Deputy at Florida school 'never went in' during shooting, sheriff says

Truth be told if we wanted to stop school shootings it could be done, period, full stop. After 9/11 the hijackings stopped IIRC, but as a society we pay a price for our 'safety'. Screening machines, TSA agents, blah blah. We all hate it but... it works.

Our children are our most important resource. The odds of your child getting caught in a school murder spree killing are infinitesimal, true, but children's psyche's are quite fragile. Like it our not, the media/messaging raging 24/7. This latest school shooting spree is not about the our kids safety, it's a media event/tweet circus everybody and nobody willing to fess up to their blame.

To see this once proud nation reduced to mob of whiners, pizz on the other guy, hurray for my side. & eff yours, makes me want to vomit.

For me our kids are our future...the message from the President on down is my, me, mine.

All of which is security theatre. The reason planes aren't hijacked and flown into targets anymore is because the passengers would put a stop to it or the Air Force would shoot them down. As I said before male teachers that don't bumrush the next shooter should be shamed as pussies for life. Untrained putz with a gun could get bumrushed and lose pretty easily. Yeah there is a price that's the deal for having summers off.
Truth be told if we wanted to stop school shootings it could be done, period, full stop. After 9/11 the hijackings stopped IIRC, but as a society we pay a price for our 'safety'. Screening machines, TSA agents, blah blah. We all hate it but... it works.

it doesn't work, it appears to as long as you suppress all the news of how testers can smuggle buttload of things through security.

In fact it does the opposite. People are lulled into false sense of security and are less vigilant. Low paid TSA tards are easier to buy or bypass.
If that’s what the contract says...

I’m in favor of yanking his pension if there’s a due process for doing so. I’m not in favor of yanking it because feelz.
I'm in favor of yanking it because FAILS. Dereliction of duty comes to mind. And while I'm sure it's not in the contract anywhere, "Failure to have any f***ing consideration for human life" also comes to mind. I'll send him a pink pussy hat so he can keep warm.
All of which is security theatre. The reason planes aren't hijacked and flown into targets anymore is because the passengers would put a stop to it or the Air Force would shoot them down. As I said before male teachers that don't bumrush the next shooter should be shamed as pussies for life. Untrained putz with a gun could get bumrushed and lose pretty easily. Yeah there is a price that's the deal for having summers off.

Well, we've had school shooting after school shooting, so why should the male teachers in the next on take the blame?
He has no legal mandate to put his life on the line to protect anybody! He's a cop.....not a Soldier or Marine. This is why I puke in my mouth a little every time a f***ing cop uses the word "civilian" when referring to people that are non law enforcement! Cops are civilians also!

I get it. I get Warren v. DC and all the other decisions on this topic. That's immaterial though. Sorry, he's a coward.

Speaking of Warren v. DC, that decision states that cops have no duty to protect random individuals. They do have a duty to protect individuals in certain cases where a prior relationship exists. In this case, he was assigned to that specific post. So a case could be made that yes, he was specifically there to protect.
He is a coward. Regardless of what the protocol told him to do.

Now he has to live with his decision for the rest of his life. Based on his inaction I bet he won't have any issues with that, it speaks to his character. I've read and seen that FL is looking to null his pension. Thats a start IMO.

This should be the wake up call to the public that not only do LEO's not have a responsibility to protect you but in instances where they may be needed to do that they will retreat. Though it won't be interpreted that way.

Only I am responsible for the safety of myself and my family and friends I plan on continuing to conduct my life in accordance.
Want to bet the Sheriff condemns the other three officers as well? He's going to blame everyone but himself. The way he reacted when challenged at the CNN Town Hall is telling. Yelling about there being no evidence of 39 calls to the crazy's home, leaving out that he knew it was 23. Knowing his officers didn't react but going on and on blaming the gun. The guys more polatician than cop. His own officers probably don't even like him.
So apparently it looks like the entire department is comprised of cucks. More cops arrived and waited, while another towns officers ran in to the building

Sources: Coral Springs police upset at some Broward deputies for not entering school - CNNPolitics
Holy shit. What the hell can you say to that ?
Shows how much leadership matters apparently.
I do know that the next time some shithead tells me that "You don't need guns, that's what the police are for. "
I'm going to shove this mess up their ass with the sharp corners out.
Want to bet the Sheriff condemns the other three officers as well? He's going to blame everyone but himself. The way he reacted when challenged at the CNN Town Hall is telling. Yelling about there being no evidence of 39 calls to the crazy's home, leaving out that he knew it was 23. Knowing his officers didn't react but going on and on blaming the gun. The guys more politician than cop. His own officers probably don't even like him.

Sherriff douche bag should have gotten is story straight before he shot off his mouth trying to build his political career...I betting we find out it SOP at Sherriff Douche bags direction...Telling his guys hide and watch....what a cuck! Cant wait to see how he wiggles out of this one...blame others I suppose...Trump will have a field day as this all unravels....Tweet away my President, Tweet away!
Sherriff douche bag should have gotten is story straight before he shot off his mouth trying to build his political career...I betting we find out it SOP at Sherriff Douche bags direction...Telling his guys hide and watch....what a cuck! Cant wait to see how he wiggles out of this one...blame others I suppose...Trump will have a field day as this all unravels....Tweet away my President, Tweet away!

You got a point, this is just the kind of thing Trump jumps all over. I give it 24 hours before the first related tweet.
So apparently it looks like the entire department is comprised of cucks. More cops arrived and waited, while another towns officers ran in to the building

Sources: Coral Springs police upset at some Broward deputies for not entering school - CNNPolitics

Unbelievable, heads should roll

from the article [bolding mine]:

When Coral Springs police officers arrived at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on February 14 in the midst of the school shooting crisis, many officers were surprised to find not only that Broward County Sheriff's Deputy Scot Peterson, the armed school resource officer, had not entered the building, but that three other Broward County Sheriff's deputies were also outside the school and had not entered, Coral Springs sources tell CNN. The deputies had their pistols drawn and were behind their vehicles, the sources said, and not one of them had gone into the school.

With direction from the Broward deputies who were outside, Coral Springs police soon entered the building where the shooter was. New Broward County Sheriff's deputies arrived on the scene, and two of those deputies and an officer from Sunrise, Florida, joined the Coral Springs police as they went into the building.
Some Coral Springs police were stunned and upset that the four original Broward County Sheriff's deputies who were first on the scene did not appear to join them as they entered the school, Coral Springs sources tell CNN.
Every thing out of Israel's mouth is about moving him politically up the ladder....only thing that motivates him is what he will gain out of it.....
I agree and I'm reading more things online of the individual police calls that have been made on Cruz over the years and for 5 of those years, Scott Israel was the sheriff of Broward Country.

Given how Israel is acting and what he's saying when there are cameras around, I think he was well aware of who Cruz was and decided not to act because he wanted him to be a school shooter so he could get his 15 minutes of fame and fortune. Nothing else explains how so little was done to help Cruz or to have him be declared a prohibited person unable to buy guns and it makes plenty of sense why 4 deputies stood down outside the school; Sheriff Israel wanted a max amount of casualties to gain media attention.

When I look at Sheriff Israel, I see Deep State written all over his smug mug.
4 trained cops is an assault team.

It's the first on-first in hoping he can do the job himself, plus a 3 man fire team to jump over him on the way down the hallway if he doesn't.

Assuming, of course, that those four aren't complete and total yellow bellied pussies that can pat each others nut sacks behind cover (okay, not-reall-concealment in the case of the f***tards behind their cruisers) while listening to innocent children get murdered.
If that’s what the contract says...

I’m in favor of yanking his pension if there’s a due process for doing so. I’m not in favor of yanking it because feelz.
I don’t know what the legal procedure is necessary to accomplish this,
I’m just parroting what I heard on the local news down there.
FIFY. It's 4 who showed up, plus the original SRO, all of them from the Backwards Cowards Sheriff's Office.

It's 4 total, the SRO plus 3 additional. From the article:
Florida, on February 14 in the midst of the school shooting crisis, many officers were surprised to find not only that Broward County Sheriff's Deputy Scot Peterson, the armed school resource officer, had not entered the building, but that three other Broward County Sheriff's deputies were also outside the school and had not entered, Coral Springs sources tell CNN. The deputies had their pistols drawn and were behind their vehicles, the sources said, and not one of them had gone into the school.
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