State suicide training

Not sure why they would put that onus on the instructor... maybe I'm wrong i thought suicide was more spontaneous than that 6-12 months to get a gun license in ma. And if op is a tactial trainer i also cant see that many people in the venn diagram who go to a class just to put a gun to their head.
The issue discussed was not someone going through the licensing/purchase process to get a gun to off themselves, but someone already a LTC holder who made a spur of the moment decision to check out. Their claim is the majority of suicide attempts occur with no more than 10 minutes from decision to action.
The issue discussed was not someone going through the licensing/purchase process to get a gun to off themselves, but someone already a LTC holder who made a spur of the moment decision to check out. Their claim is the majority of suicide attempts occur with no more than 10 minutes from decision to action.
Yeah i get that i guess.. just not sure how it would be affective... like I dont feel like if im gonna go pop my own grape I'm gunna be like well the dude at the 3 day course at sig said dont do it 4 years ago
I was invited by some MA agency (not sure of AG or MSP) to online Zooom based suicide prevention training targets are firearms instructors.

I am attending today since I expect to learn something, if only what the state is recommending instructors to for (or is it to?) the potentially suicidal.
From the title of this thread…I thought Massachusetts was adopting the Canadian Healthcare model
Yeah i get that i guess.. just not sure how it would be affective... like I dont feel like if im gonna go pop my own grape I'm gunna be like well the dude at the 3 day course at sig said dont do it 4 years ago
I thought it was more about reminding the people taking the class to be aware of the possibility of "someone" committing suicide with their guns. You know, like a reminder to keep them properly stored, and be aware of what's going on in their household, so their kid, who may be having temporary issues at school, doesn't make a snap decision, gain access to the gun, and then hurt themselves.

Like I said earlier, I have no problem mentioning it, but it won't be the subject of an intense discussion.
I really don’t like you. You have nothing good


So instead of saying why you disagree with me, you just post that? OK. It is certainly your right to not like me. But how about explaining why I am wrong? How will this training help? If someone is planning to commit suicide and has enough forethought to take a safety course in order to access a firearm, how is telling them that help is available going to help?

Although it has been many years since I taught state certified safety courses (and I’ve let my state certification lapse), I did teach them long enough to be experienced and to know that there is a lot of material to cover and not a lot of time to do so.

I’ve been wrong before. I’ll be wrong again. Tell me why I’m wrong now.
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