HB 8361 - Preventing Suicide Through Voluntary Firearm Purchase Delay Act


NES Member
Nov 24, 2005
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0

This is where House Bill H.R. 8361 comes in. The bipartisan bill, introduced in July, is known as the Preventing Suicide Through Voluntary Firearm Purchase Delay Act. It would allow individuals to voluntarily put themselves on a federal no-buy list, preventing them from buying guns from a licensed dealer. The bill would require the attorney general to establish and maintain a secure internet-based database, separate from other databases in the national instant criminal background check system. This would be known as the “Voluntary Purchase Delay Database.”
If someone later wished to remove themselves from the database, they could do so after a 21-day waiting period — a safeguard against the impulsivity that sometimes characterizes suicide attempts. As currently written, the bill also includes a more controversial provision that would allow individuals to be removed after 24 hours with a note from a mental health professional

There’s alway the gun haters chiming in with comments:

It would be better, though, to have a universal 21-day waiting period for purchasing firearms.

I am in favor of any law that makes guns and especially assault weapons more difficult to purchase for anyone.

Guns allow you to suicide and take others to death with you. This is a vital reason in eliminating automatic weapons.

My favorite comment: “I have suffered suicidal thoughts my entire life until I found out most of the people around me have personality disorders.”
It would allow individuals to voluntarily put themselves on a federal no-buy list, preventing them from buying guns
quite obviously, the whole purpose of the bill is to establish such a list, that would prevent anyone who is in the list from being allowed to purchase.

then it is only a matter of the additional manipulation to make sure people will start popping up into that list, from various sources. it is how all current shit was established - first create the mechanism of the prevention, then invent a way to make it applicable for everyone.

exactly same as gitmo was made to fight terror, and have bad scary muslim dudes sent there, lawlessly, and now it got simply repurposed to keep local american citizens suspected to be domestic resurrectionists. the important part was to make the place and method of sending people there - but the place was never intended to be empty, and it is not. same as such list is not going to be empty.
I wonder if they also proactively castrate themselves.

The problem with this is, they will eventually expand that list to all gun owners.
I can see a bastatdized version of this being passed where every American is on it and you have to opt out of it... only finding out about the opt out when you go buy a gun. They will slow walk all the papers thru, 6 months or more. By the time any lawsuits force the process to speed up, they have bankrupted a bunch of dealers, and will have pushed manufacturers into financial strain. Cut the demand, destroy the future supply. By the time things get moving again prices will be jacked sky high.
This is a great example of the Left's strategy of creeping incrementalism. Propose something that seems innocuous, and if you get it, expand the definitions and abuse the process to get what you really wanted. It's the kind of thing that McConnell and Romney would support.
is anyone going to sign up for that? 🤣

It's more "guns r bad" garbage.

Sneaking anti gun virtue signaling directly into law..... first its voluntary. Then it becomes mandatory or default on a section 12 3 day, etc.
So, a waiting period does what? It prevents someone who comes under threat to not have the ability to purchase something to protect themselves. That is all I see
Is this what the democrats call a "cooling off period"? Like anyone who ventures into a gun shop looking to buy a gun is only doing so out of an uncontrollable vengeance. No other reason.
We were asked to forfeit our gun rights here in MA back in 1976. Referendum question. Enough people, including me, voted against it so it did not pass but a lot of antis did vote in favor of it. IIRC, it was "People versus Handguns", a group led by some Massachusetts sheriff who believed that only police should be armed.
In other words, volunteering to forfeit a right.
We were asked to forfeit our gun rights here in MA back in 1976. Referendum question. Enough people, including me, voted against it so it did not pass but a lot of antis did vote in favor of it. IIRC, it was "People versus Handguns", a group led by some Massachusetts sheriff who believed that only police should be armed.
Communists, period.
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