Why I Carry a Gun

This guy is a real gem. Watch the video where he explains the contents of his bug out bag. http://www.youtube.com/user/pekiti#p/u/2/T9QNBQXA4P4
He is truly screwed if he thinks that it will do him ANY good. When your BOB contains 4 bottles of booze, a 6 pack, and rubbers, you probably won't do very well in a SHTF situation. He does have a shotgun, but no ammo. Well, you know racking it will scare off any would be attackers.[rolleyes]
He obviously thinks the end of civilization is going to be a huge blow out bash.
I really hope nobody takes any of his advice.

Well, at least he won't knock anyone up. A newborn can be tough to care for in a SHTF scenario.
This guy is a real gem. Watch the video where he explains the contents of his bug out bag. http://www.youtube.com/user/pekiti#p/u/2/T9QNBQXA4P4
He is truly screwed if he thinks that it will do him ANY good. When your BOB contains 4 bottles of booze, a 6 pack, and rubbers, you probably won't do very well in a SHTF situation. He does have a shotgun, but no ammo. Well, you know racking it will scare off any would be attackers.[rolleyes]
He obviously thinks the end of civilization is going to be a huge blow out bash.
I really hope nobody takes any of his advice.

i know the guy is goofy, but he does raise a very serious and legitimate training concern. i highly doubt that the majority here could draw from concealment and empty a magazine into the guy before he got them. even assessing a threat like that in time to begin drawing can prove near impossible. it's one thing to draw and put bullets on target in under two seconds in a static environement, but transfering that skill to a dynamic threat is extraordinarily difficult. if he's inside your loop, he's got you. or your cut, in a grappling situation, and trying to get your gun after 60% of your body function has shut down do to alarm reaction. full disclaimer: no, i've never done that. yes. i think he'd get me before i shot him.

Timber has raised a very good point. How many of you go through your daily life waiting and ready for some retard to charge you full bore with a sword? Probably not many. I would tend to think that by the time you figured out if he was serious, he would have probably got to you.

I guess it's time to start doing airsoft drills with an idiot charging at me with a sword and wearing goggles.

Everytime I watch it I laugh my ass off. His antics are just way too funny.
Timber has raised a very good point. How many of you go through your daily life waiting and ready for some retard to charge you full bore with a sword? Probably not many. I would tend to think that by the time you figured out if he was serious, he would have probably got to you.

I guess it's time to start doing airsoft drills with an idiot charging at me with a sword and wearing goggles.

Everytime I watch it I laugh my ass off. His antics are just way too funny.

You've never met Doobie, huh?
Friend of mine worked in a prison for a while in Texas. They'd practice knife defense techniques wearing a white t-shirt and have an "attacker" come at them with a sharpie.
Wearing goggles and shooting at foam sword wielding attackers with airsoft guns is still LARPing.

NES event.... Doobie versus Kenny474... deathmatch... sword vs firearm...

Who's in???

Who said I was willing to go for a stand off!? I am not messing with ANYONE packing a broadsword, regardless of how dumb they look trying to draw it.

But anyway, what would the terms of engagement be? They had better lean in my favor. He's got some reach with a 5 foot sword, if he can ever draw the damn thing.
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