Vote in Poll: Should all hand guns be banned?

I wish people would actually pay attention to polls. I also wish these people would seek to not only ban handguns, but all guns...What we need is a good ban. Not one exclusive to "Assault Rifles", (whatever that means anymore). Let's support a ban of everything - especially handguns. I think pump shotguns and anything but single shot rifles should follow... Lets get this party started...
Should all hand guns be banned?
Yes 38% (1,667 votes)

No 62% (2,763 votes)

Total Votes: 4,430
These comments are hilarious [laugh]

"Hand guns are usually found in law abiding citizen's homes by the criminal element during a robbery/break 'n enter."
Yep, it will be the last thing they see [wink]

Have you noticed they use a strategy which takes a simple sentence like "Guns are more lethal than a baseball bat" (which by the way does not mean guns kill more people, just that being shot is more lethal than being hit with a baseball bat) and create "Guns kill more (insert children, innocent bystanders, puppies) than baseball bats". All they do is take an obvious statement and manipulate it to sound worst than it is. I'm not sure whether to laugh at their ignorance or feel bad that people actually go through life believing this. Meh, I'll laugh [laugh]
Should all hand guns be banned?
Yes 37% (1,675 votes)
No 63% (2,873 votes)
Total Votes: 4,548

Some good comments:

2009-11-17 19:54:33 ET

Stephen: Handguns may be illegal in Formerly Great Britain, but your crime rate is way up.

When handguns are banned, only criminals will have them. (And the police - in my country.)

2009-11-17 20:09:36 ET

guns do not kill people, people kill people and by the way if they ban handguns they can pry it from my cold dead hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idiot comment:

2009-11-17 23:30:28 ET

OK....but here in the UK we don't have disgruntled ex-employees coming back into the office with assault rifles and taking out their old colleagues......and I would dispute that our crime rate is higher in the UK than the US....guns do kill people and so do knives...even sticks kill, you just have to work harder.

And IMHO the really dangerous comment:
Lila Byrd

2009-11-17 23:57:16 ET

I live in the US and firmly believe we have the right to have firearms including handguns. I also support that there should be laws to keep track of these guns and training in use and safety also. Along with proper safe keeping with in ones home. More work needs to be done to keep illegal guns out of the hands of criminals.
I hate the wolf in sheeps clothing. The ones that say so much correct but miss the big picture. These are the dangerous opinions that threaten us the most, will do the most damage. It's people like this that will get elected and cowtow to the Brady campaign supporters because they agree that guns should be registered.

/end rant
2009-11-17 19:23:56 ET
I live in Britain where handguns are illegal. I can think of no reason, no reason at all, that handguns should be made legal.

In the case of the United States no matter how many lives having a gun may save I can only wonder how many more would be saved if there were no guns.

I realise that guns don't kill people, people kill people. But, and it's a big but, guns make it a lot easier to kill people.


2009-11-17 23:30:28 ET
OK....but here in the UK we don't have disgruntled ex-employees coming back into the office with assault rifles and taking out their old colleagues......and I would dispute that our crime rate is higher in the UK than the US....guns do kill people and so do knives...even sticks kill, you just have to work harder.

People in Britian in this poll!
I wish people would actually pay attention to polls. I also wish these people would seek to not only ban handguns, but all guns...What we need is a good ban. Not one exclusive to "Assault Rifles", (whatever that means anymore). Let's support a ban of everything - especially handguns. I think pump shotguns and anything but single shot rifles should follow... Lets get this party started...

Why stop at pumps? Go after the top breaks. Especially those evil O/Us.
I wish people would actually pay attention to polls. I also wish these people would seek to not only ban handguns, but all guns...What we need is a good ban. Not one exclusive to "Assault Rifles", (whatever that means anymore). Let's support a ban of everything - especially handguns. I think pump shotguns and anything but single shot rifles should follow... Lets get this party started...

I'm only supporting it if it includes rocks, baseball bats and all pointy objects, and while we are at it lets ban all offensive language too!
Reading through half of those posts makes me sick to my stomach. F-ing sheep...

If it saves even one life then it's worth it. [hmmm]

Oh man. Some of the comments on that board are funny has hell. Some people are soooo dumb!

These comments are hilarious [laugh]

Just remember, there are enemies of freedom everywhere. Obviously some of them are more outspoken than others. Most of them are just misinformed. So inform them!

Know any anti-gunner in your group of friends or family? Bring them shooting. Time to convert as many people as possible. The fight for freedom is going to be an ideological one. Educate!
Remember folks, vote early and vote often. [grin]

Edit: Y 36, N 64.
Last edited:
"I live in Britain where handguns are illegal. I can think of no reason, no reason at all, that handguns should be made legal.

In the case of the United States no matter how many lives having a gun may save I can only wonder how many more would be saved if there were no guns.

I realise that guns don't kill people, people kill people. But, and it's a big but, guns make it a lot easier to kill people.


Spoken like a true limpwristed, brainwahsed liberal. He definitely has not been mugged yet by an armed criminal. Douche!
Do you know the history of Charles Manson "family" and the Tate-LaBianca murders in 1969. Manson and his fellow killers used Buck knives to commit the multiple murders. If Sharon Tate had any type of firearm available (especially a shotgun), the chances are good that she might be alive today. The same with the rest of Manson's victims. Yes, Manson himself is quite alive and well, albiet incarcerated. His victims are deceased. Now tell me, who won? Please stay in the UK with your fellow sheeple and enjoy your gun bans.
I voted yes in hopes that this poll would be 'the' poll to sway the politicians to finally do the right thing and ban all firearms.
It's time we realize that guns, knives, sporks, rocks, and sharpened sticks have no place in the hands of ordinary citizens and should all be banned.

Besides, I'm spending way too much money on ammo alone. Please, Mr O, save me from myself.
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