Hickok45 Account Deleted?!

One of my favorite channels he keeps it classy moderately funny and informative. Love his channel. The pessimistic skeptic in me says he has some dead hookers in his closet.
Gets cleared for no violations the first time, then immediately shut down again. There's literally only one thing that can be happening here.
Say what, now?? Could they at least tell him what the violation is? How is someone supposed to try to meet their rules if the violations aren't actually explained?
We need to encourage youtubers to put their content on other web sites. They can still have their stuff on youtube (at least until they are canceled)... just have it elsewhere to make migration easier for viewers.
it's no coincidence that the biggest firearms-related channel is getting treated in this manner.
youtube is making a political statement.
best possible outcome is that these channels move completely away from youtube and exist elsewhere.
it's no coincidence that the biggest firearms-related channel is getting treated in this manner.
youtube is making a political statement.
best possible outcome is that these channels move completely away from youtube and exist elsewhere.

I disagree. These channels offer a decent means of exposure to gun culture. Don't under-estimate the power of youtube, facebook, etc if content is controlled by the owners.

ETA: The full30 project is basically this tough...

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I disagree. These channels offer a decent means of exposure to gun culture. Don't under-estimate the power of youtube, facebook, etc if content is controlled by the owners.

ETA: The full30 project is basically this tough...


Exactly, this is why youtube wants Hickok45 out....because he represents everything the anti's fear: an educated, well-articulated gentleman who seeks to educate others on firearms.

youtube/google will never shutdown the gun-toting morons making borderline offensive videos...they serve their political agenda by showing that "only fools are pro 2A".
Why not have an alternative site that functions the same as youtube, and someone like Hickok goes to youtube and only ever posts a single video of what he does, like an infomercial, and then directs traffic in the comments or via the use of hyperlinks in the video to the alternate website, you know a 'click here to see more'? They go to another youtube looking site and can watch away.

Me personally, I think what they did to Hickock was despicable. He's the Mister Rogers of the gun world. He never says a disparaging thing about anyone, never complains, never goes off on tirades like some of the other pro 2A 'roid rage shaved head inked up video stars that they kept. He represented any reasonable gun owner in America who likes taking weapons to the range and plinking for fun with non threatening language, wholesome and not using video credits that show explosions and machine guns, you know the stuff that liberals like to accuse gun owners of being the trolls of the world. He deserves his place at the table, hell he's earned it. If it's not youtube, then it should be somewhere else.
Anybody who builds their business model to rely on "free" hosting/bandwidth from Facebook, Twitter, Youtube should not be surprised when it burns down, falls over, and sinks into the swamp.

it's no coincidence that the biggest firearms-related channel is getting treated in this manner.
youtube is making a political statement.
If youtube were making a political statement, they wouldn't have reinstated his channel -- Youtube isn't doing this to Hickok45 on purpose. His latest video, he says Youtube really got on it, escalated the issue, and did not stonewall him.

Hickok45 says this is Google+ triggering an automated banhammer, but at worst it could be somebody else exploiting Google/Youtube policy to make a political statement.

"Watching some of those conspiracy theories roll in ... was really entertaining"
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