Justice Kavanaugh

I agree that the system is rigged and marriage (or any kind of relationship at this point) has turned into a game of Russian roulette. I also believe good people not getting together and reproducing is detrimental to Western society in the long run. With that said, I have to admit I dont have a solution. Western men turning into monks and letting their bloodlines die out is nfw a solution though.

As a collective - I agree with you. The problem is that we each have to make our way thru the world individually. That means that if you keep getting personally screwed over thru your interactions with women - or if your individual ass is going to get destroyed socially and professionally thru interactions with out of control women - then it gets pretty damn hard to make the societal argument about "letting the bloodlines die out".

One of the things I've seen mentioned a number of times in both MGTOW videos and on places like Chateau Heartiste - and in videos by guys like Jordan Peterson and Stephan Molyneaux - is that women start going batshit when they get shut off. The MGTOW guys in and Heartiste in particular point this out over and over again. What women are constantly looking for is attention. Shut them off.

There's an ancient story - I can't remember the specifics - where the women all got together and shut off the men because they wouldn't stop going to war, maybe we need something similar to that but in reverse.
Step back for a second everyone and think about how f***ing crazy it is we have reached the point that people are going through someone's high school year book to vet them 35 years later! How ridiculous and irrelevant! BK is not an 18 year old kid anymore.

100% this. I was probably an oblivious idiot at best and maybe a nerdy douche many times through much of high school and college. There are certainly some drunken times that "weren't my best moments". Even in my 20's there were some interactions where I should have treated some others better.

Looking back at someone's high school years to judge how they are in their 50's? This is insane.
Does anybody really want a supreme court judge who has never done anything wrong and learned a life lesson from the regret?
There's an ancient story - I can't remember the specifics - where the women all got together and shut off the men because they wouldn't stop going to war, maybe we need something similar to that but in reverse.

Aristophanes' Lysistrata.

Aristophanes also wrote Assemblywomen, a comedy about women entering politics. The women vote for collectivism and enforce sexual equality for the old and unattractive. This is in 391 BC. Bahahahahahahahahahaha. We've come a long way.
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Aristophanes' Lysistrata.

Aristophanes also wrote Assemblywomen, a comedy about women entering politics. The women vote for collectivism and enforce sexual equality for the old and unattractive. This is in 391 BC. Bahahahahahahahahahaha. We've come a long way.

I remember reading that in Homer to Gothic!.

Yeah. Truth of all truths. Any who do not study history are doomed to repeat prior foly.
Aristophanes' Lysistrata.

Aristophanes also wrote Assemblywomen, a comedy about women entering politics. The women vote for collectivism and enforce sexual equality for the old and unattractive. This is in 391 BC. Bahahahahahahahahahaha. We've come a long way.

Listen to the video below - a conversation between Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia.

Jordan Peterson: " I don't think men can control crazy women - there is no way forward" "I'm defenseless against that kind of female insanity"

Listen especially to what Camille Paglia has to say about the way things used to be - and how women had actual power - but it was in their own realm. They did not feel they had to compete in the realm of men.

"each gender had it's own hierarchy"

"all of these problems of today are the results of women's emancipation"

"women today - the upper middle class women are unhappy - they are miserable - and they blame it on men"

Listen to the video below - a conversation between Jordan Peterson and Camille Paglia.

Jordan Peterson: " I don't think men can control crazy women - there is no way forward" "I'm defenseless against that kind of female insanity"

Listen especially to what Camille Paglia has to say about the way things used to be - and how women had actual power - but it was in their own realm. They did not feel they had to compete in the realm of men.

"each gender had it's own hierarchy"

"all of these problems of today are the results of women's emancipation"

"women today - the upper middle class women are unhappy - they are miserable - and they blame it on men"

Now this I can call BS on. Women are no more to blame than men who wear beards, clean shaven or 2 year olds.

This is not a gender issue and it is not a racial issue..

This is simple bedrock basic knowledge and study.

Effing with the basic understanding of reality and substituting social constructions is the crux, Lynch pin and sledge hammer.
Now this I can call BS on. Women are no more to blame than men who wear beards, clean shaven or 2 year olds.

This is not a gender issue and it is not a racial issue..

This is simple bedrock basic knowledge and study.

Effing with the basic understanding of reality and substituting social constructions is the crux, Lynch pin and sledge hammer.

Why is it not a gender issue?

There's a very clear delineation on which gender is substituting social constructions and causing problems.
Has this reached true dumpster fire status yet?

Considering the DNC's creepy porn lawyer mercenary is running around the networks accusing Kavanaugh of running a rape gang in high school and at Yale? Considering costumed protesters attacked Cruz and his wife at dinner last night?

This is beyond dumpster fire and into the full Kafka, maybe even Bolshevik.

Look at these brownshirts openly threatening people on Twitter and preening about their public harassment campaign.

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/KurtSchlichter/status/1044466051788943360
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I agree that the system is rigged and marriage (or any kind of relationship at this point) has turned into a game of Russian roulette. I also believe good people not getting together and reproducing is detrimental to Western society in the long run. With that said, I have to admit I dont have a solution. Western men turning into monks and letting their bloodlines die out is nfw a solution though.

If you haven't seen the movie "Idiocracy", you should.
He gets to tell his story before comittee...

As a SCOTUS nominee, he shouldn't have gone on a network overtly politically one-sided, be that CNN, MSNBC, or FOX.


There is no politically neutral news network in this country, and probably not in the world. All of them are strongly biased in one direction or the other.
Considering the DNC's creepy porn lawyer mercenary is running around the networks accusing Kavanaugh of running a rape gang in high school and at Yale? Considering costumed protesters attacked Cruz and his wife at dinner last night?

This is beyond dumpster fire and into the full Kafka, maybe even Bolshevik.

Look at these brownshirts openly threatening people on Twitter and preening about their public harassment campaign.

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/KurtSchlichter/status/1044466051788943360

I'll be waiting Kurt, oh and please tell the "we" you refer to to do their families a favor and have all their legal affairs in order before they arrive, it will make their estate issues go so much more smoothly.
Has this reached true dumpster fire status yet?

I'm not sure why you think the thread is even close to dumpster fire status.

All the things that have gotten discussed here are directly related to each other.

The fact that the Kavanaugh hearings have turned into a shit show is intimately tied to the fact that the left and feminists in particular have staked their claim to power on abortion and "sexual harassment". They're pissed about Kavanaugh because he is conservative - whatever the hell that means by the current definitions (my understanding is that Kavanaugh isn't exactly a small government guy) - and they're especially pissed because they think that Roe vs. Wade might get repealed. Which is their own fault - because they used the power of the court to put it into place...... in the first place. The left has been going around the proper channels (the legislative branch) to enact things into "law" - for decades. So they're totally cognizant of the fact it could be undone by the same method.

The left has been twisting and manipulating the original fabric of the Republic for their own ends for more than 100 years now. Just like how cops get told to not let a perp get a hold of their gun - because they might get shot with it, the left has the same problem in regards to the government. It's why in alt-right circles Pepe and Pinochet are flying around in helicopters towing a banner that reads: " Free helicopter rides ".

One of the side issues is that feminists seem to have made abortion one of pillars of their movement. Which if you really sit down and think about it - is especially f***ed up. Look at the birthrates in every Western country that has adopted some measure of feminism - and they're not even at replacement level. Do feminists go out and protest about that? No they do not. Do they get into government so that they can do something about the fact that the cultures and societies that THEY are responsible for propagating into the future are dying? NO - they do NOT. If you look at the totality of the problem - that makes feminism a freaking death cult.

Then we've got all the goddam communism and the implementation of Frankfurt School ideology. This has basically weaponized women. Again - looking at the totality of the problem - you have to realize that when shit like this Kavanaugh hearing goes down the way it's going down - that's because somebody wants it that way. There's really only two ways to evaluate why this is happening, one is that it's happening this way because that's the way they want it - and the second is that the whole thing is that out of control. Neither one of these is good. Out of control might even be better. Because the option that they want it that way - is an example to everybody, men especially - that this is what can happen to you even if you are literally a choir boy.

What's going on with Kavanaugh is a goddam show trial like the shit you have probably read about that happened Soviet Russia, Commie China, Khmer Rouge Cambodia - etc. Show trials are there to teach people lessons. Get out of line and this is what will happen to you. That's why all the other examples that have shown up in this thread ARE directly related - because they show that the shit that's been pulled against Kavanaugh has been pulled time and time again against other people too. Many of whom have nowhere near the power that Kavanaugh has.

People who don't think all this craziness is directly and intimately linked together are really not paying much attention IMHO.
ALL related:

The fact that the Kavanaugh hearings have turned into a shit show is intimately tied to the fact that the left and feminists in particular have staked their claim to power on abortion and "sexual harassment". They're pissed about Kavanaugh because he is conservative - whatever the hell that means by the current definitions (my understanding is that Kavanaugh isn't exactly a small government guy) - and they're especially pissed because they think that Roe vs. Wade might get repealed. Which is their own fault - because they used the power of the court to put it into place...... in the first place. The left has been going around the proper channels (the legislative branch) to enact things into "law" - for decades. So they're totally cognizant of the fact it could be undone by the same method.

Lol this has zero to do with Roe and everything to do with TrumpHate(tm). If trump had selected a guy that was adamantly pro-choice they'd just go off and find some other excuse to make hay out of it. Every time moonbats do this they are rarely able to cite anything that would make them think that a justice would actually vote to overturn it.

Bush put in 2 justices and didn't get this level of garbage, not even with Alito. For anyone that studies law it is completely unrealistic that the core of Roe will ever be altered or even touched in any meaningful way.

Why is it not a gender issue?

There's a very clear delineation on which gender is substituting social constructions and causing problems.

Follow the money trail. The feminists you want to blame for everything ( getting that from your newer post) are just more useful idiots and political pawns.
Just like the new liberal "man".
On a related subject, WWLP channel 22 is reporting on how a school in Northampton is having a walkout in protest of Kavanaugh being elected. Now how do you suppose these little bastard snowflakes got this idea? You can't tell me that absolutely none of them have never fondled another classmate or said anything inappropriate.

On a related subject, WWLP channel 22 is reporting on how a school in Northampton is having a walkout in protest of Kavanaugh being elected. Now how do you suppose these little bastard snowflakes got this idea? You can't tell me that absolutely none of them have never fondled another classmate or said anything inappropriate.



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Lol this has zero to do with Roe and everything to do with TrumpHate(tm). If trump had selected a guy that was adamantly pro-choice they'd just go off and find some other excuse to make hay out of it. Every time moonbats do this they are rarely able to cite anything that would make them think that a justice would actually vote to overturn it.

Bush put in 2 justices and didn't get this level of garbage, not even with Alito. For anyone that studies law it is completely unrealistic that the core of Roe will ever be altered or even touched in any meaningful way.

Yeah - Trump hate is in there too.

But they're very loudly screaming about Roe. That's the excuse they use over and over again. The court could turn over to a so-called conservative majority during this term because Ginsberg could be the next to go. I know they have Trump hate - but are you trying to tell me that they wouldn't "hate" any right leaning President that was in office right now - especially because of the issues around appointing justices to the SC?

In case you haven't been watching: logic and the law don't have much to do with this. That's why it's borderline insanity. Even guys like Alan Douchewitz are starting to sound like right wingers as they try to point out things exactly like what you're referring to in regards to Roe - because the far left is so off the wall about it and not tied to any sort of reality at all.
1982 - Something may or may not have happened with another 2 (or 4) teenagers at a party, she cannot remember who threw the party, where the party was held, who she was with or how she got home. She was drinking and said nothing to anyone.
1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988, 1989,1990,
1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996, 1997,1998,
2002... She said nothing.
July 25, 2003: President George W. Bush nominated Kavanaugh to the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C Circuit... She said nothing.
2005... She said nothing.
May 11, 2006: The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary recommended confirmation. Kavanaugh subsequently confirmed by the United States Senate... She said nothing.
June 1, 2006: Kavanaugh sworn in by Justice Anthony Kennedy... She said nothing.
2007,2008,2009,2010,2011... She said nothing.
2012... She remembered 'something' happened in 1982, yet doesn't name Kavanaugh, still said nothing to authorities.
2017 - becomes an anti-trump activist.
2018 - now 36 years later, with Kavanaugh's SCOTUS confirmation looming, she pens an anonymous letter with grave accusations against Kavanaugh regarding foggy circumstance that occurred while they were both minors, then reveals herself and DEMANDS an FBI investigation before testifying to her incredible allegations?
Who does she think she is......Do you get the point?
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