Gun WOW?

I am torn. I don't like the mechanics of the program, but at least he is focused on the right problem. As background, Cory Booker is not a dumb guy. He is probably too left wing for most of our tastes but he is a smart guy that skipped his cushy job in the law office for taking on one of the worst cities in america and is dedicated to cleaning it up. Lets face it, in that ad he challenged his neighbors (he lives in newark [shocked]...) to step up and take responsibility for the gun violence plaguing THEIR city. The cops here who work urban environments with lots of immigrants (or you...[wink]) can probably confirm these groups don't take part in the judicial system and don't come forth with information. At least he is not running around like bloomberg blaming everyone else for his problems. At least not in this ad, maybe he does other times and I don't know of it. He clearly states "illegal guns" are his target at least here.
I am torn. I don't like the mechanics of the program, but at least he is focused on the right problem. As background, Cory Booker is not a dumb guy. He is probably too left wing for most of our tastes but he is a smart guy that skipped his cushy job in the law office for taking on one of the worst cities in america and is dedicated to cleaning it up. Lets face it, in that ad he challenged his neighbors (he lives in newark [shocked]...) to step up and take responsibility for the gun violence plaguing THEIR city. The cops here who work urban environments with lots of immigrants (or you...[wink]) can probably confirm these groups don't take part in the judicial system and don't come forth with information. At least he is not running around like bloomberg blaming everyone else for his problems. At least not in this ad, maybe he does other times and I don't know of it. He clearly states "illegal guns" are his target at least here.

Well, "clearly" at the very end of his pitch and not very clearly on what determines "illegal". Most citizens wouldn't know the difference and would call about anything they see. I think its a bad idea to start. YMMV
If I were operating a gang in Newark and some other gang was cramping my style this would seem like a great idea to make some money and create a little room for myself. [laugh]

in all super serialness though, this seems like a bad idea. If you call in your neighbor do the cops go in and knock on his/her door with a warrant to search for "illegal guns" or do you get the money if they're arrested for some other charge and they have a gun on them illegally? If it's the first, that seems like a pretty big burn hole in the bill of rights. If it's the second, it seems like a waste of money.
I was nervous for a minute and twenty five seconds until he said "illegal" guns. I don't have a problem with this. But livefreeorhere has a good point Rival gangs could turn each other in for some quick cash, probably to buy more illegal guns with.
If it is an anonymous tip, how do they know who to pay?

When you call in the tip they give you a four digit PIN. You call back a month later and give them that PIN and they tell you whether or not an arrest has been made. If it has, they give you a second four digit PIN. You take both PINs and go to one of the banks that is participating. The bank gives you the cash.

Odd, if you read the "fine" print at the end of the infomercial, it says something about "up to $1,000.00 Hmmm, makes ya wonder what you'd actually get.[rolleyes]

Yeah, I caught that too. Maybe it goes by caliber/make? EC's 500 S&W will get you $1000, a Jennings $50, and so forth...[wink]
When you call in the tip they give you a four digit PIN. You call back a month later and give them that PIN and they tell you whether or not an arrest has been made. If it has, they give you a second four digit PIN. You take both PINs and go to one of the banks that is participating. The bank gives you the cash.

Wow, interesting. I wonder what is to prevent someone from putting in lots of tips for neighbors without knowing for sure, hoping that some of them will actually have guns. When you live in a crime ridden run-down city, odds are many people will have guns, so you're bound to win some $1000 prizes the more people you call in.
I don't mean to light a firestorm but I don't know if it's a horrible idea as long as it dosen't affect law abiding gun owners. If say there is a drug dealer and he is armed. Someone drops dime on him that otherwise wouldn't (money is a great incentive!) and he gets nailed for a laundry list of offences which would inevitably occur, that's not a bad thing. I just hope that law abiding gun owners aren't targeted. Sound off if I'm wrong.
Sound off if I'm wrong.

Sounds reasonable to me. I'm content if crack-head illegal gun owners get turned in, as long as due process is followed... I'm not quite sure how home searches work if you're turned in by an anonymous tip -- I assume they can easily get a warrant based just on that?
Sounds reasonable to me. I'm content if crack-head illegal gun owners get turned in, as long as due process is followed... I'm not quite sure how home searches work if you're turned in by an anonymous tip -- I assume they can easily get a warrant based just on that?

Ideally, if they run a quick check and see that you are a licensed gun owner that should end the investigation right then and there. I.e. no witch hunt against legal gun owners. No investigation, no arrest, no thousand bucks. At least I hope that's the way it should be handled.

I don't know how the legals work but maybe this is a way to secure a warrant against known but not proven criminals.
No offence to any officer in uniform, but if I am minding my own stuff, and I fit the profile of an average man, right size jeans, pocket T, work boots that look like they have seen work, or at least some kind of dirt, how's bout they leave me alone. If I fit a profile, like wearing a doo rag, and 2 other peices of evil clothing like lots of piss yellow gold plated steel bling and pants 15 times larger than my boney ass, and had a weapon on my person, how's bout we send a family of 9mm his way ricky tick. I'm just sayin.................
Won't be long until the guy that got bagged finds out somehow who dropped a dime on him and goes looking for revenge! One way or the other the city and state will pay more.
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