Feinstein says "assault weapons" are not in common use

My AR (= assault rifle ) was in use at the range last weekend right before it was lost in the boating accident Monday.
My AR (= assault rifle ) was in use at the range last weekend right before it was lost in the boating accident Monday.
My AR (= assault rifle ) was in use at the range last weekend right before it was lost in the boating accident Monday.
Fine Di-Fi, let’s say you get your wish and they are banned and ordered to be turned in, NOW WHAT? You have MILLIONS (perhaps as many as 20 Million) ARs and let’s say one million owners and to be charitable 90% compliance.

100,000 well armed and trained, pissed off PATRIOTS are left - would you like a history lesson?
Ugh, what?
The flappy thing m8, fully semiautomatic high capacity clips, you know what I mean? The loopholes fear universal background checks, high caliber 22's, and common sense. God, damn, why won't anyone see it and think of the children, the NRA are terrorists can't you see how they're colluding with the Russians.

f*** think I'm having a stroke...

-Senator Feinstein as dictated by Bloomberg et al.
That hag just wants the sound bite saying that they're not in common use. She'll probably tweet it later and propagate the fake news.

Maybe it's more sinister. If weapons not being used are not in common use, does that mean that safe storage requirements mean that your firearms are no longer in use and therefore not protected by the 2a?

So...if an AR or other semi automatic rifle or shotgun is in a civilian gun safe, it is an assault weapon. Take that same firearm out of the civilian gun safe and put it in a police vehicle it instantly becomes a patrol rifle or service shotgun. Play on words I guess.

This is what the MA newspapers reported a while back when BPD tried to buy patrol rifles a la long guns a while back.
Ok, I'll be the judge,..... senator fineswine has no business even asking questions about guns of any type. PERIOD!!

She's about as gun ignorant as they come, just look at her trigger discipline:


She is a hypocrite of the highest order, unfit to shine my shoes, let alone be questioning a federal judge about guns and a protected right.


BTW, it's well documented that when she was mayor of SF, she carried a .38 revolver for protection.
But remember, her life is so much more valuable than ours, so that makes it OK.
I guess she is advocating for me being in a continuous state of "using" dozens of guns at the same time. Is carrying them on me sufficient, or do I need to be actively firing them, and if so what frequency (how many boolits per day)? Is she going to then complain that I am walking around with guns dangling off of me?
She's about as gun ignorant as they come, just look at her trigger discipline:



BTW, it's well documented that when she was mayor of SF, she carried a .38 revolver for protection.
But remember, her life is so much more valuable than ours, so that makes it OK.

Butt she was not carrying a fully semi automatic, so everything was ok...
And it would be 6-3 conservative majority. Heads will explode!

Methinks if Trump got a 3rd pick that Roberts or someone would suddenly slide Left to help "balance" things. A crock for sure, but I can't see them going 6-3 as much as I'd love it. (Kagan is still, on most issues, a Constitutionalist as well, so it could go 7-2. That would be funnier.)

List of democratic concerns in that scenario:
Vaginas would become possession of the government.
Gays would be sent to catholic rehabilitation camps.
Anyone born in another country would be deported regardless of citizenship status.
Slavery will be legal again (ironically, the Dem party was the part that supported Slavery)
No one will have health care unless they are a multi millionaire
The umbrella corporation
Self machining ghost guns that are in the cooler of quickymart currently in disguise of a coke can.

You mean these things won't happen??? Should I put my P-hat away yet??? Maybe stop staring at a livestream camera shouting "he will not divide us"??? (Remember that one??? LOL). Damn. 18 months in and hte world has NOT ended yet.

Hundreds of thousands ???
That's clearly a lie!
We know the real number is several million.

Hey hey hey - let's not get their panty-waists in too much of a bunch too quickly.
His handling of these questions was outstanding. Well prepared and rehearsed answers!
To me a more interesting question is this. I think it’s safe to say that Feinstein is never going to vote for Kavanaugh but let’s say she asked the assault weapon question and judge Kavanaugh replied with “you know sentator your right. No one should have a weapon like that.”. Does anyone think for a second that DiFi would say “you got my vote Judge” because I can’t imagine that scenario happening in any of a number of alternate universes. These are all just set up questions.
My AR (= assault rifle ) was in use at the range last weekend right before it was lost in the boating accident Monday.

I never understood the case for calling an "Assault Rifle" a "Modern Sporting Rifle" to placate the whims of others to brand my choice of defense tools in such a way as to make them sound repugnant or less appealing.

I come at it from a different aspect. ALL my firearms are "Assault Rifles" or "Assault Weapons", from my black-powder smoke poles, to my Single Action Army Revolvers, and also include break-open single-shot .22 rifles all the way up to a drum-fed AK or AR.

When my Gun Rights are under "Assault" from Politicians and Governmental Entities or Soccer Moms who "just don't like guns" and are at risk of being stolen from my hands or the hands of my friends, relatives and cohorts...

ALL my Firearms are Assault Weapons...

To me a more interesting question is this. I think it’s safe to say that Feinstein is never going to vote for Kavanaugh but let’s say she asked the assault weapon question and judge Kavanaugh replied with “you know sentator your right. No one should have a weapon like that.”. Does anyone think for a second that DiFi would say “you got my vote Judge” because I can’t imagine that scenario happening in any of a number of alternate universes. These are all just set up questions.

still vote no but I think she would cream
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