Justice Kavanaugh

Great speeches by both President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh. For a minute I thought Kav was going to pass out; his legs looked a little wobbly. But he did great and I'm sure he'll do a great job!
Ginsberg doesn't look well. I hope for her sake she isn't staying around out of spite or coercion.

she would have been smart to retire during Obama's first term to guarantee they retained her seat. I doubt she will survive a second Trump term. She ain't looking too good.

And if the justices are supposed to be so freakin' neutral then why are the democrats making such a big deal about a republican pick? Because they know scotus is not neutral.

I wish I could remember the case where scotus overturned an Obummer executive order. The scotus vote came down to party lines. The liberals ruled that his executive order was legal and the conservative dissent was that the executive branch had no authority to issue such an order.

So you have at four justices on the bench who do not rule based on the constitution but on political opinion.

So eff them and we need to pick up two or three more young conservative hard core pro 2A justices before trump leaves.
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Ol’ Banjo Eyes
Are we going to just gloss over the bit where Christine Blasey-Ford perjured herself when she said she'd never coached others on polygraph tests... and that the same FBI agent Ford prepped for a polygraph in the early 90s tried to pressure Ford's "friend" Leland Keyser into changing her denial of Ford's story in 2018? It seems a little too convenient, especially given how open and honest the FBI has been lately.




I went to the grocery store last night, and among other things I picked up a "Congratulations" card for our new Supreme Court Justice.
It's going out in the mail today to:
The Honorable Brett Kavanaugh
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street NE
Washington, DC 20543

I thanked him for not giving up and wished him years of health and service as a justice on the court.

Thank you cards are going to my Senators. They stuck to party lines - but they did stand up and be counted, so they should how their constituency feels - besides the moon-bats who are getting the media coverage.
Yes, Women Can Lie - Taki's Magazine

That’s what the left does. Like cult leaders, leftists are not content to believe their own nonsense. They must force you to believe it, too.

Because that’s how you know you’ve broken someone, that’s how you know you can bend them to your will…when you can persuade them to see what isn’t there, and accept as truth that which is objectively false.
Are we going to just gloss over the bit where Christine Blasey-Ford perjured herself when she said she'd never coached others on polygraph tests... and that the same FBI agent Ford prepped for a polygraph in the early 90s tried to pressure Ford's "friend" Leland Keyser into changing her denial of Ford's story in 2018? It seems a little too convenient, especially given how open and honest the FBI has been lately.




I think they are going to let her slither back into the weeds and use her perjury to keep her there and quiet. There's already talk of impeaching Kav if the Dems take over Congress, but they can't do it without her.
Ruth has nice gloves on. She doesn't have long...….
Y'know.. Everyone always jokes about Ruthie maybe not coming down for her Cream of Wheat one of these fine mornings but ...I've often said that if you look closely at Kagan (ugh!) and Sotomayor (ugh!!)??...
Elena's hatred of the gym and anything remotely resembling exercise is well known, and she has that "I could really benefit by losing 20 or 30 pounds" gizzard thing going on under her chin...And Gloria always looks like she just stopped at Taco Bell and pigged out after one of her weekly male-hormone-injection therapy sessions at Georgetown University Hospital...

Just sayin'
Y'know.. Everyone always jokes about Ruthie maybe not coming down for her Cream of Wheat one of these fine mornings but ...I've often said that if you look closely at Kagan (ugh!) and Sotomayor (ugh!!)??...
Elena's hatred of the gym and anything remotely resembling exercise is well known, and she has that "I could really benefit by losing 20 or 30 pounds" gizzard thing going on under her chin...And Gloria always looks like she just stopped at Taco Bell and pigged out after one of her weekly male-hormone-injection therapy sessions at Georgetown University Hospital...

Just sayin'
View attachment 249792

why is granny wearing white gloves, hiding robot arms?
I think they are going to let her slither back into the weeds and use her perjury to keep her there and quiet. There's already talk of impeaching Kav if the Dems take over Congress, but they can't do it without her.

and that's the problem or more exactly the reason why it's simply a R&D show. They won't prosecute even though this took insane amount of resources, I'd not be surprised that if factor in time of all agents and committee salaries, well into millions of dollars.

next time up, same shit, same show, different actors.
Y'know.. Everyone always jokes about Ruthie maybe not coming down for her Cream of Wheat one of these fine mornings but ...I've often said that if you look closely at Kagan (ugh!) and Sotomayor (ugh!!)??...
Elena's hatred of the gym and anything remotely resembling exercise is well known, and she has that "I could really benefit by losing 20 or 30 pounds" gizzard thing going on under her chin...And Gloria always looks like she just stopped at Taco Bell and pigged out after one of her weekly male-hormone-injection therapy sessions at Georgetown University Hospital...

Just sayin'
View attachment 249792

Are you thinking Trump could load the USSC with 8 to 1? That would be hysterical.

And I think Ruth has always worn gloves, it's her fashion statement. Either that or she has ice powers that she's trying to conceal.
Judging from what I saw last night, I don't think it's going to be long before the SCOTUS is Ruth-less. Some of the shots of her made me wonder if she was going to make it through the speeches...
Yup, Ruthie screwed up by not retiring while Barry was King, now Trump will get a 3rd Justice and the world will end for liberals.
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