Zimmerman charged. What do you think will happen if he's found Not Guilty?

My guess, nothing will happen to him. They set the bar real high charging him with 2nd degree murder.

During the trial the media will play a role in reducing the public's expectation of a conviction.

The Rodney King beating was a completely different situation, there was a video of the event. Most people I know where sick to their stomach after seeing the video and believed the police were guilty.
My guess, nothing will happen to him. They set the bar real high charging him with 2nd degree murder.

During the trial the media will play a role in reducing the public's expectation of a conviction.

The Rodney King beating was a completely different situation, there was a video of the event. Most people I know where sick to their stomach after seeing the video and believed the police were guilty.

That's because the media refused to play the entire video of the Rodney King arrest...If the media did play the whole video then there would have been less sympathy for Rodney......Hind sight being 20/20 the cops should have just shot the SOB!!
The Racists and race baiters won round one, Zimmerman was arrested. That DB who gave the press conference last night should be fired immediately. She was referring to Martin as the "victim". HUH! Isn`t that prejudicial? The look off satisfaction and glee on her face was so unprofessional I couldn`t believe it. She admitted she was in constant contact w/Martin`s family and they were very happy with the indictment. Double HUH! So now we know your motivation for indicting Zimmerman, to please his family and the Black Panthers, race baiters,etc.

Unless there is another witness or evidence that we are not aware of it will take a pure rigging of the jury to find him guilty of 2nd degree murder. Zimmerman`s lawyer better be very picky on the makeup of the jury. I remember the euphoria among the brothers and sisters when OJ was found not guilty. MY GF said the blacks at her company were all cheering while the white people were stunned. And we`re the "racists".
As far as riots if and when Zimmerman is acquitted, screw them. If they want to tear up their neighborhoods go for it. Come to mine and see what happens.
It's 2012.

Someones sports team loses... and it's an excuse to riot.

Someones sports team wins... and it's an excuse to riot.

Same thing here... Zimmeramna walks, they'll be riots of anger.
Zimmerman is found guilty, they'll be riots of jubilation.

Any excuse to grab a free TV, arm full of DVD',s, rack of clothing, etc won't be passed up.
well, that's what the trial is for. if the prosecution believes they have enough evidence then so be it. the man deserves a fair trial since it's gotten this far but the media has already tried and convicted him. we'll just have to see how things pan out.

i'm just going to be glad when i don't have to hear the word "trayvon" ten thousand times when i'm trying to eat dinner. enough already. WE KNOW. can't we talk about the weather or puppies and kittens?

The problem is that the prosecution was NOT going to charge Zimmerman until the Governor appointed a politically charged special prosecutor with a hot line to the White house and charges were filed in order to give the national guard more time to train and gear up for what probably will be national riots.
The problem is that the prosecution was NOT going to charge Zimmerman until the Governor appointed a politically charged special prosecutor with a hot line to the White house and charges were filed in order to give the national guard more time to train and gear up for what probably will be national riots.

In just a few weeks this whole story will be old news. By then the professional rabble-rousers, politicians, and lazy journalists will find some other fake trend or random hysteria to entertain the commoners. People will be all excited about it, will declare it to be THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in a long time. Some will protest, many will rant on the internet, and a few will actually do something (but of no consequence). That story will age. Then we will begin the next one...
The problem is that the prosecution was NOT going to charge Zimmerman until the Governor appointed a politically charged special prosecutor with a hot line to the White house and charges were filed in order to give the national guard more time to train and gear up for what probably will be national riots.

It seems silly to say that they weren't going to charge him until they did charge. The lead investigator did want to charge him, but the AG overruled citing a lack of evidence.

But Corey, and Scott are both clearly career liberals and racists.

I dunno if there are awards for dumbest thread of the year, but this one gets my vote.
Racism is alive and well on the board. I feel sad for many of you. Others, I could care less.
The Racists and race baiters won round one, Zimmerman was arrested. That DB who gave the press conference last night should be fired immediately. She was referring to Martin as the "victim". HUH! Isn`t that prejudicial? The look off satisfaction and glee on her face was so unprofessional I couldn`t believe it. She admitted she was in constant contact w/Martin`s family and they were very happy with the indictment. Double HUH! So now we know your motivation for indicting Zimmerman, to please his family and the Black Panthers, race baiters,etc.

Unless there is another witness or evidence that we are not aware of it will take a pure rigging of the jury to find him guilty of 2nd degree murder. Zimmerman`s lawyer better be very picky on the makeup of the jury. I remember the euphoria among the brothers and sisters when OJ was found not guilty. MY GF said the blacks at her company were all cheering while the white people were stunned. And we`re the "racists".
As far as riots if and when Zimmerman is acquitted, screw them. If they want to tear up their neighborhoods go for it. Come to mine and see what happens.

I've never understood why they do that. It's like getting pissed at your neighbor for killing your dog, so you burn your own house down.
FL has a law that discharge of a firearm in commission of a felony is 20 years mandatory minimum; 25 if a death results.

It would appear (unless there is some other legal mumbo jumbo available) to rule out the possibility of a "felony plea with 10 years, out in 5" - thus increasing the chances of an actual trial.
Does it not occur to ANY of you that Zimmerman could in fact be guilty as charged?

At BEST, being charitable, I look at this case and think he has one Hell of a case to make: That he was at imminent threat of death or grievous bodily injury by a single unarmed assailant AFTER having initiated the confrontation in the first place. (That last isn't in doubt at all, even by Zimmerman's account).

In the BEST of circumstances, even with a sympathetic jury I'd give 70/30 that Zimmerman would be convicted of some degree of manslaughter. He's got one Hell of a hard case to prove.

But since the usual suspects are saying the usual crap, many people on this board are assuming it's Rodney King all over again. -It's not the same thing. Not even a little bit. -I fail to see any reason for the original question. -Unless you're stupid enough to think that the Black Panther party speaks for anything but the same fringe of the country that the KKK speaks for.
Does it not occur to ANY of you that Zimmerman could in fact be guilty as charged?

It is very possible he is guilty. There are 3 versions of what happened, Zimmermans and he won't change his veiw of how it happened, Martins, who can't say his veiw of what happened and the veiw of what everyone else who wasn't there thinks happened.

At BEST, being charitable, I look at this case and think he has one Hell of a case to make: That he was at imminent threat of death or grievous bodily injury by a single unarmed assailant AFTER having initiated the confrontation in the first place. (That last isn't in doubt at all, even by Zimmerman's account).

All Zimmerman needs to do is say he was in danger, the state needs to prove he was not if that's what they think and then Zimmermans lawyer will attempt to show doubt to the prosecution. Innocent until proven guilty still apply's

In the BEST of circumstances, even with a sympathetic jury I'd give 70/30 that Zimmerman would be convicted of some degree of manslaughter. He's got one Hell of a hard case to prove.

But since the usual suspects are saying the usual crap, many people on this board are assuming it's Rodney King all over again. -It's not the same thing. Not even a little bit. -I fail to see any reason for the original question. -Unless you're stupid enough to think that the Black Panther party speaks for anything but the same fringe of the country that the KKK speaks for.

The Black panthers are just missing the white sheets, same racist crap different color racist
Does it not occur to ANY of you that Zimmerman could in fact be guilty as charged?

At BEST, being charitable, I look at this case and think he has one Hell of a case to make: That he was at imminent threat of death or grievous bodily injury by a single unarmed assailant AFTER having initiated the confrontation in the first place. (That last isn't in doubt at all, even by Zimmerman's account).

In the BEST of circumstances, even with a sympathetic jury I'd give 70/30 that Zimmerman would be convicted of some degree of manslaughter. He's got one Hell of a hard case to prove.

But since the usual suspects are saying the usual crap, many people on this board are assuming it's Rodney King all over again. -It's not the same thing. Not even a little bit. -I fail to see any reason for the original question. -Unless you're stupid enough to think that the Black Panther party speaks for anything but the same fringe of the country that the KKK speaks for.

Your assuming the jury will get instructions for manslaughter. If they don't then I believe he will walk or a mistrial will be declared after many hours of deliberations.
Does it not occur to ANY of you that Zimmerman could in fact be guilty as charged?

I think he could definitely be guilty, but no real evidence has been released in public to indicate that yet. It may still exist and the state is holding onto it until the appropriate time, for obvious reasons.

At BEST, being charitable, I look at this case and think he has one Hell of a case to make: That he was at imminent threat of death or grievous bodily injury by a single unarmed assailant AFTER having initiated the confrontation in the first place. (That last isn't in doubt at all, even by Zimmerman's account).

Again, what you've missed for the 50th time is following someone and talking to them is not necessarily "starting a confrontation". You don't understand that what he did doesn't "count" unless he assaulted Martin- eg, by trying to initiate physical contact with Martin, or at least, made verbal threats to Martin.

If your standard of "initiating a confrontation" is following someone and then talking to them, by that logic every LEO in america is probably guilty of that at one point or another, and we should be able to beat them up simply because they "initiated a confrontation" by following and talking to us. [thinking]

In the BEST of circumstances, even with a sympathetic jury I'd give 70/30 that Zimmerman would be convicted of some degree of manslaughter. He's got one Hell of a hard case to prove.

The state has an equally hard case to prove that it was not self defense on Zimmerman's part, particularly if there aren't a lot of reliable witnesses around to refute his accounting of what happened.

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