Justice Kavanaugh

And the Right doesn't do the same when it comes to their opinions? Same leopard, same spots, folks...

Left and Right suck in today's world. Both sides have a vendetta against the other to the point where nobody wants to actually FIX anything. They just pander towards pointing out how bad the other guy is...
No. Nobody on the right gives me shit about what I eat and what car I drive. People on the right generally leave you along, b/c they support small govt. People on the left want to control every damn thing you do and want the govt to enforce penalties if you do something that they disagree with.

A show on TV disagrees with your world view. Conservatives change the damn channel while liberals actively try and get the show taken off the air by threatening boycotts of advertisers and what not.
No. Nobody on the right gives me shit about what I eat and what car I drive. People on the right generally leave you along, b/c they support small govt. People on the left want to control every damn thing you do and want the govt to enforce penalties if you do something that they disagree with.

A show on TV disagrees with your world view. Conservatives change the damn channel while liberals actively try and get the show taken off the air by threatening boycotts of advertisers and what not.

Try saying you don't like bacon and you don't believe in snow tires because you drive a Lesbaru.


The "right" tends to be a bit more tolerant than the thin skinned bastards to the left end of the political spectrum, but some of us have our triggers, too...
Try saying you don't like bacon and you don't believe in snow tires because you drive a Lesbaru.


The "right" tends to be a bit more tolerant than the thin skinned bastards to the left end of the political spectrum, but some of us have our triggers, too...
It’s Lezbaru with a Z!
being who she is, a special person, a very special person to Dims, doctors, dieticians, cooks etc. come to her, whatever it takes to take that body over the finish line. If money is no object and person doesn't go skydiving or motorcycle riding, that body could be kept warm for a very long time.

Maybe, but she's starting to look like she's getting to the point where even Victor Frankenstein
can't save her...

being who she is, a special person, a very special person to Dims, doctors, dieticians, cooks etc. come to her, whatever it takes to take that body over the finish line. If money is no object and person doesn't go skydiving or motorcycle riding, that body could be kept warm for a very long time.
RBG in chambers
Ruth Vader Ginsburg
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And the Right doesn't do the same when it comes to their opinions? Same leopard, same spots, folks...

Left and Right suck in today's world. Both sides have a vendetta against the other to the point where nobody wants to actually FIX anything. They just pander towards pointing out how bad the other guy is...


I agree with what Horrible said above.

The left is CONSTANTLY looking for a reason to crawl up my ass on every single little goddam thing I do.

Leftist women just turned the country into a shit-show - using the excuse that they think Kavanaugh is somehow going to destroy abortion rights. These people are so goddam ignorant it really defies description. They run around in the streets and scream about "My body!! " - as if some sort of right wing impregnation teams are going to start fanning out and banging all the fat over-age leftist women into pregnancy. Then - when they do become pregnant - they're all going to be kept in camps so they're forced to keep the babies to full term.

It's just so goddam stupid I don't even know where to start.

But I'll give it a go: first off - yeah , it is your body. Maybe you should have thought about that BEFORE letting a penis enter it. Maybe you should have thought about that and taken some sort of contraception. But no - that would look too much like actual responsibility.

We can't have that start breaking out - god knows where it would end.

Then there's the arguments they use to justify their position - which typically revolve around all sorts of gymnastics and shennanigans in denying 6th grade biology class.

You can further break down the complete lack of responsibility - in the fact that these women will also stand on the barricades to bitch and moan and protest as soon as anybody even makes a squeak about taking away all the tax funded support for organizations like Planned Parenthood.

So now we're at the place where women can't be expected to be responsible enough to keep a penis out of their vajayjay - AND they can't be expected to be responsible enough to clean up the mess that results when those strange peni leave behind what they are made to leave behind. No - we can't have that - can we? Somebody else is gonna have to pay to clean up that mess. Hello taxpayers.

ALL of this is almost exclusively the project of the left wing. Very few right wingers have joined up with this crusade with all of it's attendant insanity.

So (like I already said) - I agree with Horrible, The left far outstrips the right in manifesting insanity and in implementing things at the government level that screw me over DIRECTLY.

It's getting to the point where I'm really starting to hope they start up some sort of shooting war. Then maybe we can get a REAL resolution to this horsecrap.

Otherwise - I see no hope of resolution. The problem is that all of these leftists running around yelling and screaming - they're GONE. There is no fixing that shit.

And trying to live next to them is just going to be a decades long hell.

Sooner or later , there is going to have to be a shooting solution.
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Does ringworm infest brain tissue ?


Have you read any of the stuff that's come out lately where there is some speculation that Alzheimers might actually be some sort of brain infection?

I wonder if medical science will ever discover the virus that accounts for socialism, communism, leftism - etc. ?
Good article by Robert Gore:

A Silver Lining, by Robert Gore

A political victory only, not a stand on principle.

No lion, tiger, bear, or wolf would, if it could choose, give up its claws or fangs. No poisonous snake or spider would surrender its venom. Only humans voluntarily abandon their means of survival.

Reason is humans’ tool of survival and separates them from the other animals. The Oxford Dictionary defines reason as: “the power of the mind to think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic.” Ayn Rand had it right when she warned that reason was under sustained attack. It has only intensified since her death in 1982.

Anybody can accuse anybody of committing a crime. The longstanding legal presumption is that the accused is innocent until proven guilty. Given a guilty judgment’s consequences, the burden necessarily falls on accusers to prove guilt. If it did not, mere accusation would be a verdict leading to punishment of the accused, or Salem Witch Trial justice.

In Anglo-American jurisprudence, proof of guilt must be beyond a reasonable doubt. This high standard will invariably allow some who have committed the crimes for which they are charged to escape punishment. The risks posed by that outcome are generally accepted as less than those posed by punishing the innocent.

The question posed by Christine Blasey Ford’s accusation against Brett Kavanaugh is why the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate as a whole, and the American public abandoned the presumption of innocence and the accuser’s burden of proof to determine Kavanaugh’s fitness as a Supreme Court justice.

Most of the senators and the rest of the country had their minds made up before Ford’s and Kavanaugh’s testimony. Prejudgment means the hearing was irrelevant; no standards or judgment at all were applied to the testimony presented.

The standards of those who said they waited until they heard the testimony were only slightly higher. It mostly boiled down to which of the two best comported with how they thought either the accuser or accused should act. While that can be a factor in an actual courtroom, accusations there still require proof and defendants are still presumed innocent until proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt.

It is one thing to abandon a standard or paradigm for a better one. That happens in science all the time. It is another thing to abandon a standard based not on any substantive criticism of the standard itself, but because it gets in the way of subjective emotions held by those who abandon it. Neither side of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation debate adhered to the presumption of innocence and the requirement of proof.


Reading this article - I got an idea.

Why doesn't Trump just declare a "Purge Day" ( You know - like the movie).

The left seems to want to throw reason, legal presumption of innocence, trial by jury, burden of proof - and all the rest of the traditions of this country into the trash.

Fine. LET'S DO IT.

Declare a Purge Day - or maybe even a Purge Week.

Give the left exactly what they want.

I'm betting that they'd be begging to return to a more sane world inside of 3-4 days.
And the Right doesn't do the same when it comes to their opinions? Same leopard, same spots, folks...

Left and Right suck in today's world. Both sides have a vendetta against the other to the point where nobody wants to actually FIX anything. They just pander towards pointing out how bad the other guy is...
And all that is how countries collapse for better or the worst. There are some f***ed up people doing the string pulling.
No. Nobody on the right gives me shit about what I eat and what car I drive. People on the right generally leave you along, b/c they support small govt. People on the left want to control every damn thing you do and want the govt to enforce penalties if you do something that they disagree with.
the air by threatening boycotts of advertisers and what not.
Now Pitching For Democrats: Hillary Clinton
by Josh Benson • 12/23/02 12:00am

One needn't agree with it as a model for how the GOP runs as a whole,
but it's a theory.

Does ringworm infest brain tissue ?

You tell me.


I got an idea.

Why doesn't Trump just declare a "Purge Day" ( You know - like the movie).

The left seems to want to throw reason, legal presumption of innocence, trial by jury, burden of proof - and all the rest of the traditions of this country into the trash.

Fine. LET'S DO IT.

If anyone complains,
just tell 'em it is the will of Landru.
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And the Right doesn't do the same when it comes to their opinions? Same leopard, same spots, folks...

Left and Right suck in today's world. Both sides have a vendetta against the other to the point where nobody wants to actually FIX anything. They just pander towards pointing out how bad the other guy is...
Um how? And fix what exactly? I agree today's repugs are a repulsive lot, it's just the demotards are trying to make things worse.
A summary of who's-who, for those looking for something terse to explain all of this to Aunt Sally:
I Don’t Believe Dr. Ford - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

It turns out that the Deep State is a small world. Did you know that the lawyer sitting next to Dr. Ford in the Senate hearings, one Michael Bromwich, is also an attorney for Andrew McCabe, the former FBI Deputy Director fired for lying to investigators from his own agency and currently singing to a grand jury? What a coincidence. Out of all the lawyers in the most lawyer-infested corner of the USA, she just happened to hook up with him.

I just keep thinking about the s***storm that would occur if something were to happen to Ginsburg or Breyer with Trump in office and a Republican Senate.

Oh. My. God. It would make this whole circus we just witnessed look like a cake walk. The Left would be in full Armageddon meltdown mode.
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