Worcester's CCW criteria


Staff Member
NES Member
Feb 25, 2005
Monadnock area, NH
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Chief Gemme said his new policy narrows the definition of a “suitable” person.

Under his plan, an applicant can be disqualified if he or she:

•Has been arrested for a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for more than two years;

•Has been arrested for any felony or any incident involving physical violence or threats to commit physical violence;

•Has been involved in a domestic violence incident that results in the issuance of a temporary or permanent restraining order against him or her;

•Has had any drug arrest, including marijuana;

Does not have a job;

•Has been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or has multiple minor alcohol-related arrests;

•Has had any past or present affiliation, association or cohabitation with any person or group with a known criminal history.

Moreover, the chief said he will ask applicants their intended use of the weapon, rather than allowing them to check off a box saying it’s for “all lawful purposes.”

Under the chief’s plan, the only allowed purposes will be:

•Sporting, for which the gun can be used only at shooting and target clubs;

•Target practice, for which it can be used only at a shooting club or facility;

•Hunting, for which a license will only be issued for a large-capacity rifle and a shotgun;

•Personal protection, in which case the applicant must specify the reason he fears injury to himself or his property.

The chief also listed criteria an applicant must follow under the personal protection category: If a license is issued for work or employment, the weapon may only be used while acting within the scope of employment, such as transporting money to and from a place of employment or depository. If it’s for a business, the weapon may only be kept at the business, or may be carried within a set time frame. If the weapon is used for protection at home, the license holder may not remove the weapon from the home. Anyone violating the terms of the license could see the license revoked.

Under the chief’s plan, only active and retired law enforcement holders may say the weapon will be used for “all lawful purposes.”

There were three muggings last week in Worcester where the criminal had a gun. Looks like this a**h*** Gemme's plan is pretty effective. It's effectively making Worcester a safe haven for violent criminals.

I would like to send out a personal FU to Mr. Gemme.
derek said:
Under his plan, an applicant can be disqualified if he or she:

•Has been arrested for a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for more than two years;

•Has been arrested for any felony or any incident involving physical violence or threats to commit physical violence;

Note that he didn't say "convicted", but "arrested". And we all know that if you're arrested, you MUST be guilty or you wouldn't have been arrested!

derek said:
•Personal protection, in which case the applicant must specify the reason he fears injury to himself or his property.

How about "I live in Worcester."? Or didn't anyone see the report about the home invasion this week? why I don't want to live in Worcester

derek said:
The chief also listed criteria an applicant must follow under the personal protection category: If a license is issued for work or employment, the weapon may only be used while acting within the scope of employment, such as transporting money to and from a place of employment or depository. If it’s for a business, the weapon may only be kept at the business, or may be carried within a set time frame. If the weapon is used for protection at home, the license holder may not remove the weapon from the home. Anyone violating the terms of the license could see the license revoked.

That's as bad as Nazi Jersey... or maybe Nazi Germany. Who appointed this asshat, anyway?

derek said:
Under the chief’s plan, only active and retired law enforcement holders may say the weapon will be used for “all lawful purposes.”
Ah, yes... the uber-class. (Sorry, Len, JonJ and all other LEOs - you know I don't mean you guys. But idiots like this chief obviously believe in special privileges for cops, and us peons aren't entitled to same.)

Why doesn't this certified ASSFACE just come out and say he doesn't believe in the 2nd. Stop hiding behind those four stars he wears on his collar because he thinks in his little, rat trap mind that he carries the wisdom of a great General.
A move must be made to take this power away from these pontificating, power hungry tin Gods.
JonJ said:
Why doesn't this certified ASSFACE just come out and say he doesn't believe in the 2nd. Stop hiding behind those four stars he wears on his collar because he thinks in his little, rat trap mind that he carries the wisdom of a great General.
A move must be made to take this power away from these pontificating, power hungry tin Gods.

Have I mentioned lately that I love Jon?? :D
JonJ said:
Lynne said:
Have I mentioned lately that I love Jon?? :D
Awe thanks Lynne....Shucks, you get a get out of jail free card :)

How about a "Get out of hell free" card. See Ross for that. He's given me one.

And Jon, I see I wasn't wrong about you. You definitely ARE a STAND UP LEO. Any LEO tthat condemns the Worcester Chief like you do, is OK in my book.
Nickle said:
How about a "Get out of hell free" card. See Ross for that. He's given me one.

And Jon, I see I wasn't wrong about you. You definitely ARE a STAND UP LEO. Any LEO tthat condemns the Worcester Chief like you do, is OK in my book.
Thanks for the vote of confidence Nickle. I was on the Union E-Board for 17 years and went through 4 Chiefs in that time. Some were stand up guys, others, well i don't have to say.....

I was wondering if anyone on the board here knows any Worcester officers. I'd like to know where their union or association is on this issue and how their relationship is with this guy.
Nickle said:
How about a "Get out of hell free" card. See Ross for that. He's given me one.

Back when I was in high school we had some cards printed up that we would give to deserving persons:
Go to Hell
Go Directly to Hell
Do not Pass Go
Do not Collect $200

Sound's as if the Worcester PD might be a good place to hand out some.

JonJ said:
Why doesn't this certified ASSFACE just come out and say he doesn't believe in the 2nd. Stop hiding behind those four stars he wears on his collar because he thinks in his little, rat trap mind that he carries the wisdom of a great General.
A move must be made to take this power away from these pontificating, power hungry tin Gods.

Hmm, Jon you just gave me an idea . . .

If this is the same chief that's been there for a number of years, that chief ALSO required that applicants take a course (for $) that was ONLY given by one of his LEOs! When 1998 law required a MSP certificate for a LTC/FID (new issue), the Worcester chief thus was requiring that applicants take TWO courses . . . one with his officer and one that is state mandated.

So, if someone on this forum is under his jurisdiction and has to (or already did have to) comply with these requirements, they might drop a dime on the State Ethics Commission. I can almost guarantee that the State Ethics Commission will hammer the chief and there could be some legal ramifications depending on where the course money ends up. If someone needs a contact name and info on the State Ethics Commission, send me an EMAIL off the button below and I'll be glad to contribute to the deflation of this puffed tin god!
What do you expect from a city that has made it illegal for anyone to bring their dog onto public property (honest - I breed and show Rhodesian Ridgebacks and technically I break the law each year when I attend the Worcester County Kennel Club Dog Shows at the Convention Center.) We have to park in the garage across the street and use public streets and sidewalks to get to the convention center. Oh yeah, the center is also owned by the City.
Vin Weasel said:
Does anyone have any recent first hand experience dealing with Worcester? I have to renew my Class A soon and was told by GOAL that they will issue a license for "personal protection" if you can show a need for it. I work with juvenile offenders (DYS), but I highly doubt they would accept that as being a high risk profession..Any advice would be appreciated...I currently have an All lawful purposes license but I know they won't issue that anymore unless you are LE.
The problem with using a "work related" reason under such circumstances is that a typical reply would be "fine, we'll give you the LTC-A/ALP as soon as you produce a letter from DYS stating that you are authorized to be armed on the job." I know one one such case in another state where just such a response was given.

Also, I believe the Worcester PD couse is on the state BFSC list so a second course is not required.
i live in worcester My LTC was ALP but my new one is for personal protection category:
with no category i was told that it is the same as ALP by GOAL the chief told then it was the same thing he said he would never use ALP

I wonder if printing out all the news stories about recent violent crimesin in worc. and printing the police blotter for a week and highlighting all the violent crimes and robberies would be suitable for "personal protection"
I do club promotions in Worcester and what I think is truly funny, is the absolute innability of Worcester officers to stop crime.
Im sure they are all fairly competant, its simply the fact that Worcester is a shithole.
The other day I was walking these 2 girls to their apartment (above White Hen on main street) from The Venue (across from Mechanics hall). There was probably 12-20 people fighting in the street near Mechanics hall, yet the only cruiser around had 2 officers in it with one sleeping and the other on his cell phone. Then, another night, there was more like 40 people fighting among themselves and there was only one detail officer. Best part is, there wasnt a single arrest. Plenty of busted up faces and broken teeth/noses, but no arrests.
I have absolutely no patience for people like Gemme telling me I cant protect myself when his people cant protect anyone!

P.S. Back in March, Worcester officers let several rounds loose into a guy who shot at them with a BB gun. I have no problem with this, even considering the fact that I know his wife fairly well. What I DO have a problem with, is the fact that these officers actually believed a pellet gun was reason enough for lethal force, while people who bother to research the laws like NES members, arent trusted.
That is reasonable though, as they cant know if it is or is not a real weapon, and have to act in the moment. Im sure that anyone would do the same faced with the prospect of someone pointing a weapon at them that looks real.
Why Quincy as well as Worcester?

Quincy is turning itself around in terms of issuing ALP..

Uhh, dude, you know you just quoted a post that was over 2 years old? [smile]

I mean, I think C-pher is a cool guy and all, but last I knew he wasn't a clairvoyant. [laugh]

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