If there was confiscation do you think this would happen?

Being a martyr and standing up to fight against something like this are two different things. Martyrs tend to die for their causes.

Now to Quote the late George S. Patton:
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

I'm not planning on being that "poor dumb bastard".
There are plenty of techniques and strategies that wiseguys around the globe use to forward their causes (if not line their pockets) that don't involve the fame and misfortune of being martyred. As for the "Cold Dead Hands" line, I hope they will only be able to pry some cheap toy placed there by friends while my body is still warm.

When they come knocking on my door and ask the question: "Where are your guns?" My answer will be short and simple "Gone. They are not here, and I now respectfully ask that you defer any further questioning until after I've consulted with an attorney."

Everything I post here is effectively for the record, and may be accessible for years, if not decades.
It also isn't that hard to twist just about any non-financial reason into something that can be used to question my sanity or otherwise discredit me in an as-hominum attack.

Because of this, I'm not too keen on discussing any non-financial reason.

Besides, if they were easy to get or make (read cheap here), I wouldn't worry about replacing them.

Now don't get me wrong, I fully see the bennifit of trying all legal means first... Im refering more to if the Feds go for it, if the state did, i would simply move.

The feds on the other hand, you have no choice... I dont see that as being a myrter...
Every person has two things, a price and a breaking point.

No one, as of yet, has met my price, however, they are pushing me to my breaking point.
I'm sorry if that post came off wrong As we are both in the same boat when it comes to the antis wanting to take our rights away in the area of Firearms and others as well.

And as to the question regarding AW registration HELL NO I didn't register anything All of my black rifles that would have required registration had they been in California stayed at my property in Nevada when I came back to PRC.

I also had to leave my NFA weapons in Nevada. That is one area from what I understand or think I understand about your laws that you have a benefit on us in the PRC.

Don't try to act too smug. At least I can legally own a whole bunch of guns here that I'd have to unload if I were to move back to California. (Somehow they turned into evil baby killers since I bought them in Santa Monica and Los Angeles, or so they tell me.) And remind me again exactly I apply for a non-resident carry permit when I visit my family who still live there? It must feel real good that the massa' trusts you enough to let you have a gun without a license, as long as you go through the DROS ritual and act like a good boy. Hope you didn't register any "assault weapons" after the original deadline, like the AG told you was ok to do.

There is a very real possibility of this happening.

nah... even in MA I dont think so. As much as our dumb ass liberal anti gun govenment here in MA hates its citizens owning guns even they know they would be running into some REAL TOUGH CUSTOMERS if they tried to disarm everyone. Yeah sure there would be plenty of people turning them in out of fear and choosing loosing their guns over going to jail but there would be a big enough number of people who would actually fight to the death for their guns due to deep rooted Military, ethical and or personal political reasons for their weapons. Beleive me, there are still some hard core people out (maybe not as many as there used to be) there and if pushed hard enough, they will fight..... HARD to protect their guns.
The Government knows this and they would not want to start a small revolution like that. It would be chaos in a lot of places and create more problems then it is worth. Even our stupid MA politicians know this. Instead they will just impose dumb, senceless gun restricting laws that do nothing to stop crime and only to get one step closer to their goal. But to confiscate everything in a one shot deal... No... not even they are that dumb....
+1, wouldn't surprise me at all.

I bet that is a "dirty little secret" that the canadian government
doesn't want to let out on the street- that their gun control
program only netted a small portion of whatever guns were supposed
to be turned in. Without offering at least a bribe and
only a mostly empty threat of confiscation and prosecution, It
probably stands that only absolute milquetoasts ended up turning in
their "unlawful" firearms. Even if a bunch of these guns were
"registered" in some way, the amount of government resources
required to ensure that all "illegal" guns were confiscated or turned
in would be massive.


I have a pet theory - seeing as how playing politics does not always seem to get us anywhere as far as turning back the denigration of our right to own firearms - and, seeing as how there is defacto gun registration going on at both state and federal levels - maybe what we as gun owners ought to really be doing is getting as many people as possible to buy as many guns as possible.

As gun owners we could all basically play the system by buying many many guns. The problem is that if there are just a few people who own many guns - the confiscation is easy - each raid nets a large cache of firearms. However if there are many many more people with firearms - even if each person only has 1 or 2 guns - confiscation becomes very very hard. I do not mean to make this sound like an endorsement for registration - but seeing as how it has been forced down our throats anyway - one way we can play with it is to make sure that the powers that be know that there are many many guns out there. This makes any scheme to try and start confiscation that much harder - and those that might try these things will KNOW IT - because they have records of which and how many firearms are out there.

It is basically the same theory that Ronald Reagan applied to defeating the Soviet Union - we can spend them into defeat by making sure we win the arms race.

I remember reading somewhere what the total firearm count was in this country:

The United States has the largest number of guns in private hands of any country in the world with 60 million people owning a combined arsenal of over 200 million firearms.

And I also remember reading somewhere that the 200million number had been arrived at in a relatively short period of time - I.E. the Clinton gun ban had the effect of increasing the firearm count in the U.S. from something like 125 million to the 200 mil number in like 10 or 15 years.

We should try and push the owner count to 100 million - and the firearm count to 300 million.

The more people there are on our side - and the more firearms there are in circulation - mean the less likelihood of confiscation or bans - after a certain point it all becomes a losing game for the gun banners.
Now don't get me wrong, I fully see the bennifit of trying all legal means first... Im refering more to if the Feds go for it, if the state did, i would simply move.

The feds on the other hand, you have no choice... I dont see that as being a myrter...

The choices are simple, lay down and comply with the grab, or consider the law unjust and open yourself up to that prosecution. If the choice involves that non compliance, don't overlook the strategies of the wise guy. Those mafiosi tend to use (or abuse) every remaining technicality, right, and nuance of due process to get around or out of whatever indictment the cops have on them. I think that the odds are better with those tactics than having some spectacular "last stand".
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