Why I will be carrying at home from now on

You make a vaild point MB. The problem with the guys who haven't thrown knuckles before is they can't just go out and fight to get some experience under their belts. If you haven't been in a few good tussels by 20ish chances are it's not going to happen.

Well they can always show up at my house for a BBQ, there is usually some type of MMA hijinx going on by midnight. [wink]
Sound travels further when it's late. Even if this guy was bothered by what he determined to be "a loud gathering", he should have yelled down and asked you to lower your volume. His other choice should have been a call to the police to ask them to approach you. The fact that he approached screaming at you tells me he was irrational and upset at something that has nothing to do with you. I don't know what he threw into your fire but as long as it didn't explode or leave blood or bone traces I guess it was a harmless object.
I would definately try to find out exactly where this guy lives. Be extra vigilant around your property especially at night.
Best Regards.
You make a vaild point MB. The problem with the guys who haven't thrown knuckles before is they can't just go out and fight to get some experience under their belts. If you haven't been in a few good tussels by 20ish chances are it's not going to happen.

Well they can always show up at my house for a BBQ, there is usually some type of MMA hijinx going on by midnight. [wink]

And just as important as it is to get in a fight, is getting your ass beat and served up some humble pie. I know some people who could use this.
And just as important as it is to get in a fight, is getting your ass beat and served up some humble pie. I know some people who could use this.


If you've never been knocked down, you'll never know how to pick yourself back up, a HUGE lesson IMO.
You make a vaild point MB. The problem with the guys who haven't thrown knuckles before is they can't just go out and fight to get some experience under their belts. If you haven't been in a few good tussels by 20ish chances are it's not going to happen.

Well they can always show up at my house for a BBQ, there is usually some type of MMA hijinx going on by midnight. [wink]

MMA? Maritimer?
Well they can always show up at my house for a BBQ, there is usually some type of MMA hijinx going on by midnight. [wink]

Here's where someone should insert a comment about half naked men rolling around together. Not me, but someone who isn't afraid to be subject to Derek's motivational posters.[smile]
I only carry at home and other places where I don't think that I'm ever going to have any need for a defense gun. I just stay the hell away from the other places.


Sage advice. The best way to avoid a violent conflict is to stay out of places where you are likely to be involved in one.

It's like some of the guys I work with who only put their body armor on when they are going to a shooting or other call where they think there might be violent people. It's usually the call where you don't think anyone is going to be violent that turns bad.

It's like some of the guys I work with who only put their body armor on when they are going to a shooting or other call where they think there might be violent people. It's usually the call where you don't think anyone is going to be violent that turns bad.

I've always managed to avoid the bullets with my name on them. The one's addressed "to whom it may concern" have given me trouble a couple of times, though. [wink]

And just as important as it is to get in a fight, is getting your ass beat and served up some humble pie. I know some people who could use this.

Yep. Getting punch drunk once or twice teaches you to avoid strikes. [wink]
The problem with the guys who haven't thrown knuckles before is they can't just go out and fight to get some experience under their belts. If you haven't been in a few good tussels by 20ish chances are it's not going to happen.


I've thrown down more times than I care to remember, and won a lot more than I've lost. I'm not a tough guy or anything - by an accident of genetics I was born with a bad temper and a nearly supernatural ability to take a punch.

Because of this, I've "won" fights before I've ever thrown a punch. When some clown sucker punches you with a haymaker and instead of going down, you start laughing - you've pretty much won the fight.
I'd a knocked him the f*** out! [devil]

absolutely. I keep a big CRKT knife in my pocket at all times, and twice Ive had to pull it one someone who has started shoving and angling up to throw a fist. Ive never had to use it, but a big black knife sure does make them think twice. This is of course when I can tell they are not otherwise armed, or are in a situation they shouldnt have gotten themselves into[wink]

I despise people more and more everydaiy (no joke!). Humanity disgusts me as a whole.

For future, I would carry when you are in yoru backyard. Better yet, if you think he is high on something, wrestle him to the ground and take his wallet! That way you can give the cops a name and he is too high to that you stole his wallet [wink]

(ps, I give horrible advice!)
I carry in my home.

At a 4th of July BBQ some years ago, 20 drunken teens and twenty somethings took exception to my neighbor and I blocking the road to slow drunken drivers from going up and down our dead end street. One truck almost hit my neighbors 3 year old daughter in his front yard.

After my neighbor started defending himself in a fight, myself and two others started swinging too.

We had called the police, but they didn't respond for one hour and 28 minutes. Luckily, after the first few scumbags were "handled"... the rest didn't seem so anxious to tangle.

We were just lucky that this group of jerks wasn't as tough as the thugs I grew up with. 20 on 5 would have made mince-meat in my old neighborhood.

The next day I complained to my COP about the slow response time, and he issued me a LTC A.

Since that day in July, there have been several more skirmishes with the local thug group called the "wino's" (no kidding), and year by year we weed more of them from the neighborhood.

The lesson I learned from my experience is, you never know where something bad might happen, so be prepared, especially at home.

I carry... always.
you could always get a dog...
I had a german sheppard growing up who would not let anyone get within 5 feet of anyone in my family without showing teeth.
Drunk, high or stupid... dog bites suck!
I only carry at home and other places where I don't think that I'm ever going to have any need for a defense gun. I just stay the hell away from the other places.


I'm shutting off my computer for the night after that. I that is the smartest goddamn thing I've read in a long time.
A lot of stuff could have happened, but it did not. The bottom line is that at the end of the day no one got hurt, no one died, no one went to jail. It seems to be our nature that we dissect incidences like this and think about what if's. Hopefully there is no next time, but I will bet that if there is a next time you will do it differently if for no other reason then your radar will be up a lot sooner. I just hope that you can continue to enjoy that beautiful back yard. Man, that is one nice looking yard.
Even WITH training, you still never know how you're going to handle yourself in real life, but at least you have a rudimentary toolset and some actual muscle memory to draw on when the inevitable occurs. Sometimes flight isn't an option...hell, I shouldn't have to (and damn sure wouldn't) flee my own backyard.

I guess I just don't get the part about being freaked out by someone packing that has never been in a scuffle. I agree every conflict is different and even with training, its still just training; and even with experience it was only the experience of that situation...not the one your coming up against. I mean if you have been in a bar fight, how does that prepare you for a car jacking?

There is something to be said about knowing what it's like to get hurt and knowing first hand that others are capable of putting the hurt on you.

I guess I just don't get the part about being freaked out by someone packing that has never been in a scuffle. I agree every conflict is different and even with training, its still just training; and even with experience it was only the experience of that situation...not the one your coming up against. I mean if you have been in a bar fight, how does that prepare you for a car jacking?

There is something to be said about knowing what it's like to get hurt and knowing first hand that others are capable of putting the hurt on you.


It's not really a matter of the specific type of altercation (bar fight, car jacking, etc.), but more a matter of knowing, say, what an adrenaline dump feels like and how to deal with it, knowing which response is appropriate (fight or flight), being confident in your reaction time, controlling fear and panic, etc....things that translate into ANY situation.

As far as the freaked out part, it's more for the potential victim in question, not for me or the general public.
I guess I just don't get the part about being freaked out by someone packing that has never been in a scuffle. I agree every conflict is different and even with training, its still just training; and even with experience it was only the experience of that situation...not the one your coming up against. I mean if you have been in a bar fight, how does that prepare you for a car jacking?

There is something to be said about knowing what it's like to get hurt and knowing first hand that others are capable of putting the hurt on you.


I think the point being made was that that handling a gun under "oh shit" conditions isn't the same as being at the range and is definitely not something to take for granted.
It's not really a matter of the specific type of altercation (bar fight, car jacking, etc.), but more a matter of knowing, say, what an adrenaline dump feels like and how to deal with it, knowing which response is appropriate (fight or flight), being confident in your reaction time, controlling fear and panic, etc....things that translate into ANY situation.

As far as the freaked out part, it's more for the potential victim in question, not for me or the general public.

I used to avoid fights by putting my cigarette out on my tongue right before fists would traditionally start flying. Oddly enough, most "bottled courage" guys lose interest in a fight when their intended opponent intentionally inflicts pain on himself before the fight even starts...

'Course, being 6' tall and built like a silverback gorilla doesn't hurt, either.



I've thrown down more times than I care to remember, and won a lot more than I've lost. I'm not a tough guy or anything - by an accident of genetics I was born with a bad temper and a nearly supernatural ability to take a punch.

Because of this, I've "won" fights before I've ever thrown a punch. When some clown sucker punches you with a haymaker and instead of going down, you start laughing - you've pretty much won the fight.
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I agree with Boston Irish, find a reputable breeder and get yourself a German Shepherd, invest in GOOD training and whack jobs like your neighbor won't be able to get within 50 feet of you without 'ol Max knowing and alerting you of his presence.

I've got four of 'em(Colt & Casear are both protection trained, Heckler and Koch are in training). We had an "incident" around my place last summer regarding break ins and home invasions. All my neighbors were "visited" by the dickwad perp but us(strange.......must not have seen anything he liked on my property). My dogs are worth their weight in gold. And as always, if he gets by them(don't know how, without injury) he's gotta deal with ME!!(and the 12 gauge).

Anyway, develop a healthy case of paranoia. Think of the worst case scenario, prepare for it, and IF it dosen't happen, sweeet. Finally, two words:BE PREPARED(learned that one in scouts).

Glad nothing bad happened though.
You've never been in a fight? I'm sure there have been opportunities. What makes you think you'd have the balls to shoot somebody when you've you've never had the stones to punch somebody in the face?
If someone escalates a situation to the point that lethal force is justified then it looks more like a decision tree to me. Balls not required.

I agree with Boston Irish, find a reputable breeder and get yourself a German Shepherd, invest in GOOD training and whack jobs like your neighbor won't be able to get within 50 feet of you without 'ol Max knowing and alerting you of his presence.

I've got four of 'em(Colt & Casear are both protection trained, Heckler and Koch are in training). We had an "incident" around my place last summer regarding break ins and home invasions. All my neighbors were "visited" by the dickwad perp but us(strange.......must not have seen anything he liked on my property). My dogs are worth their weight in gold. And as always, if he gets by them(don't know how, without injury) he's gotta deal with ME!!(and the 12 gauge).

Anyway, develop a healthy case of paranoia. Think of the worst case scenario, prepare for it, and IF it dosen't happen, sweeet. Finally, two words:BE PREPARED(learned that one in scouts).

Glad nothing bad happened though.

I couldn't agree more.I have a shepard,lab,and a rott and noone comes near my house.My UPS man rings the doorbell leaves the package and runs back to the truck.It's kinda nice not having to sign.A strange lady rang my doorbell once at about 12pm asking to use my phone.My wife answered the door and by the time I got to the stairs w/ the 12ga. she was gone.My rott went ballistic and she quickly changed her mind about wanting to come in.If the dog is attack trained and the situation escalates you won't need to do much as the dog will do it before you can react.See if he ever comes back then...
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