for what they consider to be knowledge.

One of my kids likes to debate me regarding the Palestinians and Hamas conflicts with the Israelis. He'll cite a news source or some 'scholar'. I've made many trips there and have observed the situation and had many conversations with locals from different backgrounds. I tell him his sources are biased and full of sh!t and give concrete, firsthand examples of why.
It’s all a distraction away from the real stories and problems. Picking all of our pockets and robbing us and our proginy of a future while we are focused on the bright shiny object

That area of Crete is absolutely beautiful.

I have been there and hiked the Samaria Gorge and a couple of days down the coastline to Sweetwater Beach. I hiked the gorge with friends but they took a ferry at the village at the bottom of the gorge which I think was Agia Roumeli. Mind you a ferry there was a small fishing boat.

I was there when I was 21 y.o. in 1977 and from what I’m reading now it may be a little more touristy and crowded but would still be worth the trip.

I always wanted to take my wife to Crete.

I was on Crete 9 months with young people from Canada, Europe and Australia (no Americans,) and we worked in agriculture mostly packaging cucumbers for shipment to Germany. I stayed longer than most and worked hauling potatoes and picking eggplant and loading trucks. The equivalent of $1.00 an hour which was good money.

Your roots go back to a beautiful place.
I don't speak the language, and have never spoken to the family of my grandfather. Maybe some day I will go, but it wouldn't anytime soon, and it would be as a tourist.
You had to know the demented dems had lost it when they backed the BLM movement and their mostly peaceful protests !!!

They're young and naive. They believe in the message passionately, but couldn't be more wrong about reality. I just have to wait till they are older, wiser, and understand the world more. If they keep their head in the sand, nothing I can do about it.
Lost my best friend and mentor over it. He's the type who knew all about Drumpf, couldn't have been more opposed to someone of his ilk and low character, but soon as it was between him and Hillary, oh well. Shame to see it happen.

This guy’s had at least 3 covid boosters
Frangakis clan from Crete here.
Wish I knew what the original name was in Greece, we've got a couple thoughts on it, but all of those with any ties back there died over 30 years ago. My dad may know, but not sure.
It's afairly well known Mass name, the one they were given.
All the twats in town who had the BLM signs and Ukraine flags look like that. They also fill their yards with election signs, which I appreciate greatly. I make note of who they are supporting and thus I know who to vote against.
Create a map. Might come in handy should TEOTWAWKI happen.
have you all resolved your differences or still separated and at each others throats. it's been the 7th yr since i got banned, and kicked out of the family and fortune by my liberal side. all it took was a trump vote and being unvaxed. my wife's family is still ok
My family are adults with high enough IQ to not let some political bullsh*t get in the way.

So, some are vaxed, some are not. Some vote for Trump, some dont. We never stopped talking, we hang out, we visit each other, we travel ...

So no issues here.
I'm pretty lucky about my family, politics wise, anyway.

Everyone is stone cold conservative. Even the useless nephew with no job or driver license staying at home with mommy is conservative. We had one liberal, and he's dead now.

Everyone is against the vax, but got it anyway because they caved. They were pushing us to get it, for our own good, but I think that was jealousy that we stood firm.

My family has flaws, but it's pretty good.

I can't stand it. I'd rather shit a cheesegrater than be with them. No slam on them, I'm a jerk. Apparently 4 hours away isn't far enough to avoid them.
This weekend I experienced something like this and didn't see this thread until after. Get a load of this one.

My SIL is liberal but is the minority in the family. She usually keeps quiet about hot topics when we get together. During the pandemic she wouldn't let anyone over for Thanksgiving unless they were vaxed or took a test right before.

This weekend we got together and I asked her if she is going to take the vax booster. She replied that she took the third booster but didn't know if she would take more. I told her about the Cureo study from Japan that showed cancer incidence increased among those with the vax vs. without and that she should check it out. She then asks what do I think about Climate Change and I say climate change I am talking about vaccines. She says you don't get to set the topic. So I say ok and it goes like this:

Do you know how many Ice Ages we have had on this planet? 'No'.
Is that your Tesla electric car outside? 'Tesla? No'
Do you have solar panels on your home? 'Umm no'
How do you heat your home? 'RAAAAAAAHHHHHHHRRRRRRRRR f*** you, you go ahead and vote for Trump blah blah blah you told me you don;t believe in climate change and your children and grandchildren will suffer for it" on and on and on and on

Then get this she took the rest of the cake she brought picked up and left with her family. I just hung my head thinking I had no idea she was one of the crazies that can't have a conversation. I honestly wanted to know if she had changed her beliefs or understanding of the vax and instead it was a powder keg x10. I feel bad about bringing the unsavory end to the evening but I don't feel it was my fault. My tone was relaxed and inquiring and she couldn't deal with facts. BTW this may nor not surprise you but she has a PhD but was not successful in academia.
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