Justice Kavanaugh

Considering the DNC's creepy porn lawyer mercenary is running around the networks accusing Kavanaugh of running a rape gang in high school and at Yale?

Poor snowflake got all butt hurt because he got a Nasty Gram from someprivate school administrator and now he's on indefinite suspension for it...

"Texas school administrator indefinitely suspended after sending Avenatti profane message
Butch Groves, the head of a private school in Texas, has been indefinitely suspended after reportedly sending a profane message to Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing Stormy Daniels.

Arlington’s Oakridge School announced on Twitter Monday afternoon that the school administrator was suspended indefinitely for sending an “inappropriate private message to attorney Michael Avenatti from his personal social media account," a local CBS affiliate reported.
“Butch Groves, Head of Upper School, sent an inappropriate private message to attorney Michael Avenatti from his personal social media account. I have been in contact with Mr. Groves who has admitted to the communication; he deeply regrets his comments and the negative attention brought to the school,” a spokesperson for the school said in the statement.

Meet @butchgroves, the Head of Upper School at The Oakridge School in Arlington, TX. I have never met him before or communicated with him but here is his message to me earlier tonight. The parents of Oakridge must be so proud to have this man teaching their sons and daughters. pic.twitter.com/vnNoFMKUYI

— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 24, 2018
Groves and Oakridge School leadership did not return the local station’s request for comment. Avenatti on Monday night commented that the firing provided a "lesson" to others who send him "abusive messages."

Let this be a lesson to those that believe that they can send abusive messages to me or others without consequence. People are free to engage in spirited debate but if you are abusive, you will be held accountable. Monica Hernandez on Twitter

— Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) September 25, 2018 [/quote]

Texas school administrator indefinitely suspended after sending Avenatti profane message

Considering costumed protesters attacked Cruz and his wife at dinner last night?

This is beyond dumpster fire and into the full Kafka, maybe even Bolshevik.

Look at these brownshirts openly threatening people on Twitter and preening about their public harassment campaign.

View: https://mobile.twitter.com/KurtSchlichter/status/1044466051788943360

The left is totally losing their collective shit over Kavenaugh.

The resulting shit storm is going to be glorious if he gets confirmed...

I saw a twitter hashtag #believethevictims or some crap.

Twanna Brawley. - Duke LaCrosse. - Rolling Stone

If I mentioned them on Twitter, I’d get banned

That’s what I think is the hang up in this case.

I believe this woman was grabassed at a party against her ok.

However , she was wasted, it was so long ago and it got buried in her haze of a memory.

Now many years later, Bret Kavanaugh is all over the media and bingo,

She thinks ,wait a minute, I was in that crowd in high school.

So she tells someone about the Wild party she was at in the time frame,

And the story gets to the rabid libtard lawyers,

Who grab her ,like a fumbled football,

And twist her to say it was Kavanaugh who jumped on her.

Promising her unstable mind that they will make her the next Joan of ark.

Now she is that political football being carried to the left wing goalpost.

The defense has to separate the runners from the football ,without crushing the ball.
So funny reading all this shit. Man what fun it was being a kid back then. Good times. Seriously back then you could blow something up and it was labeled unlawful mischief now it is terrorism...

Commies are just about done with men, the potentially dangerous ones are almost all registered, fingerprinted and on the way to become felons. Women are completely under their control and ready to lie, produce false testimonials, and ask for harsh penalties for men. Children are next. First they need to line up against their parents, check mark, then they need to believe made up BS about false security provided by .gov, check mark. Children also need to live in a fear of their future lives which will be forever impacted by their behavior even if this behavior is acceptable now, it may not be acceptable 30 years from now!

WTF we have allowed them to do with Our America?

P.S.: You should appreciate my wisdom for not teaching my dogs any English!
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Commies are just about done with men, the potentially dangerous ones are almost all registered, fingerprinted and on the way to become felons. Women are completely under their control and ready to lie, produce false testimonials, and ask for harsh penalties for men. Children are next. First they need to line up against their parents, check mark, then they need to believe made up BS about false security provided by .gov, check mark. Children also need to live in a fear of their future lives which are forever impacted by their behavior even if this behavior is acceptable now, it may not be acceptable 30 years from now!

WTF we have allowed them to do with Our America?
Families who raise their children the right way and teach them how to think rather than what to think will survive. Two of my three children do that. My third child went to a liberal college and I'm afraid she is lost. The other two know this and take steps to thread lightly around her so as not to cause more trouble than necessary. I, on the other hand, don't give a rats ass if my MAGA hat pisses her off or not.
ok, I totally missed how Kav became a Nazi ... ah, no logic, never mind.


Yeah - Trump hate is in there too.

But they're very loudly screaming about Roe. That's the excuse they use over and over again. The court could turn over to a so-called conservative majority during this term because Ginsberg could be the next to go. I know they have Trump hate - but are you trying to tell me that they wouldn't "hate" any right leaning President that was in office right now - especially because of the issues around appointing justices to the SC?

No, I'm not saying that- just that the level of the whining that's here is only this loud "cuz this is trump's pick". If this was say, someone like Jeb Bush, or Ted Cruz's pick, this would mostly amount to background noise in relative terms compared to the BS we're seeing now. The "machine" is 110% invested in attacking anything and anyone he is associated with.

In case you haven't been watching: logic and the law don't have much to do with this. That's why it's borderline insanity. Even guys like Alan Douchewitz are starting to sound like right wingers as they try to point out things exactly like what you're referring to in regards to Roe - because the far left is so off the wall about it and not tied to any sort of reality at all.

That's because Dershowitz, despite having liberal leanings or some viewpoints I might not necessarily agree with, isn't a moron.

On a related subject, WWLP channel 22 is reporting on how a school in Northampton is having a walkout in protest of Kavanaugh being elected. Now how do you suppose these little bastard snowflakes got this idea? You can't tell me that absolutely none of them have never fondled another classmate or said anything inappropriate.

Northhamton is the Cambridge of the West
Lol this has zero to do with Roe and everything to do with TrumpHate(tm). If trump had selected a guy that was adamantly pro-choice they'd just go off and find some other excuse to make hay out of it. Every time moonbats do this they are rarely able to cite anything that would make them think that a justice would actually vote to overturn it.

Bush put in 2 justices and didn't get this level of garbage, not even with Alito. For anyone that studies law it is completely unrealistic that the core of Roe will ever be altered or even touched in any meaningful way.


The Roe stick has been wielded as far back as 20 years ago. I vividly remember that argument talking to a Brown U grad. This is one solid reason why many good women vote Lib. It's like 2a, "they'll take your gnz!" but here it's "they'll take your body!". It doesn't help that 99% of GOP "conservatives" are big .gov statists who are only religiously conservative or more precisely religiously fundamentalist.

As usual, GOP is only marginally better than Dims, but even more reasonable characters like Cruz would not rock the boat. People like Paul are just driven to fringes by both parties.
Trump needs to find an extreme right wing judge to replace Kavanaugh in lightening spead. Liberals need to suffer.

at this point we got nothing to loose. Kav was kind of meh on 2a anyway, given the amount of pressure back, we might as well put in a real extremist. That would get left railed up enough to shift attention from important things.
Commies are just about done with men, the potentially dangerous ones are almost all registered, fingerprinted and on the way to become felons. Women are completely under their control and ready to lie, produce false testimonials, and ask for harsh penalties for men. Children are next. First they need to line up against their parents, check mark, then they need to believe made up BS about false security provided by .gov, check mark. Children also need to live in a fear of their future lives which will be forever impacted by their behavior even if this behavior is acceptable now, it may not be acceptable 30 years from now!

WTF we have allowed them to do with Our America?

P.S.: You should appreciate my wisdom for not teaching my dogs any English!

Sad, but true.We've seen this before.
I say stick with Kavanaugh and ride this shitwagon till the wheels come off.
It is all sport at this point - - either he gets sworn in, or a Mid-term Dem win turns this into a Dem vs Trump standoff, or the country descends into chaos. It is all good!

As for those Mid-terms, there are a lot of people that voted for Trump for one reason, SCOTUS picks, and I am hoping this travesty will get them to the polls in November.

Besides if they pulled him from consideration anyone that thinks a different nominee would not be equally Borked has another guess coming.

Few months ago I realized that I am in a wrong configuration. Here is my plan to correct it:
1. Get out of MA and the commie Northeast.
2. No more registrations of any kind. You will know what I mean.
3. No more dialog with the enemy. No more bipartisan BS. Just pure drive forward at the full speed. No stops!
4. No more money to any party, any candidate or any charity.
5. Increase my investments in countries outside of here for the escape plan B.
I say stick with Kavanaugh and ride this shitwagon till the wheels come off.
It is all sport at this point - - either he gets sworn in, or the Mid-term Dem win turn this into a Dem vs Trump standoff, or the country descends into chaos. It is all good!

As for those Mid-terms, there are a lot of people that voted for Trump for one reason, SCOTUS picks, and I am hoping this travesty will get them to the polls in November.

Besides if they pulled him from consideration anyone that thinks a different nominee would not be equally Borked has another guess coming.


Exactly, in my opinion SCOTUS is the main reason Trump was elected. Mother Teresa wouldn't pass muster with these clowns.
At this point they need to double down on the stupid. Put up a total lefty, one the DiFi crowd will love - only the bastard needs to be a rapist or something- and then let the republicans go after him and watch heads explode.
The entire Roe argument doesnt hold water in comparison with RKBA because its morphed into an argument that a woman has a right to have someone else provide a service FOR them.......its the same argument as Obamacare.....what is "Healthcare"?

Healthcare is the private property and labor of another person or persons........how can someone have a right to another persons private property and/or labor? Simply put YOU CANT!!!! Thats a form of SLAVERY

If we were to try to make correlary argument to RKBA then it would have to say something like everyone has an individual right to be protected by someone....

those are all logical statements, but abortion issue is simply the "border collie" that hoards women into Lib camp. It's a scare tactic devoid of any logic and usually isn't a credible threat either. It's all emotion driven hysteria.
That’s what I think is the hang up in this case.

I believe this woman was grabassed at a party against her ok.

However , she was wasted, it was so long ago and it got buried in her haze of a memory.

Now many years later, Bret Kavanaugh is all over the media and bingo,

She thinks ,wait a minute, I was in that crowd in high school.

So she tells someone about the Wild party she was at in the time frame,

And the story gets to the rabid libtard lawyers,

Who grab her ,like a fumbled football,

And twist her to say it was Kavanaugh who jumped on her.

Promising her unstable mind that they will make her the next Joan of ark.

Now she is that political football being carried to the left wing goalpost.

The defense has to separate the runners from the football ,without crushing the ball.

It's my personal opinion that the accuser in this case doesn't actually believe what might have happened to her had anything to do with K. Whether the incident even happened is questionable, but IMO she made up the connection to K. We'll never know, but it's consistent with what I think a TDS would do.
The Day When The Stupid Year Book Went on Trial

Kavanaugh’s Yearbook Page Is ‘Horrible, Hurtful’ to a Woman It Named

“These comments,” the statement continued, “were never controversial and did not impact ongoing relationships until The Times twisted and forced an untrue narrative. This shabby journalism is causing egregious harm to all involved, particularly our friend, and is simply beneath contempt.”
The discussion on “Outnumbered” on Fox News Channel 9/25 from 12:00-12:20 is something I hope people watch. It took this entire SCOTUS thread and summed every post in 20 minutes. Holy smokes!
A bunch of democrats cooked this idea up, to maximize public opinion damage and derail the process.

Think about where the democratic base has their third rails: abortion, women's rights, illegals, guns.

These are the issues that they rally around to energize their base.

What they don't realize is that a majority of Americans don't support these issues in alignment with their gusto for them.

A conservative is a liberal who has life experience!
In almost every other context -- voting, capacity to commit crimes, and purchase and use of intoxicants to name just a few -- "society" deems teenagers to be intellectually incapable of making their own decisions. And of course "science" tells us that the adolescent mind is a wild and under-developed frontier.

Yet in this context, alleged decisions made by a teenager may override 35 subsequent years of relevant history. The fact that it's a possibility at all may be the most troubling political/cultural development of the last year or two (and there have been many).

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