Carrying to a pub in Boston...aka Meninoland

Dangerous aside, what part, if any does a previous record play in setting bail? I'd think that the judge has the BOP in front of him when he's setting bail.


The prior record plays a part only insofar as it reflects defaults on court appearances.

While the distinction may not be obvious for the layman at first glance, the issue of bail is not whether the defendant is a bad guy or likely guilty of the crime on which he is being arraigned.

It can be argued that the system should be different; my point is only to describe what it presently is.
Pretty sure that concealed carry is NOT honored in places where the primary revenue is from alcohol sales. So, in that case, I would say you are rather out of line with your post there.
I, and I suspect many others, would love to see an MGL cite on this one, particularly the "honored" part.

That said, mixing guns and alcohol does tend to have a deleterious effect, particularly with amounts of alcohol that affect one's judgement. Where that point is for each person is something they have to determine themselves.
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Knowing you're a stickler for detail, I'll point out once again that the revenue agent (money collector) is not a transit PO. Big difference.

And knowing your equal fastidiousness, I point out that I used the exact term quoted from the OP: "transit cop." [wink]
Pretty sure that concealed carry is NOT honored in places where the primary revenue is from alcohol sales. So, in that case, I would say you are rather out of line with your post there.

Methinks you've confused the Commonwealth of Massachusetts with its older sister, the Commonwealth of Virginia.

So, in that case, I would say you are rather out of line with your post there.
You shoot in Winchendon?!

Also wrong.

Knowing you're a stickler for detail, I'll point out once again that the revenue agent (money collector) is not a transit PO. Big difference.


I'm pretty sure it WAS a transit cop. A female one. Her partner helped fend off the theft, and called in the attempted theft, and the kid was caught at the top of the stairs.

Edit, here is a clarification:
17-Year-Old Accused Of Stealing MBTA Agent's Gun
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I'm pretty sure it WAS a transit cop. A female one. Her partner helped fend off the theft, and called in the attempted theft, and the kid was caught at the top of the stairs.

No, they were T revenue collection agents, not T police. Basically, armored car guards.
Don't be stupid. You have no need to carry in of all places a bar. Sounds like its an open invitation for trouble. Its just not worth it.

Don't be stupid you. You have no need to carry in of all places a church or school either. That may be just what the dead thought also.[frown]
Pretty sure that concealed carry is NOT honored in places where the primary revenue is from alcohol sales.
Define "pretty sure", as this conclusion is incorrect with respect to Mass law (but right on the money with regards to some other states).
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