Justice Kavanaugh

Should Brett Kavanaugh be stopped from teaching at Harvard Law School? - The Boston Globe

Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Emeritus at Harvard Law School and author of The Case Against Impeaching Trump:

Now that Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court has been confirmed, many law students are demanding that he be punished by ending his teaching career at Harvard Law School.

This effort reminds me of the time when I was a student in Brooklyn College in the 1950s, witnessing professors who were fired because it was suspected they might have been Communists years earlier. It didn’t matter whether they were innocent or guilty. Being suspected was enough to make them unsuitable to teach students, especially if they had pleaded the Fifth Amendment or angrily condemned the Un-American Activities Committees of Congress.

Now, flash forward 65 years as Harvard Law students and some faculty demand that Kavanaugh, who had taught with distinction since 2008, no longer be allowed to do what he loves and what many students loved. When Kavanaugh was nominated to the Supreme Court, Harvard Law School was exuberant in its praise of his teaching. Dean John Manning thanked Kavanaugh for his “superb teaching” and “generosity, dedication, and collegiality he has shown our community.” A group of more than 80 former students sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, attesting that “[we] may have differing views on political issues surrounding the confirmation process, but we all agree on one thing: Judge Kavanaugh is a rigorous thinker, a devoted teacher, and a gracious person.”

After the accusations of sexual assault emerged, “hundreds of Harvard Law Students walked out of class . . . to protest Kavanaugh” demanding that he be barred from teaching, according to The Crimson. It also reported that students at a viewing party of the Kavanaugh testimony “applauded” and “burst out in cheers when Kavanaugh lamented the fact that these allegations may prevent him from teaching again. Harvard Law School has announced that Kavanaugh would not teach in winter term 2019. Although Harvard claims that it was Kavanaugh who decided, before he was confirmed, not to teach next semester, there can be little doubt that whoever made the decision, it was influenced by the student demands that he not be allowed to continue teaching.

There cannot be ad hoc decisions based on mob-rule and political correctness demands of the day. These standards have not been met in the Kavanaugh case.
I do like some liberals...Dershowitz is very classy, even though I very often disagree with him politically.
Should Brett Kavanaugh be stopped from teaching at Harvard Law School? - The Boston Globe

Alan M. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law Emeritus at Harvard Law School and author of The Case Against Impeaching Trump:

Now that Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court has been confirmed, many law students are demanding that he be punished by ending his teaching career at Harvard Law School.

This effort reminds me of the time when I was a student in Brooklyn College in the 1950s, witnessing professors who were fired because it was suspected they might have been Communists years earlier. It didn’t matter whether they were innocent or guilty. Being suspected was enough to make them unsuitable to teach students, especially if they had pleaded the Fifth Amendment or angrily condemned the Un-American Activities Committees of Congress.

There cannot be ad hoc decisions based on mob-rule and political correctness demands of the day. These standards have not been met in the Kavanaugh case.

Interesting piece by Dershowitz. In the 1950's professors were fired on suspicion that they were communists years earlier. Fast forward 7 decades later, if you aren't a communist, forget about being a professor. [laugh]
Just went to Whole Foods in Lynnfield, quite a few cranky ladies with short haircuts in there. Don’t know if related or just a confluence of bitches

Maybe you just ran into a herd of them. I was there every evening from Wed. to Sat. I was looking for some angst and despair among the shoppers and staff and couldn't find any.
I do like some liberals...Dershowitz is very classy, even though I very often disagree with him politically.
Dershowitz can (and will) stand firm as a rock on the issues at this moment,
and he would (and will) see all his colleagues and collaborators recede
like a falling tide on the Bay of Fundy.
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If that's real, I sure hope she's handcuffed to a desk as I type. People need to learn that you can't say stuff like that. If it happened, you know she'd be proud, so she should be accountable for asking it to happen. And seriously, a grade school teacher with pink hair and rattle can eyebrows? Can't people even pretend to be professional?

Just went to Whole Foods in Lynnfield, quite a few cranky ladies with short haircuts in there. Don’t know if related or just a confluence of bitches

Yoink, I will be using "confluence of bitches" from now on.
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Just went to Whole Foods in Lynnfield, quite a few cranky ladies with short haircuts in there. Don’t know if related or just a confluence of bitches
First visit to a Whole Foods? ;-)

Yoink, I will be using "confluence of bitches" from now on.

Yes! Like gaggle of geese.
This effort reminds me of the time when I was a student in Brooklyn College in the 1950s......

I've been trying to figure out how old you are and your timeline as you've had a very interesting life. Serving in Communist military, escaping over mountain with/without family, years in refugee camps, hunting Commies in US military. It's a very interesting story even with its, er, variations.

But college in the 1950s after all that adventure. This would make you very old indeed. Congratulations on making it this far.

Edit: Wow. Not my best moment. :(

Didn't realize Alan Dershowitz was that old.
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I've been trying to figure out how old you are and your timeline as you've had a very interesting life. Serving in Communist military, escaping over mountain with/without family, years in refugee camps, hunting Commies in US military. It's a very interesting story even with its, er, variations.

But college in the 1950s after all that adventure. This would make you very old indeed. Congratulations on making it this far.

I am very sorry! My bad! That was still Alan, not me. I just did not mark it correctly.

I am like a dog from the rescue...........You never know how old it is.
Any word on if she's been arrested? Fired? B***h slapped?

Lets keep it in perspective. Remember it took a year after threatening Obama for that Lynn or Lawrence (Is there any difference?) guy to get a visit from Secret Service (And ATF. Pre Atilla I’d wager) only to get jammed up on weapons charges after the move from Texas...
I dont think she was awake the entire time. Her head kept bobbing.

Not sure i how i feel about that apology, Brett seemed like he had moved on and didn't want it mentioned tonight.

True - I think he knows he just set off another 24-hr hysteria in the MSM though...Cocaine Mitch got a standing O, that's deserving.
Soros is the outside firm paying this dipshit

On the first four calls into CSPAN after the ceremony (Republican, Democrat, Independent, Republican) all were complimentary to Kavanaugh. Even the Democrat (from Maine) was supportive, upset at the way the Democrats behaved, and complimented Senator Collins for her vote.
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