It's now on

In the end there is nothing that will "save us" if they decide they are going to pass any form of gun legislation. People keep thinking that by voting they will change something. I fail to see how that has been working out for us.

I agree with this to the point where I have made this exact argument to people who disagree:

The vote in Congress to pass the first $815 billion or whatever it was bailout package - even though something like 95% of the people were against it - should show you that in the end Congress will do whatever it wants.

Only my numbers are somewhere around 80%.
The sheep don't care. They don't care about war. They don't care about rights. They don't care about guns. They don't care about prosperity.

They just want somebody to lullaby them to sleep with their eloquently alliterated empty rhetoric.

Enter Barack Hussein Obama.

Get over it.
To all of you who are demanding action and then saying "Who's with me?!?!"

What are you asking others for? Are you saying you will only do it if others go with you?

Stop waiting for the brute squad and call out a date. Pick a time/date (maybe one of significance like the day that Suzanna Hupps parents were killed) and then say "I'm going!! Join me or not but I'm going"

Be the leader and others will follow.

BTW, during the election I had just gotten here...and so I can't remember to what extent I talked about my opinions of the Republican party. I know I voted for Chuck Baldwin, and may never vote for a Republican again.

In any event, my point here is that this bill I am linking to is sponsored by a Republican and co-sponsored by 4 other Republicans. That's what you are getting when you vote for a party that no longer cares about your rights.
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80 Million gun owners out there..we need to stand up for our 2nd Amedment rights that were permitted by our founding fore fathers for us to have & to KEEP ,..this is utter bullshit..slowly putting the stranglehold of limitations to what we can and can not have.

we need to have a national protest, all of us , if you are serious about keeping your guns..this is the only solution!

we all need to get out there on the steps of our local congress and not leave till WE make the rules pertaining to our freedoms of gun rights.

i say , we set an official date..and we march to our local governments nationwide and demand our rights back...and not leave til we make a change!! whether it be a day or a week!!! or a month!

if you own a firearm, there should be NO reason for you not to participate!!!
...say "I'm going!! Join me or not but I'm going"

Be the leader and others will follow.

Kinda like Mother Jones?

Mother Jones was in the Union Hall down there in Ludlow when word came that the militia had entered into the coal fields. Well, she leapt up and she screamed, "Let's go get the Son's of B**ches." And she stormed out. She didn't look to see if anybody was following her. Nobody, was following her. She just flounced up the road alone, and confronted the militia.

And that's the year that President Theodore Roosevelt called Mother Jones, "The Most Dangerous Woman in America." And she was 83 years old, that's some kind of dangerous woman.
i say , we set an official date..and we march to our local governments nationwide and demand our rights back...and not leave til we make a change!! whether it be a day or a week!!! or a month!

if you own a firearm, there should be NO reason for you not to participate!!!

April 19 (Patriots Day) sounds like a perfect day for this. The day citizens (of Massachusetts, for God's sake) used their OWN firearms to fight tyranny from their OWN government.

And call it "National Firearms Day" or "Armed Citizens Day" to put right in the face of anti's.
Another suggestion on the date but it's a bit far away from now:

So, we propose that each year, the Saturday after the first Monday in November be proclaimed National Firearms Day. This day will be in celebration of those elected officials who support the 2nd Amendment, and in defiance of those who oppose it. We feel that this day more than any other is appropriate for its symbolism and ability to send a very loud and pointed message to our elected officials.
My point was that something will change here, cost and availability. But a new AWB would really upset me since I'm planning a move to a free state.

People here still aren't getting it. They want your guns. They want ALL your guns. And the colossal morons who voted the Usurper and the rest of the incompetent Socialist Democrats BACK to Congress can only blame themselves as more and more of their Constitutional rights are taken away from them---by force if necessary.

Free states? By the time this Usurper is finished with us, there will be no free states. The writing has been on the wall and no one bothered to read it. Most relied on the 30 second sound byte by a biased media (who itself, is anti-2A) to get their information on this POS who was sworn in today.

You want to march? Well there are 80 million gun owners in this country and you're going to need every one of them marching on Washington together. And even then, your new Socialist government, headed by a Marxist Usurper is probably going to tell you to go F yourselves. Just as they did with the so-called bailout bill.

I'm sorry if I'm bringing y'all down, but the sooner you realize exactly who you're dealing with, the better prepared you'll be to fight them. As for GOAL, I haven't seen them organizing any marches on the State House. Have they ever? It doesn't cost anything to organize a march, but what have they done in that regard since 1994?

For once, see where this is going. See the end game. Little by little, they are going to tell you what they will allow you to own. Little by little they are going to take things away from you, until you have to give up everything or risk becoming a criminal. This-is-happening-now. It's been happening in MA for years and now it's going to play out on a national scale, thanks to the absolute IDIOTS who now control your government.

Gun owners have been submissive against the creeping incursion on your 2A rights. It almost reminds me of a defenseless victim begging his aggressor not to hurt him anymore.

If you have any hope of turning this around, you are going to have to fight, and you are going to have to find within yourselves that single-minded determination, that indomitable spirit which will allow you to sustain the fight. Your response must be immediate and forceful. It must be a national coalition.

You can write all the letters in the world. You can phone your elected <choke> leaders, but unless you show up in Washington en mass, more pissed off than you've ever been, and display that anger, well, you can say good-bye to your firearms. Sorry folks. I don't mean to bring you down. But if you fail to realize what you're dealing with, you've already lost the battle.
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80 Million gun owners out there..we need to stand up for our 2nd Amedment rights that were permitted by our founding fore fathers for us to have & to KEEP ,..this is utter bullshit..slowly putting the stranglehold of limitations to what we can and can not have.

we need to have a national protest, all of us , if you are serious about keeping your guns..this is the only solution!

we all need to get out there on the steps of our local congress and not leave till WE make the rules pertaining to our freedoms of gun rights.

i say , we set an official date..and we march to our local governments nationwide and demand our rights back...and not leave til we make a change!! whether it be a day or a week!!! or a month!

if you own a firearm, there should be NO reason for you not to participate!!!

Someone who gets it. [rockon]
Why do people keep talking about marches and writing letters and badgering local Congressmen. That's not going to accomplish anything.

You think Barak Obama got elected because people marched or wrote letters? He didn't, he got elected with money and manpower.

Don't waste time on feel-good stuff that won't accomplish a damn thing. Spend the time and money on making a difference in the next elections, which are less than two years away.

If it's important to you, you need to be willing to spend money on it by supporting candidates you believe in, wherever they are. When a good candidate is elected to the House in two years, it doesn't matter what state he's from. Find the good candidates, wherever they are in the country, and send them money or volunteer to support them.

Don't think that just because there's not a good guy running in your district that all you need to do it sit back and bitch about it and post on NES how you "want to vomit". Support a candidate in another district, or another state. Do something other than whine.
Join the NRA. I don't give a crap if you don't like them for some stupid reason or even a good reason, they are all we have, or the largest voice we have. Join for multiple yrs NOW, so they have more money NOW. Join all your other groups too. NOW.
Join the NRA. I don't give a crap if you don't like them for some stupid reason or even a good reason, they are all we have, or the largest voice we have. Join for multiple yrs NOW, so they have more money NOW. Join all your other groups too. NOW.

+1 no other group has an ounce of the influence the NRA does. Sign up!
Once everyone realizes that Republicans ARE NOT a friend to gun owners,the more better off everyone will be.

Besides the AWB (which expired in 2004,but was extended in MA by a Republican) the most restrictive gun laws were enacted/blessed by a Republican president.

It is in the .gov's best interest see see the entire population disarmed and reliant upon them for protection and comfort.

The only way to save this country is to start over..and the downfall began way before Obama took the oath.Government has become too powerful and exists only to grow itself.The people working for,and reliant upon Uncle Sam have become complacent and are a shining example of why this country needs to be fixed if it wants to live in a form that somewhat reflects the original vision.

The last 8 years have done the most damage to this country with out of control spending,the Patriot Act and .gov growth,Bush basically continued what Clinton started.Bush has also shown ME that there really is no difference in political parties,but some people still believe that Democrats and Republicans are different in their views.Once in office,the so called line between political parties vanish and the true intent of .gov officials becomes even more apparent.

What can we do as gun owners and EVERYONE that wants a true free society ?

I have no f***ing idea,but think of all freedom loving Americans as Spartans and the other 80% as Persians and you will get an idea.

can someone explain to me what is this "gunshow loophole"? I have never understood it...

The "Gunshow loophole" is political speak for FTF transfers.A gun dealers wet dream since they could effectively charge whatever they want for a personal transfer.
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Yeh, the "gunshow loophole" is a way to make it seem like you can walk into a gun show and buy any gun off of any table and not have a background check. REALITY is that the dealers at gunshows are just that, DEALERS, and have FFL's and HAVE to do background checks. FTF transactions are just that, FTF and these anti-everything wackjobs want to control everything, so they want to control FTF transactions too.

Oh, FTF=Face To Face (just in case you didn't know)
can someone explain to me what is this "gunshow loophole"? I have never understood it...

This is mainly whining from antis about private FTF sales occurring at gun shows, that proceed without background checks, of course there is a lot of hype and hyperbole, considering that in states which allow private FTF, the "gun show" element is completely irrelevant. The antis try to make it sound as though some criminal can walk into a gun show off the street and buy a gun without a background check. While this might happen once in awhile (and even then, only in the case of an FTF) it's a patently rare event; not to mention that the stats don't show gun shows as being a statistically significant source of crime guns.

Further, private sellers at gun shows are generally somewhat rare, especially in the northeast. Most of the non-dealer tables in this region of the country are people selling junk, not firearms. Some gun show promoters probably don't even allow non-dealer firearms sales at their shows, for liability reasons.

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Why do people keep talking about marches and writing letters and badgering local Congressmen. That's not going to accomplish anything.

Well, unfortunately, if we start shooting the bastards it's probably not going to accomplish anything, either, other than scaring the sheep and putting a bunch of gun owners in jail.

Of course, there are going to be a lot of people saying "Yeah! Shoot some more of 'em!"... [thinking]
Why do people keep talking about marches and writing letters and badgering local Congressmen. That's not going to accomplish anything.

Oh I don't know about that... look at the disproportionate political power wielded by the homosexual community (not a slam there, just making an observation). They stand up for what they perceive as their rights, and they make a hell of a lot of noise about it.

I think, at the very least, a coordinated march on Boston in support of what GOAL is trying to do to reform gun control in this state is warranted.

I'll go. Just plan it for nice weather. [grin]
Oh I don't know about that... look at the disproportionate political power wielded by the homosexual community (not a slam there, just making an observation). They stand up for what they perceive as their rights, and they make a hell of a lot of noise about it.

I think, at the very least, a coordinated march on Boston in support of what GOAL is trying to do to reform gun control in this state is warranted.

I'll go. Just plan it for nice weather. [grin]

The gay community gets a hell of a lot more positive media coverage than we will.

The problem with organizing a march, is what happens when like ten guys show up?
This is mainly whining from antis about private FTF sales occurring at gun shows, that proceed without background checks, of course there is a lot of hype and hyperbole, considering that in states which allow private FTF, the "gun show" element is completely irrelevant. The antis try to make it sound as though some criminal can walk into a gun show off the street and buy a gun without a background check. While this might happen once in awhile (and even then, only in the case of an FTF) it's a patently rare event; not to mention that the stats don't show gun shows as being a statistically significant source of crime guns.

Further, private sellers at gun shows are generally somewhat rare, especially in the northeast. Most of the non-dealer tables in this region of the country are people selling junk, not firearms. Some gun show promoters probably don't even allow non-dealer firearms sales at their shows, for liability reasons.


And isn't FTF sales between individuals across state lines illegal anyway so it only applies to one resident of a state selling to another. Basically it's a foot-in-the-door in banning private sales of guns.
The gay community gets a hell of a lot more positive media coverage than we will.

The problem with organizing a march, is what happens when like ten guys show up?

The gay community gets media coverage because it includes a sizable portion of the entertainment industry - who often make what passes for 'news' in this country. There are more gun owners then gays (if you buy the 1 in 10 statistic) but we're just average people and are thus not newsworthy - untill one of us does something stupid.

That's the problem. There's nothing 'interesting' from a media standpoint about a bunch of gun owners acting responsibly. Boring doesn't make ratings which is why Regan's deregulation of the television industry is one of the most ironic examples of the 'law of unintended consequences' ever.

(Regan got rid of hosts of federal regulations in the 80's in an attempt to cut back on big government. One result led to making the news a ratings-driven entity which lead to the 'tabloidization' of the news we're seeing today)
And isn't FTF sales between individuals across state lines illegal anyway so it only applies to one resident of a state selling to another. Basically it's a foot-in-the-door in banning private sales of guns.

Yes, that is true as well. Fed law already "blocks" non resident transactions without a dealer involved. Of cretins, like Bailey/Rosnethal ignore/gloss over this when they commit felonies while trying to push their agenda- which is trying to wage the BS argument that a criminal can merely drive to a free state and pick up a gun from a dealer, which we all know is only true if the cirminal is willing to break existing felony-grade laws to do so. Course the irony of the whole thing is that in the process of doing so, they're basically proving that adding more laws doesn't really accomplish anything, at least when it comes to criminals.

I think you are right- the antis are looking at banning FTF sales at gun shows first because they want to use it as a launching platform to eventually ban ALL sales that don't transit a dealer, even those not occurring anywhere near a gun show. The idea is that if they can "condition" people to "state intervention being required more often" that they might be able to get people to tolerate and accept that crap.

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"I promise to protect and uphold the Constitution, except the second amendment, and I reserve to right to delete and re-write the Constitution as I see fit, so that I may not be called a liar for upholding it."

Anyone who drafts, enacts, brings up any legislation or regulation that violates the Constitution should be charged, convicted, and executed for treason. [Me

He is a traitor for ANY violations to the constitution... And unsutible to be president...

Glad I got my AR and preban mags... Let hope it's only a ban on new stuff and not a confiscation of currently owned "Assault Weapons".

I know, why dont we make murder illegal???? Then guns will be a non issue... Wow, what an idea...

Stop blaming inanimate objects...
So who here will take to a letter writing campaign, (not E-mail)? Who here will go door to door and organize? Who here will put pressure on elected officials, (local, state and federal)? Who here will put pressure on the NRA to not sit idly by again? Who here will take to the streets if need be - march on Beacon Hill, march on Washington? Who here will make their voices heard beyond the confines of your keyboard? Who here will at last prioritize liberty above a soccer game, or getting the time off work? Who here is willing to sacrifice? [wave]
I will write and mail letters.
I will march on Beacon Hill (I don't think I could afford a trip to DC unless we'll all on one bus or something).
I don't even have my license yet (supposedly 5 more days) nor do I own a gun. Yet I am a member here so I can learn. And thanks to a karma giveaway, I am (or soon will be) a member of GOAL.
Time off of work - not a problem.

April 19 (Patriots Day) sounds like a perfect day for this. The day citizens (of Massachusetts, for God's sake) used their OWN firearms to fight tyranny from their OWN government.

And call it "National Firearms Day" or "Armed Citizens Day" to put right in the face of anti's.

It looks like that's a Sunday - are marches supposed to take place when "law-makers" are at work? If so I would think a weekend or holiday wouldn't work.
Then again, since I've never been in a march or participated in a protest, I don't really know the guidelines...
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