How do we move forward...

Um, that's uncalled for. Profanity and insults, nice. [hmmm] Say that to my face.

You are right - I went over the top on that response. I apologize.

I have been a bit angry lately.

Let me restate it: being worried about things that are non-issues - makes it that much harder to recognize where the true threats are. And worse - it makes the threats that are real - more likely to actually come true.

We need to stop worrying about "zombies" and "roving gangs" and see what in reality is threatening us.
You are right - I went over the top on that response. I apologize.

I have been a bit angry lately.

Let me restate it: being worried about things that are non-issues - makes it that much harder to recognize where the true threats are. And worse - it makes the threats that are real - more likely to actually come true.

We need to stop worrying about "zombies" and "roving gangs" and see what in reality is threatening us.

No hard feelings Calsdad. I know a lot of people here have been tense and angry lately and I see your point. [grin]
Originally Posted by bambame2
The problem is that we now have an anti American Marxist as are next president. Who with a slippery tung blinded people with fancy talk of change with out telling us his rely agenda and 52 percent that want to push their beliefs on us and I for one won't have it not lying down anyway. great men fought and died for us to have the country the way we know it. now Its time for us to do are part for are children and future generations. I'm glad this has happed Ive felt like a dog on a chain for a long time every year another link wold be removed I woke up this morning with my neck agents the tree and I'm pissed. Now for the first time we have movement and unity lets move and break our chains. molon labe long live the revaluation ect!..........

I noticed that nobody commented on this post.

I wanted to know if this was the general consensus, or is it unique?

I did see his post - and meant to comment on it. Bambame2's point about feeling like " a dog on a leash" is something I have felt for a long time. When I look at where all my time and money goes - and when I spend time reading about how things used to be in this country - and the way they are now, I definitely get the feeling that I am trapped in a giant screw job.

The popular media has been running stories for years about how it now takes a family having both spouses working to support them. The kids are forced into govt. schooling - and if you believe the news stories, are getting more and more stupid every year. I see this as a direct result of the growth of govt. and the attendent costs. Something like 50% of our income goes to taxes. We spend trillions of dollars policing the globe - as if the whole thing would collapse without us (arrogance), politics gets worse and worse and no matter how many citizens are opposed - bills get passed anyway (bailout bill). Now we have a guy who has been elected president that nobody really even knows who he is. He probably wasn't even born in this country (citizenship issues aside). So we are a nation of 300 million people - who can't find somebody who was actually born here to elect as president? This last election cycle - the only person who talked about downsizing the govt. was Ron Paul - and he was basically laughed off the stage. In the main election - there was pretty much NO talk at all about reigning in the federal govt.

Add in the massive federal debt. and the growing deficits, the Patriot Act, loss of Habeus Corpus, infrastructure falling down, energy solutions that have become political footballs, and dozens of things I can't even recall at the moment - and I have a hard time seeing how we are not headed towards some sort of major historical turning point.

The thing is - that turning point could be good - or bad. At the moment it looks like we are headed down the "bad" road. But I still believe something good could come out of this. In order for that to happen however - we must all have our heads screwed on straight. Apologies again to Blitz - but being worried abou non-issues is not going to help us achieve liberty. Being worried about non issues like what is Britanny wearing today, who is Paris dating, and zombies and threats from people with dark skin is exactly what those who want us to fail want to see. In order to win - we are going to have to admit to ourselves that what it might take is drastic change - and relying on the govt. to give us health care, and social security, and protect us from terrorists, and patch all of our booboos when we fall - is exactly what has led is into this place to begin with.

What's that famous quote? Something like: "those who expect anything more from liberty than itself - are born to be slaves" ??

I don't think a lot of people even have a comprehension of what that means.

Time is short - take the red pill.
No hard feelings Calsdad. I know a lot of people here have been tense and angry lately and I see your point. [grin]

Thanks. I know I do go over the top sometimes - but without all of us being on board with what we have to do - we will continue to fail.

I will grant you - there are zombies out there, but they are usually wearing an Obama T-shirt - and walking around with a dumbass smile on their face. They are usually not mumbling "brains - brains" but something more along the lines of " Obama obama obama".
I did see his post - and meant to comment on it. Bambame2's point about feeling like " a dog on a leash" is something I have felt for a long time. When I look at where all my time and money goes - and when I spend time reading about how things used to be in this country - and the way they are now, I definitely get the feeling that I am trapped in a giant screw job.

The popular media has been running stories for years about how it now takes a family having both spouses working to support them. The kids are forced into govt. schooling - and if you believe the news stories, are getting more and more stupid every year. I see this as a direct result of the growth of govt. and the attendent costs. Something like 50% of our income goes to taxes. We spend trillions of dollars policing the globe - as if the whole thing would collapse without us (arrogance), politics gets worse and worse and no matter how many citizens are opposed - bills get passed anyway (bailout bill). Now we have a guy who has been elected president that nobody really even knows who he is. He probably wasn't even born in this country (citizenship issues aside). So we are a nation of 300 million people - who can't find somebody who was actually born here to elect as president? This last election cycle - the only person who talked about downsizing the govt. was Ron Paul - and he was basically laughed off the stage. In the main election - there was pretty much NO talk at all about reigning in the federal govt.

Add in the massive federal debt. and the growing deficits, the Patriot Act, loss of Habeus Corpus, infrastructure falling down, energy solutions that have become political footballs, and dozens of things I can't even recall at the moment - and I have a hard time seeing how we are not headed towards some sort of major historical turning point.

The thing is - that turning point could be good - or bad. At the moment it looks like we are headed down the "bad" road. But I still believe something good could come out of this. In order for that to happen however - we must all have our heads screwed on straight. Apologies again to Blitz - but being worried abou non-issues is not going to help us achieve liberty. Being worried about non issues like what is Britanny wearing today, who is Paris dating, and zombies and threats from people with dark skin is exactly what those who want us to fail want to see. In order to win - we are going to have to admit to ourselves that what it might take is drastic change - and relying on the govt. to give us health care, and social security, and protect us from terrorists, and patch all of our booboos when we fall - is exactly what has led is into this place to begin with.

What's that famous quote? Something like: "those who expect anything more from liberty than itself - are born to be slaves" ??

I don't think a lot of people even have a comprehension of what that means.

Time is short - take the red pill.

+1 on the red pill.
Anarchy is a best case scenario. Government is the threat.
I guess I'm a little skeptical that there will be riots in the streets or general anarchy. I think the greatest threat to gun owners is the gradual deterioration of the RKBA. One of the reasons its easy to erode our RKBA in states like MA is that the rate of gun ownership is low, thus there is not much political pressure on our representatives to defend those rights.

That being said, my hunch is that any course of action moving forward should also come with an effort to increase gun ownership. The best way to do that is to be willing to talk with our friends about this hobby/sport that we all enjoy, and encourage them to ask questions and get involved.

Places like these forums are a great way to bring new shooters (such as me) into the fold, and seek their buy-in (so they feel a vested interest). It sort of sounds cheesy, but really a strategy of increasing gun ownership rates will have the most long-lasting effect, because it works through consensus. Just my 0.02.
FDR said that the "only thing we have to fear is fear itself." While we can never underestimate the threat, we should not overestimate it either. 52 percent of the American people who voted said they wanted change and were desperate enough to reach out and went with someone who potentially will offer big changes. I think it is important for all who talk about freedom and democracy to reflect upon the fact that the majority won.

Now let's look at the current situation: two messy wars and an economy that's gone south. Who do we blame for that? Barack Obama and the Democrats...? I don't think so.

So how do we fix this? Well since this Forum is supposed to be about guns, the first thing we can do is ensure that the pro-RKBA arms groups have a well-funded war chest to wage the battle in congress. Second, we have to actually get off our asses that are so conveniently plunked in front of our computer screens and get out and support those people who support our causes.

How many of you actually voted? How many of you actually went out and supported a candidate of your choice in the last election? I mean worked to get him or her elected? Some people call for revolution, perhaps not fully realizing the implications that such a drastic action would take. But how many of these same aspiring revolutionaires actually participated in the political process over the past several years other than pay taxes and vote? If you weren't pouring money and time and talent into supporting your slate of candidates, but instead got on this forum dissed Obama, dissed the Democratic Party, dissed McCain for being too "liberal," dissed the NRA for being a big organization that you have personal issues with because you don't like the color of their baseball caps or something equally ludicrous, then you are just as responsible for the Barack Obama presidency as a person who voted for him. But now some of you are saying (some half in jest and others maybe not so much in jest at all) Revolution ! without ever having really participated in the system you want to overthrow.

Perhaps if more people had spent less time on this Forum bitching about things, and actually gotten out there and done something, maybe things would have gone differently. Instead you preached to the choir.

So what do we do now? We have to defeat Obama in 2012 and our campaign to accomplish this mission should have started on November 5, 2008.

For those of us who are Boomers I would point out that we helped bring down a President once and helped end a war (and pleeeeeease let's not get into whether Viet Nam was right or wrong, it's water over the dam now) A president that was one of the most left leaning Chief Executives we have ever had: Lyndon Baines Johnson. As generation we were committed to political activism and maybe some of our ideas were a little fuzzy, but we are mature adults now and we know the deal. But complacency has become our lifestyle. We can't be bothered with working with the process that is American political life.

Today more than ever, we must become activists. We confuse listening to talk radio, and posting to Forums such as this with actually doing something.

We lost big time a week ago Tuesday, but we only have ourselves to blame, so now let's pick ourselves up off the floor, dust ourselves off, and begin planning on how to win in 2012. It's going to require a level of commitment that many of us have not achieved for many years, if ever. It's really that simple.

Thanks for asking the question Blitzie...

Mark L.
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When he took his senate seat I told my wife he was a very scary man I just got a bad feeling about him so I did get off my but and work as hard as I could get my side to win. Yes we failed butt I will not stand by and wait till 2012 I will work hard to not let people become complacent and accept his bs like you said we stopped a war we can stop him.
I've been on this board since last spring and overall the experience has been good, except once or twice when I was scriv-ska-bobbed. [smile]

The couple of weeks before the election and since, the overall tone of the board has been angry and tense.

There have been some squabbles I've noticed (and probably missed others) between people that seemed like old friends or at least friendly acquaintances. In some cases, I wonder how these folks will shake hands at the Pumpkin Shoot.

The point here is, if you step back a moment and look at things - as po'd as many of us are, it seems to me, to be making us angry with each other. Someone posted earlier we should define the problem before we try to solve it. We also need to know that most of the folks here are "on the same team" even if we disagree with some of the details.

[Dr. Phil]

Group Hug!

[/Dr. Phil]
So what do we do now? We have to defeat Obama in 2012 and our campaign to accomplish this mission should have started on November 5, 2008

Actually dear one, we can start in 2010 with the House and Senate, then take Barry in 2012. [smile]

Also, I don't think all 52% voted for change exactly as much as it was voting against Bush. As well as all the nasty Republicans that caused the financial melt down. (YES everyone, I know how that started - I was being sarcastic [smile] )
Actually dear one, we can start in 2010 with the House and Senate, then take Barry in 2012. [smile]


Getting the Dems out of control in the House and the Senate (except the pro-2A ones and there are a few, very few) has to be part of the overall agenda to eliminate Obama. If we look at Massachusetts right now, the GOP should start trying to groom a few good Republicans to take on some of the incumbent Dems we send to the House.

Mark L.
Getting the Dems out of control in the House and the Senate (except the pro-2A ones and there are a few, very few) has to be part of the overall agenda to eliminate Obama. If we look at Massachusetts right now, the GOP should start trying to groom a few good Republicans to take on some of the incumbent Dems we send to the House.

It's next to impossible in this state dear one. 1st - you need a ton of money. 2nd - you need the media to give equal air time. 3rd - the $hits too deep and the people don't care there's a monopoly on the Hill. And lastly - the good ones are too busy working to pay the bills.
A great post, as always. Some thoughts:

I think it is important for all who talk about freedom and democracy to reflect upon the fact that the majority won.

I've been reflecting on the apparent reality that so many people are embracing socialist ideals with a "the time has come" outlook.

Now let's look at the current situation: two messy wars and an economy that's gone south. Who do we blame for that? Barack Obama and the Democrats...? I don't think so.

Yes, we should have had less messy wars. But the economic meltdown we're experiencing goes directly back to the "progressive" ideals and "grassroots" activism of the left, supported by Democrats in Congress and in the White House that culminated in the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. Ironically it is the socialist ideals that were enshrined in the CRA that now lead so many apparently rational people to conclude that socialism is the solution to the crisis whose seeds were sewn a generation ago.

So how do we fix this? Well since this Forum is supposed to be about guns, the first thing we can do is ensure that the pro-RKBA arms groups have a well-funded war chest to wage the battle in congress. Second, we have to actually get off our asses that are so conveniently plunked in front of our computer screens and get out and support those people who support our causes.

+1 on expending every energy to defend RKBA. This is critical. Our ability to defend all of our freedoms will be measured by the extent to which our gun rights are furhter eroded.

How many of you actually voted? How many of you actually went out and supported a candidate of your choice in the last election? I mean worked to get him or her elected? Some people call for revolution, perhaps not fully realizing the implications that such a drastic action would take. But how many of these same aspiring revolutionaires actually participated in the political process over the past several years other than pay taxes and vote? If you weren't pouring money and time and talent into supporting your slate of candidates, but instead got on this forum dissed Obama, dissed the Democratic Party, dissed McCain for being too "liberal," dissed the NRA for being a big organization that you have personal issues with because you don't like the color of their baseball caps or something equally ludicrous, then you are just as responsible for the Barack Obama presidency as a person who voted for him. But now some of you are saying (some half in jest and others maybe not so much in jest at all) Revolution ! without ever having really participated in the system you want to overthrow.

I take strong exception to the underlined portion of your statement. I'm not sure if you're suggesting that anyone who didn't hand out pamphlets or man a phone bank are responsible for Republican defeat in this election cycle.

I see the current situation as part of an inevitable historical progression in our society from a condition of greater liberty and smaller government to the reverse. It has been a long time in coming, has involved the creation of a vested constituency of people dependent in ways great and small on government intervention in the economy and in our daily lives. We now have a permanent class of people dependent on direct government subsidy, and they will never vote for that subsidy to be removed. A generation has been raised and schooled to believe that socialist wealth transfers are not only neccessary but just. One poll I read, from a reputable polling firm, said that about half of Americans thought that "spreading the wealth around" made sound government policy.

I find little reason to be optimistic that we will ever return to a time when limited government and maximum individual liberty will be the ideal of an American nation.

Balkanized by multiculturalist philosophies, made needy by government handouts, diluted by unassimilated mass immigration ... this is not your grandfather's America. It took a full generation (or two) of leftist agitation and indoctrination to get us where we are. The Long March Through The Institutions is nearly complete and our current situation, I fear, is irreversable. In the time it would take to undo what has been done, we may no longer be a majority English speaking country. And it is easy to go from less government subsidy to greater. Going the other way is about impossible, without a major cultural shock.

Perhaps if more people had spent less time on this Forum bitching about things, and actually gotten out there and done something, maybe things would have gone differently. Instead you preached to the choir.

I suspect that many of us who vented our displeasure here have done so elsewhere as well. I don't think that there really is anything anyone could have done to reverse the socialist course on which this country is travelling. From The New Deal to The Great Society to Compassionate Conservatism to Fundamental Change in whatever form that may come, and with a healthy dose of self loathing and an institutional anti-patriotic indoctrination, we have come to be a nation dominated by weak-kneed and limp-wristed doubters and philosophically vacuous voters. We have committed cultural suicide. We're not the first society or civilization to have come to such an end, and I wonder if it is not simply an inevitable part of the birth, growth, decline and death of nations.

So what do we do now? We have to defeat Obama in 2012 and our campaign to accomplish this mission should have started on November 5, 2008.

I think the 2012 presidential campaign is already beginning. There will be enough political fuel provided by Obama and his minions to keep the right-wing activists active. If a new Fairness Doctrine does not silence the opposition altogether it may be possible to galvanize an inspired minority of freedom minded people to keep the fire burning and plan for some future time when we may emerge from the wilderness in some form.

For those of us who are Boomers I would point out that we helped bring down a President once and helped end a war (and pleeeeeease let's not get into whether Viet Nam was right or wrong, it's water over the dam now) A president that was one of the most left leaning Chief Executives we have ever had: Lyndon Baines Johnson. As generation we were committed to political activism and maybe some of our ideas were a little fuzzy, but we are mature adults now and we know the deal. But complacency has become our lifestyle. We can't be bothered with working with the process that is American political life.

Not all boomers were burning draft cards in the 60s. But those ones did get a lot of press. Today they are our teachers, professors, journalists, artists and sundry sentinels of society. Today's "youth" activists may one day come to repeat your words, which I underlined above, and ponder what kind of world they created for their children. I wonder.

Today more than ever, we must become activists. We confuse listening to talk radio, and posting to Forums such as this with actually doing something.

We lost big time a week ago Tuesday, but we only have ourselves to blame, so now let's pick ourselves up off the floor, dust ourselves off, and begin planning on how to win in 2012. It's going to require a level of commitment that many of us have not achieved for many years, if ever. It's really that simple.

I wonder if we shouldn't consider ourselves activists for a much more ambitious agenda. The last several elections have shown what I think is a permanently divided country, and the dividing line is a cultural/values-based one. The political parties have failed us. I emphatically do not consider myself "to blame" for the shifting tides of history. The next two years will be telling. Is there a political solution within the current system? Or is something much different required to preserve the idea of individual liberty on this planet?
What I have noticed from many sheeple is they don't understand how the U.S Gov't works and about the different parties. I bet many Dem's today think the modern Democratic Party is the party of Kennedy and such, when in reality it is more the party of Lenin and Marx.

You need to be active in the Republican Party, or whatever party you choose to belong to, at the local level.

Religion is a PERSONAL issue for many and the party should do its best to distance itself from it. The Republican Party says its the party of small government, low taxes, and personal freedoms but will force religious dogma (abortion and homosexuality for example) on others who do not share the same view.

In the world today homosexuality is more accepted than in the past. It is not a choice like many people believe, but either genetic/hormonal or otherwise.

In the U.S abortion rights is even more accepted than homosexuality is, and as such the Republican Party's message should NOT be to ban abortions (save the partial birth ones and even the pro-choice crowd as whole is against) and state their goal is to LOWER the number of abortions in the country.

You can not espouse to be the party personal freedoms and then in the next breath tell people what is and is not accepted. You can not claim to be the party of financial restraint and then go crazy with the government checkbook.

I honestly think more and more people see's the Republican Party as nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites. The party NEEDS to look over its party platform and kick the hypocrisy out of it, and thats where the common people come in at the local level.

I keep saying this over and over, but when I talked with the office manager of the Republican Party of Duval County told me that if you want to help shape/change the party you have to be ACTIVE in it, and this means a lot more than just voting and sending money.

Sorry for the long post, sick so my mind is wandering.
I keep saying this over and over, but when I talked with the office manager of the Republican Party of Duval County told me that if you want to help shape/change the party you have to be ACTIVE in it, and this means a lot more than just voting and sending money.

Agreed. Democracy is not a spectator sport.
What I have noticed from many sheeple is they don't understand how the U.S Gov't works and about the different parties. I bet many Dem's today think the modern Democratic Party is the party of Kennedy and such, when in reality it is more the party of Lenin and Marx.

You need to be active in the Republican Party, or whatever party you choose to belong to, at the local level.

Religion is a PERSONAL issue for many and the party should do its best to distance itself from it. The Republican Party says its the party of small government, low taxes, and personal freedoms but will force religious dogma (abortion and homosexuality for example) on others who do not share the same view.

In the world today homosexuality is more accepted than in the past. It is not a choice like many people believe, but either genetic/hormonal or otherwise.

In the U.S abortion rights is even more accepted than homosexuality is, and as such the Republican Party's message should NOT be to ban abortions (save the partial birth ones and even the pro-choice crowd as whole is against) and state their goal is to LOWER the number of abortions in the country.

You can not espouse to be the party personal freedoms and then in the next breath tell people what is and is not accepted. You can not claim to be the party of financial restraint and then go crazy with the government checkbook.

I honestly think more and more people see's the Republican Party as nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites. The party NEEDS to look over its party platform and kick the hypocrisy out of it, and thats where the common people come in at the local level.

I keep saying this over and over, but when I talked with the office manager of the Republican Party of Duval County told me that if you want to help shape/change the party you have to be ACTIVE in it, and this means a lot more than just voting and sending money.

Sorry for the long post, sick so my mind is wandering.


It appears that even when you are sick your mind is still clearer than a lot of other people.

It is time to clear out the sickness that has overtaken the Republican party - or let it die and form a new party that will be a party of true liberty.
saving your country

what happened to the 1,500,000 licensed gun owners that disapeared,in Mass.
how about all joining the NRA.10,000,000 members would make the politians sit up.who votes Kerry and kennedy in.they are both socialists.
the total mass vote was about 2,000,000.gun owners would own the state but you wont join together.[frown][sad2][angry]
The one big problem is that we all talk a good talk on line But thats it
we need to stand up and tell the world enough is enough we in mass need to stand together and vote Kerry/Kennedy out of office But can not do it here
The one big problem is that we all talk a good talk on line But thats it
we need to stand up and tell the world enough is enough we in mass need to stand together and vote Kerry/Kennedy out of office But can not do it here

But what do we do. Everyone is bitching about how the election went and how it could have been. Everyone is chalking it up to 2012 we'll get em then. 2008 is over and now we are faced with a cabinet of very, VERY scary people not just when it comes to gun rights but just human rights in general. Waiting till 2012 to elect someone new I feel will be too late

I would be willing to be a part of any movement and rally or march. I love the idea of a "million man march" its been mentioned, but I have no clue as to how to get the ball rolling on that. I think that a huge peaceful presence would show the american public and gov. how upset we are. Votes are faceless, some people wont even own up to how they vote. A march or protest in the face of the people and gov. would put a face to the vote, the idea and the sentiment of the people. I rack my brain all day trying to conjure up how I can help make this possible. The time for talk and voting is over its time for action. Revolution does not always have to be in the form of guns and bombs.....[sad2]
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million man march count me in

Yes I get that everyone is saying count me in, Im in, Im down. I want some real answers. Who do I, Us, We contact how do we orchestrate this. How do we get the word out. Im sick of everyone "being on board" but no one is coming up with solutions as to how to get this done. I will help do whatever I can, but Im at an roadblock.

What legal avenues need to be taken? Who could we contact at the NRA or GOAL to get the word out? Maybe Derek would know. Any of the lawyers on here know what needs to be done first. While I applaud everyone for there Hoo rah attitude I'm saving the standing ovation for the real movements in the direction we need to go.

Maybe Im way out of my league, and way to over ambitious about this, I dont know.[thinking] All I do know is that talking about it and voting 4 years from now wont solve squat. For the most part everyone on here is rather intelligent and we all share a lot of the same ideals so lets get it together!
Yes I get that everyone is saying count me in, Im in, Im down. I want some real answers. Who do I, Us, We contact how do we orchestrate this. How do we get the word out. Im sick of everyone "being on board" but no one is coming up with solutions as to how to get this done. I will help do whatever I can, but Im at an roadblock.

What legal avenues need to be taken? Who could we contact at the NRA or GOAL to get the word out? Maybe Derek would know. Any of the lawyers on here know what needs to be done first. While I applaud everyone for there Hoo rah attitude I'm saving the standing ovation for the real movements in the direction we need to go.

Maybe Im way out of my league, and way to over ambitious about this, I dont know.[thinking] All I do know is that talking about it and voting 4 years from now wont solve squat. For the most part everyone on here is rather intelligent and we all share a lot of the same ideals so lets get it together!

A revolution needs a leader. When will this leader emerge?

Be patient.
A revolution needs a leader. When will this leader emerge?

Be patient.

Not that I think Im the next George Washington, But Im willing to lead, But I need help. Ill help do whatever needs to be done. Most would just chaulk this up to young exuberance but who knows...... He/She better emerge godamn fast cause I dont wanna be to old to fight the good fight [rofl]
I would love to lead but I'm not right I'm to angry we need some one calm but but not afraid to push back when pushed someone with grace and steel fists because like my dad told me die on your feet before you live one minuet on your knees for once your knee hits the dirt you will spend eternity their.
Can we bring Ronald Reagan back from the dead? He was the last true conservative.

Who else had the balls to stand at the Berlin wall and demand that the USSR tear it down while the US was target #1 for 12,000 nukes.

That is who we need. Nobody since then has come close.
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