Home Invasion Hypothetical: What Would You Do?

I will never run for saftey in my own home. somebody who breaks into my home needs to run for saftey when I discover them in my home.

No running for me. Kids. Or do the windbags AG and Gov. think my kids don't deserve my protection?[tinfoil]

I'm not allowed to protect my family or else I'm going to get persecuted by the DBiC and my taxes pay for welfare recipients' cars and insurance because the Gov wants to...hell, who knows, when's the next election?[wink]
Just do what I did. Post a sign by the front door bell.

Anti-gun, Liberal Democrat, three doors down. Lots of new electronics.

Baha!! This is much better than a "This home doesn't call 911" sign...

I will never run for saftey in my own home. somebody who breaks into my home needs to run for saftey when I discover them in my home.

I've always held the opinion that when it comes to my family, running is never an acceptable option for me. I have 3 little ones, and there is NO way I could safely move them from a threat at a speed that would keep them safe. Whether it's a home situation, or we are at the mall, we're going to shelter in place, deal with threats, and move when safe.
i love when people say they would only defend themselfs if theres no where to run. first of all, i am NOT running from my own home.

Where does my post say anything about running from my home?? Have you ever been trained to seek cover, when possible. I've GOT to word my posts more carefully.
Where does my post say anything about running from my home?? Have you ever been trained to seek cover, when possible. I've GOT to word my posts more carefully.

If you take the time and effort to craft your post in such a way that your meaning is crystal clear and cannot be misconstrued to mean anything other than what you actually intended to say, it will take you 12 hours to make a single post and: two people will correct minor misspelings, one person will complain about your improper use of a semicolon, one person will post a picture of Picard's face palm plant and twelve people will decide you said the opposite thing ANYWAY.
For me. I would cover the hallway that leads to the bedrooms. Then send the dog out. If he gets shot I know its the police or if he gets fed dog food its a burglar.
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