
Seriously at what point do we stop trying to use a clearly broken legislative process and start using the court system? I often feel that despite GOAL's excellent efforts and our constant writing/calling, we don't make any progress.

If you think that the legislative process is broken, go sit in a courtroom for a few hours for a real education on "what's broken"! The courtroom is the real problem with enforcing laws.

Pro-gun cases have little to no chance of a fair trial/result in MA. [thinking]
Here's a flow chart for the legislative process in our great State: http://www.massaudubon.org/PDF/advocacy/MALegisProcess.pdf
Another in the form of text: http://www.mass.gov/legis/lawmkng.htm

This is just a general overview and the devil is in the details. One of the aides I spoke with said they can swap bills but didn't offer any other information about when this happens or how.

That flowchart is seriously defective. The second link is accurate.

Swapping bills is a special case of an amendment from the floor. The motion would take place during normal debate and require a simple majority to pass.
It was bottled up in the Jt. Comm. on Public Safety, given an extension until June 30, 2010. Date passed with no action, therefore it dies.

From what I was told, any bills still in the committee that held the public hearing on it, but not moved out by June 30th are dead.

Neither was George's aide!!! [thinking]

She said that the Repubs have NOT been told when 4102 will rear it's ugly head on the floor. But according to Jeff Perry, this is the game that the current administration plays . . . no advance notice to the opposition so they can't rally the forces to defeat it.

Yup, call the CHAIRMEN of the Public Safety Committee and insist on speaking only with them. They hold all the power on bills in committee.

I got a chance to fire off an email and talk to Rep Barrows briefly and he expressed his extreme opposition to Deval's bill. I did not have enough time to ask if he had looked at GOALs bill at all, but he is very interested in protecting gun owners rights and the public at large (yes, you can do both!).
If you think that the legislative process is broken, go sit in a courtroom for a few hours for a real education on "what's broken"! The courtroom is the real problem with enforcing laws.

Pro-gun cases have little to no chance of a fair trial/result in MA. [thinking]

Aargh! So sad...so frustrating.
Take it to Federal Court!!...Just taking a case there has made changes in CT (some other factors as well, like forming http://ccdl.us/ IA's can no longer demand more then what the State asks for for a Pistol Permit, Open Carry is getting more accepted and made the Hartford Courant's front page...and i expect more changes to come..for the better...Because a Federal Case gets EVERYONE's attention..
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both 4102 and 2259 are still where they were several days ago. I called GOAL this morning

and i was told exactly that. Would be nice if they UPDATED their website///////////////

HINT HINT,,,, i know a lot of us are more than interested..............
Today I received the following response from Rep Peterson's office regarding my inquiry into the status of H2259 & H4102:

"Dear MA_Shooter
I believe that 2259 sits in the Public Safety Committee. I am working hard to get this moved out of committee, and taken up before the end of this session. House bill 4102 is currently in Ways and Means, and I continue to track it diligently. Time is running out, but I am doing all that I can. Thank you for your words of praise."
This is going to sound stupid, and pardon me but I'm not a MA resident and haven't been paying too much attention to this, but does deval patrick not have to sign this bill into law if it makes it that far?
This is going to sound stupid, and pardon me but I'm not a MA resident and haven't been paying too much attention to this, but does deval patrick not have to sign this bill into law if it makes it that far?

Hope this helps:

Following enactment, the bill goes to the governor, who may sign the bill into law, allow it to become law without signing it (if the governor holds the bill for ten days without taking any action while the legislature is in session, it becomes law without his or her signature), veto it, or return it to the legislature with recommended changes. If the legislature has concluded its yearly session, and the governor does not sign the bill within ten days, it dies. This is referred to as a "pocket veto." This ten-day period includes Sundays and holidays, even if they fall on the tenth day, and it begins the day after the legislation is laid on the governor's desk.

If you're interested, there is a fairly handy guide to the legislative process here: http://www.mass.gov/legis/lawmkng.htm

2259 is NOT DEAD.

This was bad information

We will update as soon as there is new VALID information.

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2259 is NOT DEAD.

This was bad information

We will update as soon as there is new VALID information.


Well the way sausage is made is rather convoluted in "real life" . . .

There are rules and then there are ways that they use to get around the rules.

I got a call (went to VM) yesterday morning from Rep. George Peterson's office. Although 2259 needed to get out of committee by the end of last month to move forward on it's own merits, it sounds like George is watching for an opportunity to substitute 2259 for any attempt by the Gov to resurrect his 4102 or any other opening George gets to slide the text into a bill that is being debated.

So we may still see some action on it yet. Time will tell.
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