If Obama is Elected, What are YOU buying?

Im poor, and just bought school books.

But before november i will buy in order:another AR (build), a 1911, and a tactical shot gun.
Raoul - I agree 100%---it only takes another incursion by Russia, a horrid domestic episode, an attack on a political figure etc, and all my logic goes out the window. Let's hope Russia stays in Georgia only for now... etc.I was just trying to put "logic" into perspective in the conversation.

That said, I'm stocked [grin]

I couldn't agree more. Now it seems that relations between Russia and NATO are even more strained. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7575332.stm
Consider these factors - The occupation of Iraq and war with Al Qaeda, Iran's nuclear threat, our dependence on foreign oil and the economic and security issues it presents. A very real threat of an economic crisis that is currently playing out day but day.

We were told to beware of foreign entanglements. Maybe that's not completely achievable in today's world.

I don't have a warm and fuzzy feeling about the near future. Obama is not the man for this job. McCain may not have been my first choice but I have faith that he can lead us and will be getting my vote.

But in order to stay on topic in this thread, yes, I will be buying and doing things to protect myself and family and the good people that surround me.

The moonbats can hold a candlelight vigil if TSHTF.
If the unthinkable happens, and Mr. Change manages to hoodwink enough moderates and independents to win the presidency....


(Please limit to the one or two items that you think will be on the hit list after he takes office)

Excuse me for a moment while I puke.....

Everything. I will cash out and buy everything at Four Seasons.
Amen Negotiator

This has been an very interesting thread to follow. I'm rather predispositioned to look at the psychology behind the messages and this whole thread has been very absorbing, for several reasons. Let's presuppose for a min or two that Senator Obama wins the majority of the electoral college votes ( popular vote doesn't count remember) and becomes the 44th president of the United States. He becomes the democratically elected leader of the country ( and the polls give him a good chance of doing so) , and the first African American in history to hold the office. Then what? Mass grab for all the legally held firearms in the country? I doubt it. Riots in the streets led by the Christian far right? I doubt it. Mass protests , looting and riots in all the major cities in Republican states ? I doubt it. Why do I doubt this? Because the average members of the American electorate is not in the least bit interested or informed when it comes to the issues outside of those that immediately or material impact their day to day lives. They are spoon fed watered down media coverage of the key political issues, so providing they still get their cable TV, McDonald's , American Idol and gas doesn't cost $5 a gallon they basically don't care.

Now turn it around the other way - and assume that Senator McCain is the democratically elected president. What happens? Nothing - same scenario.

Any changes that are put in place will be slow and insidious, rather than radical and sweeping. It will be the boiling frog principle.

Any non firearm owning citizens reading this thread would think we are all overly concerned about the immediate removal of basic rights under the constitution, which will not happen over night, but feeding their distorted perceptions of gun owning citizens as loony survivalists, what with the talk of burying guns, stockpiling ammo ( alright, I do that already) - it all sounds a little too survivalist for non gunnies.

The whole discussion about what to buy if Obama wins does "our" cause more harm than good IMHO. It looks paranoid and divisive. If McCain wins ( which I doubt) or Obama takes the vote, then at the end of the day they have been elected to the role. We place a huge amount of stock on being a free democracy. As a patriotic and proud American-by choice, I will support the office of the president no matter who sits in the White House. I don't have to respect the man, but I do respect the position.

British by birth
Christian by faith
American by choice

Amen Negotiator. I'm always amazed at how rabidly anti-democrat EVERYTHING gun owners appear to be. Yes, I understand that on the whole a Dem is less friendly toward the 2nd amendment, but gun control is a good thing in moderation. From what I can see, it is no easier to get a LTC now than when slick Willy was president. I was a registered Republican my whole life until W and his minions turned me into a rabid lathering liberal... at least for the moment. Hard not to if one is objective and fair. Yes, I believe in the right to bear arms, doesn't mean I have to believe everything the Elephant is spouting, or the Donkey for that matter. I think the right to bear arms is a serious and sober privilege and should be taken seriously. I like the fact that there are background checks and certain restrictions imposed on those who are either too crooked or too irresponsible to carry, much less own arms.

Would I be disappointed if I couldn't own a gun? No question. But IMHO there are bigger issues facing most Americans and the world as a whole, and I certainly wouldn't base my entire political view on the gun control issue alone. Call me a true liberal. I always thought it ironic that the liberals should be so conservative about guns and vise versa.
I certainly wouldn't base my entire political view on the gun control issue alone.

Correct: But I am not going to vote for someone who is going to sell us down the river. And EVEN if that person was the best for foreign policy but was a rabbit anti-gunner, I would NOT sell out on my principles. That makes me an even keeled and a rational person.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserves neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin
Amen Negotiator. I'm always amazed at how rabidly anti-democrat EVERYTHING gun owners appear to be. Yes, I understand that on the whole a Dem is less friendly toward the 2nd amendment, but gun control is a good thing in moderation. From what I can see, it is no easier to get a LTC now than when slick Willy was president. I was a registered Republican my whole life until W and his minions turned me into a rabid lathering liberal... at least for the moment. Hard not to if one is objective and fair. Yes, I believe in the right to bear arms, doesn't mean I have to believe everything the Elephant is spouting, or the Donkey for that matter. I think the right to bear arms is a serious and sober privilege and should be taken seriously. I like the fact that there are background checks and certain restrictions imposed on those who are either too crooked or too irresponsible to carry, much less own arms.

Would I be disappointed if I couldn't own a gun? No question. But IMHO there are bigger issues facing most Americans and the world as a whole
, and I certainly wouldn't base my entire political view on the gun control issue alone. Call me a true liberal. I always thought it ironic that the liberals should be so conservative about guns and vise versa.

After you've been here a while, if you stay, you'll realize that you make assumptions about peoples political beliefs at your own peril. There is a very vocal conservative component of our community but most people here are far from "check the box Republicans." There are also many with typical liberal viewpoints but don't for a minute think they will vote Democrat because it's expected of them. Finally there are plenty of people like me who simply cannot in good conscience vote for either of the two hacks de jour and would prefer to see Frank Zappa's moldy corpse running this country than either of the two choices we have today. But do realize, any proponent of gun control is unlikely to find significant agreement here as gun control springs from lack of trust and most of us do not appreciate the restrictions placed on our second amendment rights by opportunistic politicians, weak willed collectivists and "the only ones" (That would be law enforcement town, state, and federal)

Finally, and hear this well, if your reaction to loosing your second amendment rights is to be "Disappointed," then I submit that you never deserved them to begin with. If you truly can muster only disappointment at the last step of your subjugation than I'd say get in a boat and go to Cuba and make room for someone who understands the precepts of liberty.

Your grade? FAIL
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Amen Negotiator. I'm always amazed at how rabidly anti-democrat EVERYTHING gun owners appear to be. Yes, I understand that on the whole a Dem is less friendly toward the 2nd amendment, but gun control is a good thing in moderation. From what I can see, it is no easier to get a LTC now than when slick Willy was president. I was a registered Republican my whole life until W and his minions turned me into a rabid lathering liberal... at least for the moment. Hard not to if one is objective and fair. Yes, I believe in the right to bear arms, doesn't mean I have to believe everything the Elephant is spouting, or the Donkey for that matter. I think the right to bear arms is a serious and sober privilege and should be taken seriously. I like the fact that there are background checks and certain restrictions imposed on those who are either too crooked or too irresponsible to carry, much less own arms.

Would I be disappointed if I couldn't own a gun? No question. But IMHO there are bigger issues facing most Americans and the world as a whole, and I certainly wouldn't base my entire political view on the gun control issue alone. Call me a true liberal. I always thought it ironic that the liberals should be so conservative about guns and vise versa.

"Shall not be infringed" means just that. If your for restrictions that do just that, then you can take a hike. And if you try to bring forth any notion that suggests that restrictions make it harder for criminals to acquire guns for their illegal activities, then yes you are a liberal. Gun control is good in moderation? Sorry, you lost me there.

Control your own gun. And get the hell out of the business of telling people that theirs should be controlled by somebody else. Either that or why don't you start coughing up some evidence that gun control has helped lowered crime? Then maybe you'll get my attention. I'm not buying your bullshit, Mr. Rosenthal.

P.S. How do you feel about the fact that you have a restriction on your license that denies you your constitutional and birth right of self defense? Ya, that's gun control for you. That's a restriction. Feels real good don't it? Give a liberal a foot and they'll take a mile. The rest of us know what is right, and we are not giving anything. It's too damn bad that there are moles among us with your mentality that leach off of the accomplishments of the rest of us who fight tooth and nail to maintain what little rights that we have around here, and you can go on your merry way because you think that there are more important things in the world. Well tell that to the 30 unarmed students at Virginia Tech who died after the cops showed up.

Here's all you need to know about gun control:



It's not anyones business, not you, not the police, not the government, not the Pope, to tell me what the hell I can and can't own and carry in order to defend myself and my family so be it as long as I am not committing a crime.
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"Shall not be infringed" means just that. If your for restrictions that do just that, then you can take a hike. And if you try to bring forth any notion that suggests that restrictions make it harder for criminals to acquire guns for their illegal activities, then yes you are a liberal. Gun control is good in moderation? Sorry, you lost me there.

Control your own gun. And get the hell out of the business of telling people that theirs should be controlled by somebody else. Either that or why don't you start coughing up some evidence that gun control has helped lowered crime? Then maybe you'll get my attention. I'm not buying your bullshit, Mr. Rosenthal.

P.S. How do you feel about the fact that you have a restriction on your license that denies you your constitutional and birth right of self defense? Ya, that's gun control for you. That's a restriction. Feels real good don't it? Give a liberal a foot and they'll take a mile. The rest of us know what is right, and we are not giving anything. It's too damn bad that there are moles among us with your mentality that leach off of the accomplishments of the rest of us who fight tooth and nail to maintain what little rights that we have around here, and you can go on your merry way because you think that there are more important things in the world. Well tell that to the 30 unarmed students at Virginia Tech who died after the cops showed up.

Here's all you need to know about gun control:



It's not anyones business, not you, not the police, not the government, not the Pope, to tell me what the hell I can and can't own and carry in order to defend myself and my family so be it as long as I am not committing a crime.


And with that...another liberal is told where to go!
Chairman NObama

Stockpile and maintain a low profile. Acquisitions in the still free and sovereign states long before tracking existed - off the grid and not in any data base anywhere.[wink]
"Shall not be infringed" means just that. If your for restrictions that do just that, then you can take a hike. And if you try to bring forth any notion that suggests that restrictions make it harder for criminals to acquire guns for their illegal activities, then yes you are a liberal. Gun control is good in moderation? Sorry, you lost me there.

Control your own gun. And get the hell out of the business of telling people that theirs should be controlled by somebody else. Either that or why don't you start coughing up some evidence that gun control has helped lowered crime? Then maybe you'll get my attention. I'm not buying your bullshit, Mr. Rosenthal.

P.S. How do you feel about the fact that you have a restriction on your license that denies you your constitutional and birth right of self defense? Ya, that's gun control for you. That's a restriction. Feels real good don't it? Give a liberal a foot and they'll take a mile. The rest of us know what is right, and we are not giving anything. It's too damn bad that there are moles among us with your mentality that leach off of the accomplishments of the rest of us who fight tooth and nail to maintain what little rights that we have around here, and you can go on your merry way because you think that there are more important things in the world. Well tell that to the 30 unarmed students at Virginia Tech who died after the cops showed up.

Here's all you need to know about gun control:



It's not anyones business, not you, not the police, not the government, not the Pope, to tell me what the hell I can and can't own and carry in order to defend myself and my family so be it as long as I am not committing a crime.

It is too bad that not everyone agrees with this. +1
After you've been here a while, if you stay, you'll realize that you make assumptions about peoples political beliefs at your own peril. There is a very vocal conservative component of our community but most people here are far from "check the box Republicans." There are also many with typical liberal viewpoints but don't for a minute think they will vote Democrat because it's expected of them. Finally there are plenty of people like me who simply cannot in good conscience vote for either of the two hacks de jour and would prefer to see Frank Zappa's moldy corpse running this country than either of the two choices we have today. But do realize, any proponent of gun control is unlikely to find significant agreement here as gun control springs from lack of trust and most of us do not appreciate the restrictions placed on our second amendment rights by opportunistic politicians, weak willed collectivists and "the only ones" (That would be law enforcement town, state, and federal)

Finally, and hear this well, if your reaction to loosing your second amendment rights is to be "Disappointed," then I submit that you never deserved them to begin with. If you truly can muster only disappointment at the last step of your subjugation than I'd say get in a boat and go to Cuba and make room for someone who understands the precepts of liberty.

Your grade? FAIL

Cool! I'm being graded! Sorry to tick you off so completely. Not really my intention. I am after all entitled to my opinion, pursuant to an amendment that came before the second. I understand what you are saying abut my being a bit lilly-livered IE "disappointed" and I s'pose you are right there. I can accept that. I don't think it was a subjugation though, nor a missive for that matter. More a simple point of view. Hard to convey how one feels entirely in a few paragraphs. By the way, I'd prefer Zappa too. I suspect we have more in common than you may think. Whether I agree or disagree with you, I would never grade you or impugn your view point. Interesting you would have me move to Cuba for voicing an opinion.
I don't believe there is all that much difference between the republicans and the democrats, except the democrats lust over people who don't like to work and who live on the fringes of society in terms of behavior and ethics. I'm not too keen on the republicans either.

Anyway, I vote for the man - not the party. I am angry that part of my income is taken from me with a gun to my head to support welfare frauds, useless government hacks, and insane pet projects. I am frightened that there are business interests that would like nothing more than to corner me into a position where I'd be willing to work for food. I worry as I see full time legislators building empires that almost guarantee a lifetime of employment at my expense.

The republicans have not done a lot for personal freedoms recently and obviously the dems won't be happy til this place is the old Soviet Union. They all suck, but Obama is an empty suit. McCain is a known product, and infinitely more experienced - a much better choice in my opinion.

It's been a long time since the People were sovereign around here.
You're making the assumption that he won't try for confiscation. I know, that's not allowed in this free country.

What is and isn't allowed depends solely on whether those on the recieving end allow it to happen. Scrivener puts it better, but I can't think of the quote. For example, the confriscations that happened after hurricane Katrina. You need not look very far to see things happening right before the very eyes of the masses that are not allowed.

By definition, the licensing of a right is unconstitutional and therefore not allowed. Stopping anyone from keeping and carrying a firearm by the definition of our Second Ammendment is not allowed. Anyone who disagrees with the fact that the 2A was created for those purposes can take a look at some of the quotes from the creators of the constitution that follow along the lines of all free men having the duty and right to be armed all of the time. What is or isn't allowed is a moot point, what actually happens is totally up to the free men who make up this country.
Under Clinton we got the "Anti-terroism and Effective Death Penalty Act", the Assault Weapons Ban, and Project Eschelon.

The AEDPA is something I'm not too familiar with. Gave it a quick look and don't see anything that wrong with it. Is there part of it that I'm just not getting? From what I read it was based on legislation that started during the Reagan years and came to the top of the heap after the OKC and first WTC bombings. It was also voted in by a GOP lead House. The AWB... well, we all know how much we love that thing and the inbred offspring we in MA. have to deal with. Echelon is something that, while it happened during the Bubba years, would have eventually happened anyway. If anything, the whole recent telecom issue shows that both sides are willing to play big brother at the drop of a hat. Douchebaggery has no problem working both sides of the aisle, unfortunately.

It was more of a hypothetical question since I have no recollection of his campaign stand on guns other than backing the Brady Bill annd was wondering if people were concerned to such an extent that there were more than a few caches being tucked away. Unlike today, the enormous forum of information and conversation that is the internet was still only available in universities and Al Gore's house.
I don't think either one of them being elected is going to mean the end of the country as we know it. It'll probably be more of the same for another four years...

That being said, I don't like either of them. I'm thinking about voting for Mr. Kotter instead. He'd probably do a better job than both... But he would probably keep getting the Russians confused with the Sweathogs.... I guess no ones perfect.

Not that my absentee ballot will even be worth the paper its printed on...

I just got married... I can't afford any more guns right now.
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Cool! I'm being graded! Sorry to tick you off so completely. Not really my intention. I am after all entitled to my opinion, pursuant to an amendment that came before the second. I understand what you are saying abut my being a bit lilly-livered IE "disappointed" and I s'pose you are right there. I can accept that. I don't think it was a subjugation though, nor a missive for that matter. More a simple point of view. Hard to convey how one feels entirely in a few paragraphs. By the way, I'd prefer Zappa too. I suspect we have more in common than you may think. Whether I agree or disagree with you, I would never grade you or impugn your view point. Interesting you would have me move to Cuba for voicing an opinion.

I don't think a good retort to that is to pick his well put together cohesive statement apart and answer each fragment out of context. Your entitled to your opinion of course, but I suspect you are missing the larger picture of control, the BS that is "gun control" being part of that.
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