Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire is now on Amazon.

Aug 15, 2007
Feedback: 28 / 0 / 0
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I like how they are framing it as a civil rights issue because that's exactly what it is. Hopefully, the movie will be completed in time to have an impact on the current discussion about guns that's going on around the country.

I think this movie has the potential to educate lots of people who never cared about the 2nd Amendment and bring them over to our side.
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Kris Koenig of Dead Patriot Films is an Emmy-award winning producer and writer. If they can finished this movie, I'm sure it will be well-done. I'm bumping this for the final push because the sooner they can get it out, the better it will be for all of us.

Only 65 hours to go: Assaulted:Civil Rights Under Fire (Finishing Fund Campaign) by Kris Koenig ? Kickstarter

So what happens if the time runs out? They're a good part of the way there - they should extend the time instead of letting the project die.
So what happens if the time runs out? They're a good part of the way there - they should extend the time instead of letting the project die.

I'm not sure, but this is such an important project, I can't imagine that they'd let it die entirely. The problem right now is that time is of the essence.

Here's an update that I got from Kris after my first donation:

Last fall when we held the first Kickstarter, gun control and assault weapons were mostly the subjects left for the court of appeals. California gun owners with the help of CalGuns Foundation, SAF and other state gun associations successfully stopped SB249, a bill that would have made Bullet Button equipped AR-15s and AK-47s illegal in the golden state. It was a cautious victory but one, combined with court successes across the country, seemed to show positive progress on the ability to exercise our 2nd Amendment right. We therefore had an open completion date on the project.

Then all hell broke loose.

Obama was reelected and suddenly the UN Small Arms Treaty was back on the negotiating table and the possibilities of end runs around the 2nd Amendment. This bad news was followed by the horrific news of Newtown and the snowball of executive and legislative action that now has gun owners facing 31 gun control bills in congress and many more across the 50 states.

Taking the argument out of the courtroom and into the theaters.

All of this has put an incredible amount of pressure on us to get this film completed and into theaters. We need to triple the size of the post team to finish the film in early March. Combine these challenges with the fact that our efforts to secure an underwriter to cover the finishing costs have been unsuccessful, forced us to return to Kickstarter because we no longer have the luxury of time. The gun control debate is now front-and-center in American media and the need to complete our film has grown exponentially.

Thank you, again.

We’re here asking for your help again, whether it’s a donation or encouraging your friends to join us. If you feel that you have given enough to our project, know that you have helped us immensely with your funding and we appreciate it. If the current ammo shortage has left you with a few extra dollars in your pocket, consider donating it to the film. You may not be able to blow holes into a target this weekend, but you will be helping us blow holes in the arguments that are being used to restrict your 2nd Amendment rights.



I've also been emailing friends about this.
For anyone not familiar with how Kickstarter works, if the project is not fully funded by the deadline, all pledges will be voided and no money will be transferred. So in this case, if they don't raise the $70,000 in the next 41 hrs, you won't be paying anything.
Yea, I've sent a message to Kris asking if there's a way to contribute to the project if the Kickstarter project doesn't pull through. I'll update this thread if I hear something.

I sent him a PM through Kickstarter, and he did email me back. I'm sure he's focused on this campaign right now, but he'll probably answer you if it's not successful.

But SCREW THAT; let's make it successful so they can get the movie out in time for it to really count!

I'm looking forward to getting the DVDs so I can hand them out to all the people I know who need to be educated. For those who haven't been to the website, there are some cool "prizes" that you get for different pledge levels.

Watched a Interesting Documentary that was funded by Kickstarter on Fracking. It was interesting how the lies and propaganda of the left spiral out of control with Hollywood and the media in their pocket.
Almost as important as donating is spreading the word on this. If you guys participate on other gun boards, please post this there. Thanks and thanks to those who donated.
I've had good luck with things I've backed on kickstarter previously, the whole experience is quite a bit of fun and folks have been great about keeping backers updated via e-mail.

I'm in.
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