How do I explain to a friend why you'd need an assault rifle?

Best answer I have seen yet. I want to buy you a beer.

jesus... i can't even believe i'm reading half of this shit.......

the answer is simple. i own military style semi-automatic weapons because i am going to kill people and f*** shit up if anyone comes anywhere near my family. i'll do it without that rifle anyway, but that rifle makes it a hell of a lot easier for me to do so. that's my god given right as an american, and one of the reasons my forefathers fought for independence, and then wrote the BOR. it's why my great grandfathers, and grandfathers fought and bled. it's why my siblings serve, why i see kids giving their lives now...

my wife isn't all that gun friendly, but when shit hits the fan, she knows that i will kill people and f*** shit up until she and our children are safe. she may get snippy about things gun-related sometimes, but when the lights go out, or the coyotes are prowling, or some weird guy knocks on the door, she expects me to be there, armed, and neutralizing the threat.

that's my job. as a man, a husband, a boyfriend, whatever.

it's your job, too.

work hard, pay your taxes, contribute to society, speak softly, avoid confrontation whenever possible, but don't ever forget that your god given right, and your god demanded duty at the end of the day is to kill things and f*** shit up if bad guys come for those innocents you're responsible for.
This is the image that most Antis have of gun owners. They see the guy at the range dressed in camo, shooting military rifles, talking about how hardcore they are. How they are going to kill the zombies

Of course they are going to think that we shouldn't own these guns.

The first time I took the wife to shoot, on one side of me was a bunch of Jonny Tough nuts, in camo, shooting their AK at cans 10 yards away, pretending they were all bad ass. on the other side was a backwoods Fudd with his deer rifle, dirty flannel jacket and one tooth, hootin' and hollerin' about the douchebags with the AK

My wife said to me: This is how Americans picture gun owners

Their preception is our reality

Contrast these guys with an Obama voting , long hair expensively cut , sweater vest wearing , ACLU supporting , starbucks latte liberal whose idea of hard work is a tough presentation on a laptop , and getting " outdoors" is a chairlift ride to the top of a hill - who would love to have "the Government" control these yucky people.

I'll take Johnny Toughnuts and Elmer toothless over a cambridge liberal any day.

No offense at all intended , but you simply took your wife to the wrong place. Those same guys have a favorite bar also. It's the one neither of us would take our wives to on a friday night.

And seriously : if seeing people with guns , that you don't like - in appearance , language , caliber of dentistry , or work clothes ... makes you uncomfortable , you need the adjustment , not them.

( wish there was a font for : trying to be polite )
Why do we need assault rifles?

Very easy question to answer...


Ahhhhh! Now I understand! Protection from ZOMBIES! [rofl]
I haven't read all the pages of replies but they ones I did read didn't seem to hit on the real reason. Never mind the Hunting answers, the Fun to Shoot answers, Because I Can answers.

To keep the Government in check is why you have an AR, Ak, Barret 50, FN-FAL, or take your pick. It's the reason for the 2nd amendment.

That's why.
Its not a matter of need as much as want. I can plan a purchase and budget thats makes perfect sense. Then I find something that draws me in and the want exceeds the need and before you know it I'm bringing something home that makes my wife say, Why Do You Need That?! [rofl] Well I don't need it, but I want it.

This might have been said before but i didn't feel like looking through 14 pages of this to see if i'm about to repost what was said already.

I hope i never need to use it, but I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

And they are incredibly fun to shoot.

just show her this thread
jesus... i can't even believe i'm reading half of this shit.

"my girlfriend doesn't like EBR's, my wife thinks guns are bad, my boyfriend says no one should own assault weapons." waaaaah! grow a pair.

the answer is simple. i own military style semi-automatic weapons because i am going to kill people and f*** shit up if anyone comes anywhere near my family. i'll do it without that rifle anyway, but that rifle makes it a hell of a lot easier for me to do so. that's my god given right as an american, and one of the reasons my forefathers fought for independence, and then wrote the BOR. it's why my great grandfathers, and grandfathers fought and bled. it's why my siblings serve, why i see kids giving their lives now...

my wife isn't all that gun friendly, but when shit hits the fan, she knows that i will kill people and f*** shit up until she and our children are safe. she may get snippy about things gun-related sometimes, but when the lights go out, or the coyotes are prowling, or some weird guy knocks on the door, she expects me to be there, armed, and neutralizing the threat.

that's my job. as a man, a husband, a boyfriend, whatever.

it's your job, too.

work hard, pay your taxes, contribute to society, speak softly, avoid confrontation whenever possible, but don't ever forget that your god given right, and your god demanded duty at the end of the day is to kill things and f*** shit up if bad guys come for those innocents you're responsible for.

Timber - check your rep. I gave up on this thread due in large part to the "sheep among us" factor. Your post gave me hope...God forbid - if ever that time comes, it would be an honor to stand shoulder to shoulder...[cheers]
someone said it well in another thread. Something to the effect: "It is your duty as an American to own the primary battle rifle of our Nation's military".

During the birth of our nation there were men, and there were women and children. And men by default posessed at least one rifle. A rifle that could be used as a tool to provide for and protect their family, but also one sufficient enough to use against a government superpower, should the need arise, which it did.

Unfortunately, today there are men, there are women and children, and there are defenseless sheep who think that "protecting their family" means paying their share of property taxes to fund local Police Departments.

I am a civillian in a family of LEO's and Servicemen. I feel it is my duty to posess, to the best of my ability and within applicable laws, the firearms used by my kin. Because if the time ever comes where I am called to fight alongside them, I don't want to depend on anyone but myself to be properly equipped.
I am not sure where need comes in to the picture at all... If you ask the same question about one gun at a time you can "need" yourself out of the 2nd amendment. The need is security, and protection.

As far as the police doing the job, they are at least 5 mins away on a good night... when the window breaks, do you want a gun or a phone? I am not dissin' the LEOs here.. they do have a tough job and cant be everywhere at the same time.. if the SHTF... it would be real nice to have a few beside me instead of 5 to 10 mins away... but that aint going to happen.... and to the point... never has.. you stand a 100% chance of facing the bad guys alone for at least 5 mins...

Self protection is one of the fundamental principle encompassed by the 2nd amendment, so called "assault weapons" are built exclusively for self defense in a really hostile environment. Why would you be stupid enough not to have one??

+1 there. Why on earth would you NOT have one? SHTF I want the most effective means of defending myself and my family. To me, that would be a battle proven rifle like an FAL.
I like to reply to the nitwits who ask me a question as such with this reply....
"Why didnt your parents use comdoms that night."

Rude yes, although it shuts them up and makes them leave me alone.
First off, most people think that assault rifles/hi-cap guns et al are "dangerous". Truth be told there is no difference between a Glock with a 15 round mag or a 10 round mag, it can still fire bullets. So it's not that you need it. Sure, It's a hobby for some, a passion for others, others think they will be able to overthrow the government if things ever get too out of control. That is all crap. Truth is, it is a black and white issue. You either allow people to purchase/own guns or you don't. For all law abiding citizens it does not matter if you have an AK or a single shot 22, you're not going to be doing anything illegal with it. So what is the difference if it can fire one bullet or a hundred, it still fires bullets.
Wow. Thanks for all of the responses.
I do not yet own any gun, so it's hard for me to try to explain why I need a gun I do not own (not that I feel like I must explain, I'd just like to have an answer ready in case I want to explain).
When people find out that I just got my license and I'm researching my first gun purchase, I get the same type of questions that my friend asked me today. So it'll be nice to use some of your responses when I get asked that next time.
Thanks again, everyone.

You don't have to justify your ownership. You don't have to "need" to own one. Wanting one is a good enough reason. It is your right. If your friend doesn't get that then they aren't of the same mindset.
a couple of points... i'd had a few beers when i originally posted, so my inhibitions were lowered. i tend to keep a lower profile until the alcohol hits the cerebral cortex, but i meant every word i wrote, and stand fast by that conviction each and every day.

i don't wear BDUs or shoot cans from 10 yards with an AK. i don't even own the BDUs I wore 15 years ago. nor any of my insignia. frankly, i put all that stuff behind me a long time ago. i don't talk about being hardcore, or killing zombies. i don't agitate for revolution, or want to see the government overthrown. i don't hunt anymore, though i'll occasionally kill things on my property that come after my livestock. in fact, i don't even shoot nearly as much as i used to. i practice regularly with my sidearms and service rifle, but more to maintain profiency, than out of enthusiasm. i'm more excited about gardening, music lessons, cub scouts, finally getting ahead in life...maybe buying a new house in the next couple of years to give my kids more room.

that said, i'm sick and goddamned tired of bowing down to the anti-gunners. why the f*** should i gloss over the fact that it's my constitutional right as an american citizen to own the primary battle rifle of my fellow citizen soldiers so a bunch of pussy-assed liberal wankers can feel safe in their utopian bubbles? in fact, i'll take it a step further and say that if you have a family, it's your duty to own and maintain proficiency with a weapon that will give you a fighting chance of getting them out of harms way in case society breaks down. in my opinion, you're neglecting your duties as a father, mother, and parent if you don't.

and i'm not ever going to gloss over the reason that i own an AR-15. it's to kill people and f*** shit up if the shit ever hits the fan. it's the same reason the military uses them. it's the same reason every police department in the nation is adopting them. my dad's a big anti-gunner, and i told him the same thing. except i said it was to kill people and "break things."

tell the anti-gunners exactly what you're platform is for, and then work backwards with historical examples from there. you're never going to secure your rights with the "it's fun to shoot. it's neat. it's really no different than any other semi-auto" argument.

that is all.

carry on.


I've had my LTC for about 1.5 years now. When I look back on why I got it, there was one minor reason and one major reason. The minor one was that I inherited a few guns and though target shooting would be fun.

The major reason was that I had fairly recently become a father and that home invasion in CT had recently happened (the one where the two pieces of shit broke in, beat the father to a pulp and set the house on fire). I'm no tough guy but if someone threatens my wife or daughter with physical harm, I want them dead.

Like you, I don't talk about it except maybe on here and to my wife. Hell, I don't tell most people I have guns unless it's someone I know who has the same interest. However, when it comes right down to it, that's the reason why.

So, what I'm saying here is I agree and +1 to you.
and i'm not ever going to gloss over the reason that i own an AR-15. it's to kill people and f*** shit up if the shit ever hits the fan. it's the same reason the military uses them. it's the same reason every police department in the nation is adopting them. my dad's a big anti-gunner, and i told him the same thing. except i said it was to kill people and "break things."

tell the anti-gunners exactly what you're platform is for, and then work backwards with historical examples from there. you're never going to secure your rights with the "it's fun to shoot. it's neat. it's really no different than any other semi-auto" argument.

I agree with your reasonings to own, I believe in everyones reasoning to own, but it can and I believe it should be presented more tactifully.

I own an AR to protect my family and my liberty, for competition and fun.
That is alot easier for Antis to digest, then kill and f*** shit up. Anti's associate the firearm with violence, not as a tool to defend Life and Liberty, You are only re-enforcing the image of violence.
this question has always boggled my mind. My responce has always been this......

the same reason people want horses, or motorcycles or fancy fishing equipment. I LIKE MILITARY STYLE WEAPONS PERIOD!!!! The style, the feel and the look. They are enjoyable to shoot and neat collectors items to have. Its the same as someone likes ferarris vs. pintos.

simple. [rolleyes]

And everything Timber said. [smile]

I do think that it is important to clear up the nomenclature surrounding assault weapons as well. The antis are on the record as trying to confuse the public in regards to assault weapons and their semi-auto clones. I usually just ask the person "What is an assault weapon?" and let them sputter for a little bit before I kindly explain.
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