Zimmerman charged. What do you think will happen if he's found Not Guilty?

I'm thinking the brothas & sistas will riot, and make LA after the King verdict, look like a day at Disney.

Run on ammo, anyone?

this cant go to trial right now. It would not be a fair trial at all, it is too public. I wouldn't trust a jury to make a decision or a judge.
Either way we'll see riots.

Convicted (unlikely - VERY unlikely) we see Sox-just-won-the-Series-holy-sh@t, Boston PD playing paintball kind of 'riot'.

Acquitted, we see the serious, people are going to get killed, insurance companies are going to get really pissed kind of riots. This is what that [insert strongest possible socially unacceptable label here] Holder and his baby daddy Obama are working hard for. Why they hate America, I do not know.
I think the riots in major cities will be something like what I saw back in 1968 after Martin Luther King was killed. Lots of Roxbury (that I had to drive thru 2x/day to get to college) was burning and trashed.

With the web and social media, they can coordinate the riots unlike "in the old days"!
I think the riots in major cities will be something like what I saw back in 1968 after Martin Luther King was killed. Lots of Roxbury (that I had to drive thru 2x/day to get to college) was burning and trashed.

With the web and social media, they can coordinate the riots unlike "in the old days"!

You know, I was kind of depending on you to tell us it won't be all that bad. Now I'm really starting to wonder.
I'm thinking the brothas & sistas will riot, and make LA after the King verdict, look like a day at Disney.

Run on ammo, anyone?

If he gets found not guilty I bet there will be riots, he better vest up while he's going back in forth to court you know there will be people out there looking for lead justice
guys, who wants to go riot with me and get some new LED and plasma TVs? we can also stop by the gun store and get some rifles. At lunch time we can raid a McDonalds and then go back and get a surround system.

of course we will do all this out of our hatred for racism...

whos in?
guys, who wants to go riot with me and get some new LED and plasma TVs? we can also stop by the gun store and get some rifles. At lunch time we can raid a McDonalds and then go back and get a surround system.

of course we will do all this out of our hatred for racism...

whos in?

kill whitey. i'm in.
You know, I was kind of depending on you to tell us it won't be all that bad. Now I'm really starting to wonder.

Not sure why you thought that.

Back in 1968 there were riots in major cities, but only newspapers and TV to tell people what's happening.

Nowadays comms are instantaneous (think "flash mobs" but with evil intent) and there are people out there making a living off creating racial tension even if it isn't justified and they just look for any excuse to create a riot (= more face time on TV and more money rolling into their pockets)! [thinking] [sad]
Not sure why you thought that.

Back in 1968 there were riots in major cities, but only newspapers and TV to tell people what's happening.

Nowadays comms are instantaneous (think "flash mobs" but with evil intent) and there are people out there making a living off creating racial tension even if it isn't justified and they just look for any excuse to create a riot (= more face time on TV and more money rolling into their pockets)! [thinking] [sad]

You're often the voice of reason [grin]

In this case you're predicting (or least wouldn't be surprised by) riots.

That actually worries me a little.
If they do that in Florida there are going to be a lot more trials for self defense shootings. Miami ain't no gun free citizen zone.

I'm thinking the brothas & sistas will riot, and make LA after the King verdict, look like a day at Disney.

Run on ammo, anyone?

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Broccoli Iglesias said:
guys, who wants to go riot with me and get some new LED and plasma TVs? we can also stop by the gun store and get some rifles. At lunch time we can raid a McDonalds and then go back and get a surround system.

of course we will do all this out of our hatred for racism...

whos in?

NES open carry shopping spree!?!

Forum Running
Yup. You have to remember that, as every article about the case prominently points out, Zimmerman is "half white" so it must be a racial hate crime. I point this out because I can see no other reason to harp on it other than to invite racial tension.

He's not going to be found not guilty. They are going to get him for something...and who knows, maybe he is guilty of something. I'm guessing he will take a plea for manslaughter or negligent homicide (whatever they have down there). He will not walk away unscathed.

Supposing he did walk away not guilty, the Feds are going to try him on some kind of civil rights violation.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
You're often the voice of reason [grin]

In this case you're predicting (or least wouldn't be surprised by) riots.

That actually worries me a little.

Unfortunately, if history is any indicator, it is reasonable to believe that there will be riots as a result of this case. The media has way overhyped it and turned it in to a racial incident, even if it wasn't before. We all know if it was a black man who shot a white or hispanic kid we probably would have never even heard about it, and that Sharpton et al would not have gotten involved calling for "sanctions".

If Zimmerman is acquitted, it will be made out to be because he's "white" (even though he is actually hispanic) and the deceased is black. Regardless of how untrue that is, that is what MSNBC, CNN, ABC and CBS will report. We've all seen the videos of how flash mobs have turned violent. Imagine that with race baiters like Sharpton and Jackson encouraging it, and with Obama making some dumb remarks about how the judge and jury "made up their own laws".

It's not a farfetched scenario that there will be rioting.
You're often the voice of reason [grin]

In this case you're predicting (or least wouldn't be surprised by) riots.

That actually worries me a little.

I'm also a voice of reality, so I call them as I see them. Occasionally some have handed me my head over this, but this is the way I see it going down based on the hype and "out for blood" mentality being stoked by many (and the media).

This was a witch hunt...the only reason that he is being charged is to appease the black community...They will convict him of something...guaranteed. Poor guy got railroaded for political correctness..

Very true.

However, I am not convinced of his innocence in this case either. NO pictures that I've seen show him beat up and if one had a real head injury as initially claimed, a hospital would undoubtedly kept him under observation for 24 hrs to ensure he didn't suffer a concussion . . . he wouldn't have appeared at the PD (cuffed and stuffed) within hours of the incident (and w/o any visible bandages . . . at least I can't see them).

I have a "wait and see" based on evidence approach to true innocence or guilt. Regardless, I believe that they will convict him to show the race baiters that they did something about this tragedy.
However, I am not convinced of his innocence in this case either.

well, that's what the trial is for. if the prosecution believes they have enough evidence then so be it. the man deserves a fair trial since it's gotten this far but the media has already tried and convicted him. we'll just have to see how things pan out.

i'm just going to be glad when i don't have to hear the word "trayvon" ten thousand times when i'm trying to eat dinner. enough already. WE KNOW. can't we talk about the weather or puppies and kittens?
Very true.

However, I am not convinced of his innocence in this case either. NO pictures that I've seen show him beat up and if one had a real head injury as initially claimed, a hospital would undoubtedly kept him under observation for 24 hrs to ensure he didn't suffer a concussion . . . he wouldn't have appeared at the PD (cuffed and stuffed) within hours of the incident (and w/o any visible bandages . . . at least I can't see them).

I have a "wait and see" based on evidence approach to true innocence or guilt. Regardless, I believe that they will convict him to show the race baiters that they did something about this tragedy.

My opinion is that he (Zimmerman) made some stupid decisions that night. Being someone that carries a firearm daily, I go out of my way to avoid a conflict...I certainly would not confront someone that just "looks" suspicious...that what the police are for.
guys, who wants to go riot with me and get some new LED and plasma TVs? we can also stop by the gun store and get some rifles. At lunch time we can raid a McDonalds and then go back and get a surround system.

of course we will do all this out of our hatred for racism...

whos in?

IN.... we hitting zero hour or going right for bass pro?
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