HD.4420 State House and Boston Common Rally

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NES Member
Nov 21, 2007
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Making this a separate thread so folks can hopefully coordinate meetings, rideshare, etc. We have GOT to show up for this one, folks. The opposition is already scheduling a State House day to push this abomination down our throats.

Event Details:
Wednesday, September 27th, 2023
Starting at 11AM at the Parkman Bandstand - eastern side of the Boston Common

At 1PM we'll move into the State House

Map of the Boston Common and location of the Parkman Bandstand

See you there!

This fight is not over!

Marking the calendar.

This was posted yesterday and only a few comments. People need to get involved. How can we get this message out to a wider audience?
Some people are scared to protest now. Others are scared of trying to navigate the Boston transportation system. I don’t blame them for either.

This is going to require a bit of hand holding and I hope someone comes out with transportation recommendations and a list of “Do’s and Don’ts” if attending…
Some people are scared to protest now. Others are scared of trying to navigate the Boston transportation system. I don’t blame them for either.

This is going to require a bit of hand holding and I hope someone comes out with transportation recommendations and a list of “Do’s and Don’ts” if attending…

NES takes the T to protest?

Transportation is easy:
Drive to Alewife (literally on Rt 2 in Cambridge).
Park in the garage. (If you plan to go inside the statehouse, store any "weapons" in your car in compliance with MA laws.)
Buy a Charlie Ticket (or top off your Charlie Card) in the station.
Take any train Inbound to Park St Station.

...Enjoy your visit to our capitol city...

Reverse to go home.

(If you're coming from the north, Wellington station in Medford is a pretty good choice - just transfer at Downtown Crossing. From the south, Riverside or Waban in Newton are both fine.)
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NES takes the T to protest?

Transportation is easy:
Drive to Alewife (literally on Rt 2 in Cambridge).
Park in the garage. (If you plan to go inside the statehouse, store any "weapons" in your car in compliance with MA laws.)
Buy a Charlie Ticket (or top off your Charlie Card) in the station.
Take any train Inbound to Park St Station.

...Enjoy your visit to our capitol city...

Reverse to go home.

(If you're coming from the north, Wellington station in Medford is a pretty good choice - just transfer at Downtown Crossing. From the south, Riverside or Waban in Newton are both fine.)
It's been a while but this plan may not work. I commuted from Alewife for years, and if you weren't there by 8am there were no spaces and no overflow.

Maybe things got better with wfh and the pandemic, but I for sure would not count on finding a late space at alewife and would have a backup plan.
Some people are scared to protest now. Others are scared of trying to navigate the Boston transportation system. I don’t blame them for either.
I know people who have had significant problems after having been identified protesting mask mandates, at trump rallys, etc.- I would and am extremely hesitant of anyone trying to send a message that isn't in the flavor I would want to be identified with.

You know some f***wit is going to show up woth a rebel or nazi flag. The second I see one I'm bouncing until we move inside and can clearly distance.

I think I speak for a lot of silent people when I say I won't be near anything like that- my job is too important to my continued existence. I know we got at least 1 Jan 16th participant up in here, but it really is on all of us to patrol the message and get that shit out of there- failure to do so is reinforcing the other sides message.
It's been a while but this plan may not work. I commuted from Alewife for years, and if you weren't there by 8am there were no spaces and no overflow.

Maybe things got better with wfh and the pandemic, but I for sure would not count on finding a late space at alewife and would have a backup plan.
I've never had a problem there, but I have only used Alewife occasionally. (I would never recommend this, but if I found the garage full, I might stow my car in the Whole Foods parking lot across the bridge.)

Honestly, though? With an 11 am start, it's hardly unreasonable to be parking at 8, getting to Dunks by 9 and enjoying the morning on the Commons with our internet bros while we help GOAL set up before the actual event.
NES takes the T to protest?

Transportation is easy:
Drive to Alewife (literally on Rt 2 in Cambridge).
Park in the garage. (If you plan to go inside the statehouse, store any "weapons" in your car in compliance with MA laws.)
Buy a Charlie Ticket (or top off your Charlie Card) in the station.
Take any train Inbound to Park St Station.

...Enjoy your visit to our capitol city...

Reverse to go home.

(If you're coming from the north, Wellington station in Medford is a pretty good choice - just transfer at Downtown Crossing. From the south, Riverside or Waban in Newton are both fine.)
From the South Coast, Commuter Rail to back Bay Station, then a nice 15 minute walk over to the Common.

On the calendar.

NES takes the T to protest?

Transportation is easy:
Drive to Alewife (literally on Rt 2 in Cambridge).
Park in the garage. (If you plan to go inside the statehouse, store any "weapons" in your car in compliance with MA laws.)
Buy a Charlie Ticket (or top off your Charlie Card) in the station.
Take any train Inbound to Park St Station.

...Enjoy your visit to our capitol city...

Reverse to go home.

(If you're coming from the north, Wellington station in Medford is a pretty good choice - just transfer at Downtown Crossing. From the south, Riverside or Waban in Newton are both fine.)

Yeah, but then you have to deal with Alewickbrickpkway and Joe Morgan of WBZ helio-choppter will be mad.

(It took me YEARS to realize WTF Alewickbrickpkway freaking meant and where it was. Besides the fact that you have seven billion cars trying to get up the SE Expressway and Rt 3 and 24 and such and he was worried about a few hundred cars on Rt 2. WTF? I hated BZ traffic back in the day.)

I'm free right now. We shall see. Owning your own business can be difficult.
You know some f***wit is going to show up woth a rebel or nazi flag. The second I see one I'm bouncing until we move inside and can clearly distance.

I think I speak for a lot of silent people when I say I won't be near anything like that- my job is too important to my continued existence. I know we got at least 1 Jan 16th participant up in here, but it really is on all of us to patrol the message and get that shit out of there- failure to do so is reinforcing the other sides message.

ALL of this!! The gun community has an image problem. Know how we lose this fight? Pics and slogans of people with their guns out saying "don't take my right to kill someone away from me". Don't forget the "there's no difference between a 10/22 and an AR-15" mantra that is only going to get both banned.

I know that's not the intended message, but that's how it comes across. Most times the gun activists come off as out-of-touch antiques that are ripe for teasing. Like I mentioned in a different thread: too few Brandon Herreras and too many 1970s jeans and flannel Fudds. Where the young people at? We need an image update if we are going to be taken seriously.
ALL of this!! The gun community has an image problem. Know how we lose this fight? Pics and slogans of people with their guns out saying "don't take my right to kill someone away from me". Don't forget the "there's no difference between a 10/22 and an AR-15" mantra that is only going to get both banned.

I know that's not the intended message, but that's how it comes across. Most times the gun activists come off as out-of-touch antiques that are ripe for teasing. Like I mentioned in a different thread: too few Brandon Herreras and too many 1970s jeans and flannel Fudds. Where the young people at? We need an image update if we are going to be taken seriously.
Young people def. going to be working Wednesday afternoon to pay for those $3,000 rents on minimum wage paychecks.
Some people are scared to protest now. Others are scared of trying to navigate the Boston transportation system. I don’t blame them for either.

This is going to require a bit of hand holding and I hope someone comes out with transportation recommendations and a list of “Do’s and Don’ts” if attending…

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Boston Common considered a "No Gun" location by the Boston PD? I seem to remember this came up as a big issue during the last rally that was held at the State House and many people were going to walk across the Common to get there.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Boston Common considered a "No Gun" location by the Boston PD? I seem to remember this came up as a big issue during the last rally that was held at the State House and many people were going to walk across the Common to get there.
A good point. I forgot this when making my description.

If the event is happening at the bandstand, that's on the Commons proper. The Commons are a prohibited place due to regulations (@Len-2A Training or @JGreen?) I can't recall at the moment. A person taking a maximally conservative approach would not carry a firearm if they intend to join the group in that place.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Boston Common considered a "No Gun" location by the Boston PD? I seem to remember this came up as a big issue during the last rally that was held at the State House and many people were going to walk across the Common to get there.
A good point. I forgot this when making my description.

If the event is happening at the bandstand, that's on the Commons proper. The Commons are a prohibited place due to regulations (@Len-2A Training or @JGreen?) I can't recall at the moment. A person taking a maximally conservative approach would not carry a firearm if they intend to join the group in that place.

Boston park regulations, section 2 (m):
Section 2​
No person shall, in any public park (including any boundary road thereof), or other public place (including any parkway) under the control of the Parks and Recreation Commission, except under the auspices of public authority: (m) have in any such park or place, except a boundary road or parkway on which there are dwellings, any firearm or destructive weapon;​

Yeah, but then you have to deal with Alewickbrickpkway and Joe Morgan of WBZ helio-choppter will be mad.
Barely. The backup on Alewife Brook Parkway is mostly for folks trying to get onto 16. If you get in the right lane back at Lake St, you'll pass that congestion relatively quickly.
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