Vaccine industry about to recruit gun-toting police to enforce mandatory medical interventions

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All three of my children have been vaccinated, and I give thanks often that they are all very healthy.

However, I would be lying if I did not admit that as a parent, I was legitimately worried that the vaccines would have an adverse effect.
I don't trust big pharma, or the .gov, and I believe that a certain amount of skepticism is healthy. My concerns do not revolve around evil intent or malice, they revolve around competence. Governments and corporations are run by people, and people are imperfect and fallible. And it has been shown time and time again that when people make horrible errors, they are more likely to try and cover it up before they take responsibility. Especially people in the government.

For me, decisions like this really come down to risk versus gain. Polio, small pox, etc, are awful.
I also remember standing in line at MEPPS in South Boston at 17 years old, as we all got shots in both shoulders, thinking that the guys pumping that stuff into us, with something that looked like pneumatic air tools, looked like they were three quarters to a moron, and wouldn't be surprised if plenty of guys got half a dose or no dose because assembly line vaccinations should only be done on livestock.
so just from a curiosity perspective...

Are they currently accepting applications and what is the starting pay?
All three of my children have been vaccinated, and I give thanks often that they are all very healthy.

However, I would be lying if I did not admit that as a parent, I was legitimately worried that the vaccines would have an adverse effect.
I don't trust big pharma, or the .gov, and I believe that a certain amount of skepticism is healthy. My concerns do not revolve around evil intent or malice, they revolve around competence. Governments and corporations are run by people, and people are imperfect and fallible. And it has been shown time and time again that when people make horrible errors, they are more likely to try and cover it up before they take responsibility. Especially people in the government.

For me, decisions like this really come down to risk versus gain. Polio, small pox, etc, are awful.
I also remember standing in line at MEPPS in South Boston at 17 years old, as we all got shots in both shoulders, thinking that the guys pumping that stuff into us, with something that looked like pneumatic air tools, looked like they were three quarters to a moron, and wouldn't be surprised if plenty of guys got half a dose or no dose because assembly line vaccinations should only be done on livestock.
Thank goodness I missed the mandatory anthrax vaccine.
I’m a proponent of vaccines, and also freedom of choice. Don’t want a vaccine don’t get one. Simple.
I agree but let me play devils advocate...,all these people coming in from countries that don’t have vaccinations bring these diseases with them. Last thing we need is a mutated measles or something to wipe us out. Lol.
Thank goodness I missed the mandatory anthrax vaccine.
It’s no joke. I got hit three times with tainted anthrax vaccine because we had to get all those people in Iraq who attacked us on 9/11 (ya right). I have it documented and of course our Gov and the VA are doing the same thing they did with our beloved Vietnam Vets and Agent Orange...waiting for most of us to die and then say yup, we f***ed’s bad and we will compensate u for it.
I don't know who's dumber. The anti vaccine morons or the flat earth dopes.

Equally dumb, but the flat earth people are funny as hell. Quality trolling is grounded on some redeeming quality, but the anti-vax crowd is all doom and gloom.
The MMR vaccine doesn't cause autism - is there a aggravating link, maybe.
There are too many people my age getting diagnosed with ASD who didn't get the MMR and experienced the viruses directly.

Are the vaccines 100% safe - absolutely not but a reasonable vaccine schedule is much safer than the disease.
By reasonable I mean an extended timeline which breaks up the MMR into individual components for children with high incident of autism in their family (probably mostly placebo for the parents)
You can’t make that claim. Not with any honesty anyway. Zero MMR test/studies against inert placebo. We really don’t know the risks.
But we have a good understanding of how dangerous the thing they are preventing is, and even then, the lo

About 999 out of 1000 of people who get Chicken pox get better without complications. The other one dies.

So no, you would expect any particular family not to have any immediate relatives die. Except when they do. about 0.01% of the time.

And Chicken Pox is by far the least lethal of the diseases we vaccinate for. I think avoiding 1 in 1000 preventable death is probably worth vaccination for, if it's my kid.. Maybe a disease with death or lifelong disability rates below starts being not worth the trouble.

For example: Pertussis .

Pertussis is the fancy name for whooping cough. It has a mortality rate of about 1 in 100,000. So not very deadly.

Why bother vaccination for just a funny sounding cough?

The course of the disease runs like this: One to two weeks of symptoms that resemble the common cold, followed by two to four weeks of severe coughing. What do I mean by severe? I mean coughing so hard that it can break ribs, cause cerebral hemorrhage, rectal prolapse, or seizures due to hypoxia. I’m talking about vomiting and aspirating the vomitus. That kind of coughing. Complications include pneumonia. Following that stage comes a recovery stage that can last months.

Pertussis was once a leading cause of infant mortality. Between the 1930s, when immunizations became available, and the 1970s, the rate of pertussis in the USA fell 99%.

  • In 2012, the most recent peak year, CDC reported 48,277 cases of pertussis in the United States, but many more go undiagnosed and unreported. This is the largest number of cases reported in the United States since 1955 when public health experts reported 62,786 cases.
  • Since the 1980s, there has been an increase in the number of reported cases of pertussis in the United States. In 2010, CDC saw an increase in reported cases among 7 through 10 year olds. Similar trends occurred in the following years; however, CDC also observed an increase in cases among teens.

So Gee, we're back to 1955 levels of this horrific disease. Thanks, anti-vaccine people!
The date rate of chicken pox is 1 in 1000? You have a citation for that? I’m almost 50, every single person I knew growing up had chicken pox, not to mention I have never, not once through friends, family, or community or whatever have heard of a chickenpox death.
Few facts for the gun owners whose income seems to depend on perpetuating some of the common vaccine mythology. No pediatric vaccine has ever been safety against an inert placebo. The vast majority of safety papers we have are industry generated/financed epidemiological studies comparing groups of vaccinated people against other vaccinated groups. Any safety claims about pediatric vaccines is wishful thinking. I may have already posted this, sorry if so, but we have Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, pediatric neurologist and former government expert medical witness, testifying under oath that vaccines are causing autism. He has described the mechanism. Dr. Thompson, current CDC employee, has stated that he and the CDC have committed fraud and hid data from the public that links the MMR vaccine and autism. We have 100s of thousands of parents who have reported immediate regression of their children into autism after vaccination. We have a growing number of animal/biological studies showing vaccines and/or their ingredients and a relationship with autism. Believe what you want, it’s still sort of a free country. But don’t pretend vaccines are safe because we know they are not. The 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act exists for a reason, and the Health and Human Services funded study suggests that 1% of vaccine reactions are reported. Not many doctors know VAERS exists, and even fewer parents are aware it exists.
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You can’t make that claim. Not with any honesty anyway. Zero MMR test/studies against inert placebo. We really don’t know the risks.

Anti-vaxxers always demand an impossible standard of proof. You can't ethically do a blinded RCT for a treatment that is already known to be safe and effective based on overwhelming, already-existing evidence. It would harm the children in the control arm of the trial. Furthermore, the selection bias of parents wound confound this ideal hypothetical trial to be no better than the observational findings we already have.
Anti-vaxxers always demand an impossible standard of proof. You can't ethically do a blinded RCT for a treatment that is already known to be safe and effective based on overwhelming, already-existing evidence. It would harm the children in the control arm of the trial. Furthermore, the selection bias of parents wound confound this ideal hypothetical trial to be no better than the observational findings we already have.
That’s a laughable position. So I can assume your income depends on you perpetuating the myth that it’s unethical to properly safety test vaccines for newborns and children?
The date rate of chicken pox is 1 in 1000? You have a citation for that? I’m almost 50, every single person I knew growing up had chicken pox, not to mention I have never, not once through friends, family, or community or whatever have heard of a chickenpox death.
I was about to say the same thing. I’m also nearing 50, everyone had it and I know of not one single death nor have I ever heard of one from anybody. Ever.
There are two current somewhat credible theories, imho. The first is the quantity of aluminum adjuvant received intravenously can be neurotoxic, the second is that vaccines provoke an inflammatory response that becomes autism in some kids.

Science has debunked both theories if you're so inclined to believe.

My gut feel is we don't yet know what we don't know and that autism involves both genetic and environmental factors with the environmental factor, whatever it is, largely absent until relatively recently.

However, there are too many anecdotes of children's health taking a dramatic dive immediately after vaccination for vaccines not to be a factor imho. The fact that my own kids are (lightly) vaccinated and healthy does not exonerate vaccines for me.

Science also continues to dispute and or not recognize Lyme's as a chronic life changing condition which in many cases requires significant intervention. I know several people personally who have been permanently disabled either pysically or mentally or both. Yet insurance and the medical industry still only prescribe two weeks of antibiotics . Another example is PANDAS. This is a condition that children contract after having strep and a fever It's permanent and life altering resulting in OCD, intestinal issues and all sorts of other nasty things. Also not recognized by the medical community. I know someone personally who has this who has to travel to Connecticut for blood treatments. My point here is that those who declare that vaccines are safe because the medical community said so have no idea what they're talking about . Ask all those families whose kids were fine before the vaccine and have a completely broken child after. There needs to be more completely independent study without the influence and sponsorships from a multi-million dollar pharmaceutical company.

Lastly I'll say that my kids have most vaccines not all and I did it on a much slower schedule to not overwhelm their immune systems
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My companies main office is out by many of these anti vaccine people out there...all upper class liberal white idiots who don't give their kids vaccines out measles spreading again...I am sure they would love polio to come back too...they would probably say the internet said polio and whooping cough are great for kids...Roosevelt faked it... within 3 days From fine to paralysis... sounds great
Few facts for the gun owners whose income seems to depend on perpetuating some of the common vaccine mythology. No pediatric vaccine has ever been safety against an inert placebo. The vast majority of safety papers we have are industry generated/financed epidemiological studies comparing groups of vaccinated people against other vaccinated group. Any safety claims about pediatric vaccines is wishful thinking. I may have already posted this, sorry if so, but we have Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, pediatric neurologist and former government expert medical witness, testifying under oath that vaccines are causing autism. He has described the mechanism. Dr. Thompson, current CDC employee, has stated he and the CDC have committed fraud and hid data from the public that links the MMR vaccine and autism. We have 100s of thousands of parents who have reported immediate regression of their children into autism after vaccination. We have a growing number of animal/biological studies showing vaccines and/or their ingredients and a relationship with autism. Believe what you want, it.s still sort a free country. But don’t pretend vaccines are safe because we know they are not. The 1986 Childhood Vaccine Injury Act exists for a reason, and the Health and Human Srcicws funded study suggests that 1% of vaccine reactions are reported. Not many doctors know VAERS exists, and even fewer parents are aware it exists.

I freely admit that I am not very well versed in the studies that show likelihood that vaccines cause autism. I will however grant you this. A quick google of autism rates in the US show an ALARMING increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism.
A certain percentage may be that many went un-diagnosed in the past, but that would not account for the huge increases in just the last 20-30 years.
Do vaccines cause autism? I don't know. But one thing is for sure. Something is causing this increase, and you would have to be a moron to not at least consider the possibility that it is vaccines. Could it be something else? Sure. But any intelligent person should not rule out the possibility.
The only question is whether the government has the right to force a needle into everyone’s arm.

Could that already be answered ? And why I say that is that there are several states where it’s legal for police to force you to take a needle for a blood test to prove DUI. My guess is some douche lawyer in California will say it’s very similar and we need to do the same to all. This country is quickly becoming a blend of Gattaca and Minority Report each day and no one is saying anything.
I freely admit that I am not very well versed in the studies that show likelihood that vaccines cause autism. I will however grant you this. A quick google of autism rates in the US show an ALARMING increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism.
A certain percentage may be that many went un-diagnosed in the past, but that would not account for the huge increases in just the last 20-30 years.
Do vaccines cause autism? I don't know. But one thing is for sure. Something is causing this increase, and you would have to be a moron to not at least consider the possibility that it is vaccines. Could it be something else? Sure. But any intelligent person should not rule out the possibility.
If we accept that autism always existed and went undiagnosed until the 1940’s, you have to accept that over 1,000,000,000 cases of autism were missed by the human race.
Just a question, if a family doesn't want their kids vaccinated, and the rest of the community is vaccinated, whom do they (the unvaccinated) really hurt? Also, if they decide not to vaccinate, any appearance of disease should revert to the days when houses were placed under quarantine.
That’s a laughable position. So I can assume your income depends on you perpetuating the myth that it’s unethical to properly safety test vaccines for newborns and children?

A blinded RCT is a poor (and usually impossible) study design to test decades-old established vaccines for safety. Again, you have to intentionally withhold from the control arm a treatment that is already overwhelmingly shown to be safe and effective in preventing the study endpoint (acquiring the infectious disease). The act of carrying out the experiment will guarantee that kids in the control arm are harmed, when they would have been fine had your shitty experiment not been conducted. They and their parents can sue you and win, and your door will get kicked in by men with rifles and dogs. As scientists, we want to spend scarce research dollars on findings that are important, and not on satisfying the bizarre concerns of a few internet retards and celebrities.
You seem reasonable, but understand no pediatric vaccine has ever been safety tested against an inert placebo. Regardless of how effective or ineffective these vaccines are, we really have no understanding how dangerous they are.

Infowars is as accurate as the lamestream media lols. Remember when the Enquirer was a joke? Then they bagged Clintoon and John Edwards?

Infowars is just as shitty as they are, sure, but that doesn't validate the fearmongering. Infowars, msm, etc, are all in competition to see who can be the biggest arm flapping retard wrt their target audience.
When I go to the beach I try to sit near fat people I look better.

When I walk around as Yosemite Sam, I think I know who to be near to look less crazy.
Infowars is just as shitty as they are, sure, but that doesn't validate the fearmongering. Infowars, msm, etc, are all in competition to see who can be the biggest arm flapping retard wrt their target audience.
Have u seen Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast...epic!!!! That guys heart is gonna blast out of his chest!lol.
Just a question, if a family doesn't want their kids vaccinated, and the rest of the community is vaccinated, whom do they (the unvaccinated) really hurt? Also, if they decide not to vaccinate, any appearance of disease should revert to the days when houses were placed under quarantine.

Vaxxer retard 5 year old familykid spends day with 5 year old handasswiperkid. Picks up disease. Goes to normalfamily house where theres an infant that hasn't gotten vaccinated yet (infants don't get all shots until they hit a certain age) infant gets sick and dies. If retard 5 year old was vaccinated he wouldn't have carried the disease from handasswiperkid to the infant.

There are better examples but the argument is that more vaccination contributes to herd immunity- which is the idea that the bulk of the "herd" being vaccinated protects the few that can't be. Theres also some happy fun ball stuff about some vaccines not being 100% effective in all people.....
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