Carrying to a pub in Boston...aka Meninoland

You need to know the type of bar you are going to be in. I don't mean the theme, I mean is it a place known for trouble or not. The Roxy is very high on the list of places where you stand a good chance of getting into a fight. I've responded to more than one large brawl there, as well as several stabbings, and a lesser number of shootings.

The Europa is another hot spot.

Both of those are "clubs" and not bars. There are several places where you can go to drink and never have to worry about a fight or any sort of violence. Then there are some neighborhood bars where, if you aren't known, you risk a beating or worse if you wander in.

An innocent victim of a bar fight or being rolled after leaving a bar is pretty rare. In just about every fight I've ever responded to, all parties are drunk, words were exchanged, and then fists. Or worse.

The choice to carry, bar or not, is a personal one. If you are going to carry, at least in this state, you have to be very low key and walk away whenever possible. But I expect that everyone here knows that.

I went to the Roxy Friday night for a punk concert...No pat down...i was boozing so i didnt carry..i go to alot of bars in Boston and dont remember the last time i was frisked..i dont do the whole club scene so i dont really know about them
... You have no need to carry in of all places a bar. ...

its not worth the hassle

Stop thinking like

If your LTC isn't restricted there's no reason to NOT carry !

When I do go to a bar I still carry. I do not drink alcohol if I am carrying, but I carry. I carry every where I legally can.

... I think the lesson is, fine to carry in a bar but make damn sure you don't drink.

As long as you stay sober (and I mean NO alcohol), there is no reason not to carry.

Good advice. Everybody else gets a point.
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I only drink at home or other friends homes. If I were going clubbing/barring (which I don't) I'd carry OC and my carry piece, but mainly because I carry everywhere I go that is legal. Unfortunately work is the only place it is illegal that I go on a regular basis. If I'm asked to leave/not enter I leave. That being said, I never have been asked to leave, and if I was I would probably never go back to the place even not carrying.
Big Daddy 45, My buddy is about your size, so I'm kinda used to being dragged along to places he takes for granted and I think are horror shows. This mesomorph of a friend has taken me into Biker Bars, back alleys, strange places at night and daytime too. He never seems worried, like he's invulnerable. I think that starts to happen when you're 6' 13" and a Lot-a-hundred pounds heavier than I am.

So far I've never had to have been rescued, but I think it's just plain shock when the Bikers and bad guys see little 5'3" me walk into their home turf, clinging close to my giant friend. I learned a long time ago to just shut up, my sense of humer doesn't win many friends in that enviorment.

I once took a swipe at a guy about your size. I had the leg of a table in my hand at the time.

I woke up the next day in my barracks with half my head black and blue. Since then I try not to pick on guys that are more than twice my size, or smile when I hit them.

Just Sayin'.

I was in the business for over 15 years in Boston. The only advice I have is to: A. Keep the pistol well concealed or it could become a target for some drunk miscreant. You can also tick of the establishment by carelessly carrying openly. I had one jerk walk into the bar with his coat held open, exposing TWO pistols in his waistband. When I asked him to cover up the pistols, he began a lecture on his right to carry. I never heard the whole lecture as the doormen threw him out.
B. Don't get into any sort of confrontation as it can easily get physical in an instant. At this point your pistol becomes a liability. Remember, even if a shooting is justified, you can spend your life savings defending yourself. If you are carrying and you fear that a confrontation is brewing, run like hell.

PS I never carried while I was working because of "B".
I'm carrying...I'm going deep. I've just had two ladies test-frisk me [wink] and neither could tell.

BTW, If I knew where and when I would definately need a gun, I would avoid that place. Unfortunately GOD did not give me that ability so I figure to bring it everywhere.

Ummm can you please send the 2 ladies over to frisk me [smile]
Personally I prefer biker bars. Not the local patch holder hangout, but just a general biker bar.

Real people, not the false type that frequent the Boston scene.

I have made some really good friends in these places.

Yeah, a few fights involving broken pool cues and bar stools, but then you buy each other a drink afterwards. Except the one guy who played Michael Jackson on the juke. He ended up in the dumpster!

If we as LTC holders keep listening to these made-up laws and other BS, we might as well just give up our guns altogether!

If you are not drinking, carry if you chose. If you are made, leave if they ask. Be polite and then take it as a lesson to rethink you mode of concealment.

Ummm If I was ...aaaaa ...the physical stat of you ...I would have no problem hanging in a pool cue/ stool broken bar...[wink]
Did you take the "Texas Edition" of the class? (I'm not sure they even offer such a class). The 51% rule is a Texas law and, to the best of my knowledge, does not exist in other states. Some states have very strict no bar rules - for example, the food court in VA malls is off limits if any of the vendors are permitted to sell beer for consumption in that area. Ditto for restaurants in AZ thanks to Gove Napolitano's veto. Some other states have bans on areas the "primary purpose" of which is alcohol sales for on premises consumption, but do not have an broad AZ/VA ban on restaurants simply because alcohol is sold.

MA has law against carrying while intoxicated, but no bar ban per se - but, as everyone this forum knows, all it takes is for the licensing official to consider you actions such that you would be "unsuitable to be so licensed" and you'll be limited to an FID.

I thought that Virginia required open carry for liquor serving establishments, or is that an exemption for restaurants that serve booze?
My comments about VA were in regards to concealed carry only - I'm not familiar with the nuances of their open carry law and I would guess that bypassing the "restaurant ban" via open carry would get one evicted from most establishments.
My comments about VA were in regards to concealed carry only - I'm not familiar with the nuances of their open carry law and I would guess that bypassing the "restaurant ban" via open carry would get one evicted from most establishments.

That's one of the restrictions of concealed carry in VA. If you're going into an establishment that serves liquor, you have to change to open carry while in said estblishment. I suppose it's better than being barred from entry altogether, but not by much.
Ummm If I was ...aaaaa ...the physical stat of you ...I would have no problem hanging in a pool cue/ stool broken bar...[wink]

I actually started hanging in these joints when I was in the service. About 150lbs ago!

It isn't about physical stature. It is about attitude and demeanor.
Be yourself, don't act tough and don't play the fool.
Above all, don't hit on any of the women! That could get you dead real quick like.
If you get the feeling that you are not welcome, pay up, tip and then leave.

Trust me, there are some joints I would not go into without an M60 and a squad of Rangers to back me up!
Any NES members here, I posted before in the members forum about a slight incident I ran into while all alone in a parking garage in the middle of the night. Earlier I'd been at a Boston bar, at a friend's birthday party, where I drank nothing stronger than Coke. The bar was laid back and mellow, all my friends were there, I was sober.

The parking garage where I went to get my car in the middle of the night was open to the public, and I'm very glad I had a gun, even though many frown on a .38 snub.

When I drink, it's with friends nearby and guns locked away. Whenever I am legally able, I carry, and avoid trouble, mind my own buisness, have fun.

Just conceal the thing. Oh yeah, and when carrying in a bar, I won't even buy a round of drinks for others, or touch their glasses, or put my glass of soda down. That way, there's no doubt in my mind, or in the potential witnesses.

Stay safe.
The parking garage where I went to get my car in the middle of the night was open to the public, and I'm very glad I had a gun, even though many frown on a .38 snub.

I don't think you'll find many here that frown on that
choice.... I think a .38 snub is vastly superior to a lot of the
other mouseguns that are out there.

I have never been frisked in Boston. I am curious as to who does this? I have seen metal detectors in some places, but those places are usually pits anyways.

I was at the North End and Quincy Market all last night. Wonderful place, but late at night there are alleys that seem suspicious. Not as bad as Southie or 'hoods off of Huntington. But worth having a piece.
I actually started hanging in these joints when I was in the service. About 150lbs ago!

It isn't about physical stature. It is about attitude and demeanor.
Be yourself, don't act tough and don't play the fool.
Above all, don't hit on any of the women! That could get you dead real quick like.
If you get the feeling that you are not welcome, pay up, tip and then leave.

Trust me, there are some joints I would not go into without an M60 and a squad of Rangers to back me up!

Very Good Advice. I know a few patchers and 1%ers. I go to a biker bar or two...and except for one group...I've never had any problems. It's when I see something brewing between two groups that I usually pay up, or just go outside or another part of the bar and stay away. Not my problem...or fight. So I don't even worry.

Same goes for Biker Parties... When I see someone freaking out, I just move to the other side of the yard, and let them work it out one way or another.

For the most part, these are all good people. They look rough, but will do what they can for people. They raise more money for charity than most of the people on Beacon Hill...and will give the shrit off thier back for a friend.

Show them some respect, and they will treat you well. Ane like BD45 said, if you don't know that the women are single...leave them alone. And if they hit on you, and you don't know polite offer her a beer, and then leave her alone. [smile]
I think that there have been many good points made in this thread. The first one being that alcohol and gunpowder don't mix very well. If you carry, don't drink. I also think there has some good advice about being prudent. As a concealed carry licensee your deportment must be held to a higher standard. Remember that fools rush in where angels fear to tread. That, of course is a lot different than not being prepared for the worst case scenario. What I'm saying is don't go out of your way to find trouble or trouble will find you. There are certain places that I won't go, simply because I want to avoid trouble.

Now the scope of the responsiblity as a concealed carry license holder is also another area of concern. While I would not be presumptuous to dispense legal advice, I will point out that as a private citizen you have to be very careful how you respond to a situation. You are not a police officer, so don't try to be one or act like one if something starts to go down. Your responsibility is to yourself and to your loved ones, no one else. Get involved in something beyond your immediate sphere, and you could find yourself to be perceived as a bad guy when the cops finally do show up. Under most cirmcumstances try to be a good witness. (I hate to side with the cops on this one, but they do have a point).

Now this might go against some of your ideas of a personal honor code...but you are not a knight errant of ages past and your 9mm whizbanger isn't Excaliber, so your gig is to enjoy yourself, stay alert and stay safe; not going around rescuing damsels in distress or protecting the weak, no matter how much you'd like to (and let's face it, we have all had those fantasies...) It would take something along the lines of the Luby's Cafeteria massacre that happened down in Texas before I would draw a concealed firearm to use to defend someone other than myself or a family member. I value my freedom too much (and my anus in its present, non flaccid condition) to find myself in prison because I tried to be Steve McQueen or John Wayne and it backfired.

So, be smart, be safe, know the law, know your rights and most importantly, know your own personal limitations.

Mark L.
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My experiences are about the same as C-Pher's.

Bikers may look scruffy, but most of us are decent people underneathall that scruffiness. Show us reasonable respect, and we'll usually leave you alone.

Not only do we give more to charity than most folks, we also pay close attention to kids, ANYBODY'S kids, to make sure they're safe.

Want to P.O. a Biker in short order? Be rough with a kid. Hurt a kid. Be a known pedophile. Not good moves.
As much as I think it's dumb to leave my gun at home when I go to Boston, I know there's a 90+% chance I'll end up at a bar at some point... and I don't go to a bar and NOT drink. I usually don't get trashed but I always have a few.

Is the legal limit to carry a gun the same as to drive (.08)?
So, be smart, be safe, know the law, know your rights and most importantly, know your own personal limitations.

Mark L.

I really think that is the best info I have ever seen posted anywhere!

Good job Mark!

I carry anywhere I can.. On the motorcycle/car/bar/


I am very nervous if I was ever in a situation where a cop needed a back-up. I am really not comfortable trying help out a officer unless of course you could see that the officer was in dire need of assistance.

I sure wouldn't want to be shot for helping out in a situation.

I have always feared that while riding my motorcycle, there was a possibility that I would be bike-jacked. This is the reason I carry! Plus many other reasons!

My house has been broken into/plus my neighbors also/Road rage from Town Snow Plow Drivers! And that is a whole new story which I may expand on later..
As much as I think it's dumb to leave my gun at home when I go to Boston, I know there's a 90+% chance I'll end up at a bar at some point... and I don't go to a bar and NOT drink. I usually don't get trashed but I always have a few.

Is the legal limit to carry a gun the same as to drive (.08)?

Sorry, but the legal limit is what the police think you are capable of...

If you appear that you are not capable... You are in trouble!

This is how this F---k'ing State is!

So be very careful in what you do out there!
That's one of the restrictions of concealed carry in VA. If you're going into an establishment that serves liquor, you have to change to open carry while in said estblishment. I suppose it's better than being barred from entry altogether, but not by much.

I really am in favor of that idea of open carry while in a bar!

I was amazed when I was in Las Vegas, to see people walking down the City sidewalks with drink in hand & a 357 Magnum revolver on there side holster. Just like there was no care in the world at all!

Now! That is the way it should be, everywhere!

I want a "Federal License to carry in all 50 States" Now!
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