Chickens Lives Matter!

Welcome to Massachusetts where you can:
  • Exchange dirty and worn out drug needles for shiny new sharp ones.
  • Walk into a store and buy Weed and weed products.
  • Need to go behind the store or a dark ally to buy eggs and chicken wings from the black market guys smuggling them in.

We’re Having An Eggs-istential Crisis – 12.14.21 – Hour 2

What consequence???? We (collective mASS we, not you and me we) voted these turds in. They made this stupid-ass law. Now we're all F'd and they won't do a thing about it AND they'll get re-elected anyhow.
Q: Precisely who made this stupid-ass law?

I get about 2 dozen per week with my 6 chickens. How much are store bought dozens going for now?
As much as I hate MA and MA politicians, waiting until there is a crisis or waiting for the last minute is a political thing that crosses all parties and all states as well as the country.
Creating a problem, letting it fester, than saving the people is a political story as old as time.

Especially when it involves food
OMG NC has lousy steaks (you can't find steak tips anywhere!), but pork and chicken products are readily available and pretty cheap. Boneless chicken breast is still available at one of several stores somewhere within a few miles of here at $1.99/lb, which is what I recall paying for boneless chicken in MA in like, 1998. I can get two 18-packs (36 eggs) of XL white eggs for under four bucks at WalMart, or pay something like $149/doz at every grocery store, all the time. Just the same, our next-door neighbors have several egg-laying hens and give us free eggs often.
Well will Rachel Rollins and Marsh enforce this?
The Chicken police!
What if the Hens identify as roosters?
NAIL, not bunghole!

F brown eggs and their extremely tough inner shell. I hate brown eggs for that exact reason. They are too tough to use. Invariably, you get shell in your egg. Bah!
You've said this before. I'm still not sure I understand. Maybe it's a technique thing?

I use brown almost exclusively, and have no more trouble than with white.
You can always take the brown eggs camping if you think they are more durable...

I like this sturdy, plastic egg "briefcase" for eggs when camping.

under $7 bucks at Amazon

If "Egg-Gate" happens, these will protect your eggs like the gems they are. [rofl]

You've said this before. I'm still not sure I understand. Maybe it's a technique thing?

I use brown almost exclusively, and have no more trouble than with white.

You know that inner membrane??

I guess it's how you crack them.

If you crack on teh side of a bowl, you probably won't have that much of an issue. You'll crush both bowl and shell fragments right into that membrane.

But if you crack as you SHOULD - on the counter - the membrane holds. TOO well. Now you've got an explosion waiting to happen.

The only brown eggs I'll voluntarily use are free-range. Usually given to me b/c I don't trust those coolers on the side of the road. (Although they may be more important come Jan 1. LOL)
You know that inner membrane??

I guess it's how you crack them.

If you crack on teh side of a bowl, you probably won't have that much of an issue. You'll crush both bowl and shell fragments right into that membrane.

But if you crack as you SHOULD - on the counter - the membrane holds. TOO well. Now you've got an explosion waiting to happen.

The only brown eggs I'll voluntarily use are free-range. Usually given to me b/c I don't trust those coolers on the side of the road. (Although they may be more important come Jan 1. LOL)
Cracking on the counter. Even this morning, rap on flat surface, then pull the two halves apart; no issue. :confused:

Clearly, a mystery for the ages
Once you have chickens you will never go back to store bought eggs. I have had chickens for 25 years. Only when a predator has wiped them all out have we had to fall back on purchasing eggs and rarely for long. We produce more than we consume at most times so we have a good stockpile.

If you live in a town that does not permit chickens, you are living way too close to too many people...
I'll take a dozen large!
I like this sturdy, plastic egg "briefcase" for eggs when camping.
under $7 bucks at Amazon
Holding out for Zero Halliburton.
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