Gun-toting "Porcupine Fest" to rock NH this June

Porc fest is about liberty. Everyone's liberty.

Most people who attend may not agree with what is done with other people's liberty, but would die to defend it. Neither I, nor any other person has the right to tell you what to do "in the name of safety"

As long as you aren't hurting anyone else with your actions, you should be left alone.

I don't do or like drugs, but I support your right to kill yourself however you see fit.
I'm not gay, but it doesn't hurt me if you are, go for it.
I wouldn't want my wife or daughter to be a prostitute, but I respect that I have no right to tell that woman what she can/can not do with her body.
I wear my seatbelt everywhere, but I respect that you may want to fly out of a windshield for fun.
I wear a helmet on a bike or motorcycle, but I respect that you might want to paint the sidewalk with your brains.

As for the "A" word, I believe that sentience begins with two cells joining, so that collection of cells has the same rights and liberties as a 95 year old person. (That's my my opinion, and if you'd like to debate it, please PM, keep it out of the thread)

Porcfest won't have people walking around smoking pot, or gay people making out in the streets. There will be events discussing legalization of marijuana, as well as a "gay dance" that you don't have to go to, and won't be out in the middle of the campground in the open.

There will also be several great seminars on activism, as well as weapons safety classes and free range time for newbies, (no additional cost from what I understand).

There's also a cook off, "capture the flag" games, Dances for EVERYBODY (not just the big gay dance off), horseshoes, gymnastics for the kiddies, etc.

The whole purpose is for budding libertarians and constitutionalists to learn more about the movement, and what they can do to advance the goals of Liberty in our lifetime.

But, if you're closed minded, and only care about one of the amendments in the BILL OF RIGHTS, and you think that the Government is doing just dandy, then I respect that, and you don't have to come.

Why are so many people on this forum ignoring so much of what is actually posted and making enormous assumptive leaps into what they perceive was posted?

And why doesn't my liberty include the right to hold whatever values and principles I see fit? Why do mine have to match yours in order for me to not be 'close minded'?

See any irony in your own statements?
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The only freedom is found in the right to be left alone. Any organized society should recognize, promote and protect that right. It doesn't mean anarchy (or "anarchism", if you're an intellectual). There are still rules, and not everyone will like them.

As for gay dance parties, count me out. These usually devolve into perverted, hedonistic leather orgies. See also" "Gay Pride Parade" and "Folsom Street Fair". That's not freedom. It's social pathology. I understand that NH is not SF, but I think I'll just cook out in my own back yard that day.
Believe me. Gun-toting hippies exist. And they believe in freedom. Not just "Second Amendment Freedoms" as so many do on this board. Freedom is bigger than guns. Do guns play a big part? You bet. But once we stop making the narrowminded comments about "gays" or "pot smokers" we can coalesce and defeat statism once and for all.

Stop letting keywords like "hippie", "pot", and "gay" divide us.
I would never go to a big gay dance party filled with stinky hippies doing drugs,but I support their freedom to do whatever the hell they want as long as they don't bother me.

I wonder if there will be hot lesbians there,that would be cool.
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I would never go to a big gay dance party filled with stinky hippies doing drugs,but I support their freedom to do whatever the hell they want as long as they don't bother me.

I wonder if there will be hot lesbians there,that would be cool.

Win- best post in thread. [grin]

Can "Gay dance party", "drug loving hippies" and "Kid friendly" really be used in the same post ?

I have nothing against gay folks but I don't care to expose my child to what you're describing.

What kind of a pork fest are we talking here?
How can you expect someone to value the freedoms you personally fight for (or specifically the 2A) if you do not value whatever freedoms they hold important.

I don't value the freedom to hit my privates with a hammer. I have it, and I won't ever support taking it away from anyone, but I don't value it, and I won't attend "Genital Smashfest 2010" either.

We do it sometime in that first week of July. Maybe you've heard of it.

[laugh] true true

There will also be several great seminars on activism...

The OP of this thread is DadaOrwell. He's generall identified as an "open cary activist," a right which I fully support and care about, even more now that I live in a state where it isn't generally legal to do so. In general I think it's a stupid practice poorly practiced by people who have little knowledge of what they're wading into when they do it, but I feel that it should be just as legal and regular as CC. However, as a gun owner, I am offended by the "activism" [puke] of DadaOrwell. Based on what I know about him, any "activism" event that he advocates for is an event that I don't ever want to be associated with. Ridley is to gun owners what the Westboro Baptist Church is to Christians.

I will fully support his right to act like a jackanape in public. I will also buy a round of beers for any cop that has to put up with his delusional attention seeking behavior.

And why doesn't my liberty include the right to hold whatever values and principles I see fit? Why do mine have to match yours in order for me to not be 'close minded'?


The only freedom is found in the right to be left alone. Any organized society should recognize, promote and protect that right. It doesn't mean anarchy (or "anarchism", if you're an intellectual). There are still rules, and not everyone will like them.

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But, if you're closed minded, and only care about one of the amendments in the BILL OF RIGHTS, and you think that the Government is doing just dandy, then I respect that, and you don't have to come.

Because they seem to be celebrating freedom, not my freedom, not your freedom, not their freedom but everyones Freedom. If your views of freedom are limited strictly to only one of our Amendments then you have a very narrow view of freedom. How can you expect someone to value the freedoms you personally fight for (or specifically the 2A) if you do not value whatever freedoms they hold important.


Yup, you guys hit the gold with these posts. Some folks here seem not to get the whole "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" thing. [thinking]

Yup, you guys hit the gold with these posts. Some folks here seem not to get the whole "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" thing. [thinking]

No, celebrating everybody's freedom is fine. 99% of the people in here get that. However if you're going to promote a freedom festival with a "big gay dance" well you're going to keep some people away that don't want to see a big gay dance. Would having a "big hetro dance" turn some people off? Yeah it would, why put that kind of a title on it. It comes off as nothing more than grandstanding to me.

"Come to Porcupine Fest, we are going to be having a HUGE F-ING DANCE for everyone!"

Seems a little more logical to me, but hey I'm not an attention whore so what to I know?
However, as a gun owner, I am offended by the "activism" [puke] of DadaOrwell. Based on what I know about him, any "activism" event that he advocates for is an event that I don't ever want to be associated with. Ridley is to gun owners what the Westboro Baptist Church is to Christians.

The westboro "Baptist church" is a leftist organization who's purpose it was to make it look like there was a Christian movement that was against the war while making Christians look kooky. I don't follow Ridley's activism all that much but he doesn't strike me as that type.
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Ridley is to gun owners what the Westboro Baptist Church is to Christians.

I don't know if I would go quite that far. The difference there is the only thing WBC has in common with most christians is they both use the word resembling the religion. On the other hand a lot of FSP folks are gun owners and believe in natural rights, etc, like a lot of us do.

Although I generally don't agree with Ridley's methods, not everything he (and FSP) does is negative. I've noticed as a whole that the spectrum of protests coming out of FSP run the gamut from being "reasonable" to "absurd" and everywhere in between. Sometimes they do things that end up being a net positive other times they do things that most people will not be able to understand, and it comes off looking as a negative or at best, is ineffectual.

In comparison everything WBC does is absurd, from their protests to the lawsuits they wage. I'm honestly surprised WBC hasn't been wiped out yet. The only thing keeping them alive is that many believe in the first amendment, and that most people value their freedom over the lives of a group of 110% pure asswipes.

I don't know if I would go quite that far. The difference there is the only thing WBC has in common with most christians is they both use the word resembling the religion. On the other hand a lot of FSP folks are gun owners and believe in natural rights, etc, like a lot of us do.
I certainly wouldn't. You have to recognize that you don't push public opinion from the middle.

It drives me mad that you need "radicalism" on either side to shift public opinion (I prefer logic and reason), but that's the reality.

A priest once laid it out for me beautifully in a long and detailed discussion of our respective dogmas - "The Church must preach to the ideal. It must also understand that this is an ideal that will never be achieved."

In other words, if you want people at 5, you need to start pushing for 7. You'll often get there faster if you push for 10 and then back off and "compromise" just as they are about to walk away from the table.

Ridley isn't even pushing for 10 - he's more of a 7-8 kinda guy from what I've seen. I have to admit, I don't pay too much attention to him, but I've seen plenty of his videos.

I am sure you will see discussion of this in "Rules for Radicals". Just because they are lunatics does not mean they are stupid...
No, celebrating everybody's freedom is fine. 99% of the people in here get that. However if you're going to promote a freedom festival with a "big gay dance" well you're going to keep some people away that don't want to see a big gay dance. Would having a "big hetro dance" turn some people off? Yeah it would, why put that kind of a title on it. It comes off as nothing more than grandstanding to me.

"Come to Porcupine Fest, we are going to be having a HUGE F-ING DANCE for everyone!"

Seems a little more logical to me, but hey I'm not an attention whore so what to I know?

Seems more like they want to be sure that the GLBT crowd know they're welcome. Seriously, why does everyone assume that because they mention that there's a dance specifically for gays (which is probably more because the STRAIGHT crowd is uncomfortable around gays than vice-versa) that it's going to turn into a gay makeout fest?
Seems more like they want to be sure that the GLBT crowd know they're welcome. Seriously, why does everyone assume that because they mention that there's a dance specifically for gays (which is probably more because the STRAIGHT crowd is uncomfortable around gays than vice-versa) that it's going to turn into a gay makeout fest?

I don't think anyone assumed that. I think marketing the dance as "a big GAY dance" is just a bad idea and I gave my reasons why. The gay/lesbian crowd already knows they are safe with the Proc people.

Should we market the next NES shoot as "Fragging Flaming Freddy"? So the gays know we don't care that they are gay and they are welcome? Seriously why are you defending the reasoning when you don't know the reasoning?
You have to recognize that you don't push public opinion from the middle.

It drives me mad that you need "radicalism" on either side to shift public opinion (I prefer logic and reason), but that's the reality.

I am sure you will see discussion of this in "Rules for Radicals". Just because they are lunatics does not mean they are stupid...

See that’s just it. They don’t do anything, and havn’t accomplished shit. The FSP has been pushing for things like decriminalization of weed. So what do they do, they have weed smoking parties in the center of town. Great people get arrested and other people harass cops for enforcing laws. This does nothing. A little group of people got weed decriminalized in MA, and good for them. They did the right way.

The idea that gays are still fighting to be able to be gay is stupid. So instead of having a actual freedom fest that will do something, they get a bunch of people together to show off.

For as long as I have lived gay people have been throwing parades and walking around with gay shit like chaps with fluffy ball covers. This shit does nothing except draw negative attention. That’s the reason why gays still need to do this shit. If they just acted normal maybe people wouldn’t give a shit if they were gay.
For as long as I have lived gay people have been throwing parades and walking around with gay shit like chaps with fluffy ball covers. This shit does nothing except draw negative attention. That’s the reason why gays still need to do this shit. If they just acted normal maybe people wouldn’t give a shit if they were gay.

Dude- seriously? The majority of people ARE "normal" people who go about their lives doing what you would consider "normal" stuff and having normal relationships. It disturbs me that so many people on here seem to think that being gay means wearing assless chaps.
It disturbs me that so many people on here seem to think that being gay means wearing assless chaps.

I find it quite comical. However you and Ross seem to be assuming that "many" people feel this way, you're mistaken. [grin]
Also, I don't think being gay means wearing assless chaps. I know a few gay people that don't wear them. Seriously I do.
Seems a little more logical to me, but hey I'm not an attention whore so what to I know?


See that’s just it. They don’t do anything, and havn’t accomplished shit. The FSP has been pushing for things like decriminalization of weed. So what do they do, they have weed smoking parties in the center of town. Great people get arrested and other people harass cops for enforcing laws. This does nothing. A little group of people got weed decriminalized in MA, and good for them. They did the right way.

The idea that gays are still fighting to be able to be gay is stupid. So instead of having a actual freedom fest that will do something, they get a bunch of people together to show off.

For as long as I have lived gay people have been throwing parades and walking around with gay shit like chaps with fluffy ball covers. This shit does nothing except draw negative attention. That’s the reason why gays still need to do this shit. If they just acted normal maybe people wouldn’t give a shit if they were gay.

This is exactly my point. WBC are a tiny little group of rabid morons who do all of the wrong things to bring attention to their cause. Ridley pulls the same kind of stupid stunts that similarly have little if any practical purpose. Anyone on the outside of the issue is left with a bad taste in their mouth and confusion in their mind about the issue at hand, and at the end, nothing good is accomplished. I posted before about poorly executed protests backfiring.

IMO the very best way to make open carry a regularly accepted practice is to do it as a part of your normal life, the way that they do it everywhere that it is a regularly accepted practice. But this isn't what they're doing; they go out somewhere public, behave suspiciously to get the cops called or call the cops on themselves (yes, you read that right), and then chant about their right to not show ID. They're using open carry as a springboard to highlight other issues that they see with the laws, but they've muddled their stance on the topics so much that all anyone not caught up in their "movement" takes away from it is that some dick with a garbage holster & carry method likes instigating problems with LE, to highlight...problems with LE. [rolleyes]

I have no more respect for them than I do for people like Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson who do more to bring attention to themselves than they do to fix any of the issues that they claim to hold so dear. Their hysterical BS smacks of the crap that Rosie O'Donnell & Paul Helmke spew about law abiding gun owners.

Like I said before, jackanapes.

It disturbs me that so many people on here seem to think that being gay means wearing assless chaps.

This movie is the first thing that came to mind when I read that.


Sorry if I assumed "Big Gay Dance Party" and "Assless chaps" seemed somehow related.

1) "The FSP" doesn't "do" anything, other than recruit liberty lovers to move to NH. The organization takes an officially neutral stance on all political issues and matters of government, other than the objective listed in the Statement of Intent.

2) Many of the activists who are in the news associated with the FSP are either NH natives, or long-time residents.

3) At the biggest 420 event (the daily gathering in Keene), the majority of participants are locals and Keene State College students, not FSP members.

4) PorcFest is definitely a family friendly gathering, with lots to do for folks of all ages. There are tons of kids there; mine had a blast last time. Mentioning the "Big Gay Dance Party" just shows the diversity of options.
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