
Oct 20, 2005
North Shore
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whatever you do , dont look at the Herald today.. [evil]
on the cover in HUGE bold letters.

"gun collection eyed in murder"

The liberal antis are on the warpath..
The guns are being eyed??? Is his garand a suspect? we can hope they brought all those evil guns in for questioning..
I know! I know!

How about a law that says it's illegal to kill someone in cold blood?

Or a law to require gun owners to prevent unauthorized persons from getting hold of their guns?

Oh, wait...never mind.
So....if he got the gun from the step dad, then is Ms. Coakley keeping quiet the fact that one is missing? I haven't heard word one about it on the news. Other than the fact that some folks have muttered something about "maybe he got it in NH". [roll]
Lynne said:
Other than the fact that some folks have muttered something about "maybe he got it in NH". [roll]

sure blame NH [roll]

i think they like to let those words slip " they had guns in the house "
just to fan the fire that the antis started.IMO
When the news came out that the .22 used in the slaying was in fact one of the Step-Father's gun, I thought it MAY turn out to be a black-eye for Mass Gun Owners...well it still may be... :(

BUT: Martha Coakley was on WRKO this morning, and was asked if any gun-related charges were going to be brought up against the stepfather.

Coakley said EXACTLY what I would have said: NO!

She stated that the guns were stored according to Mass gun laws, and the fact that Neil had access to the guns was EXPECTED, since home residets should have access to the guns for personal protection.

Suprised me really.....but it was a good suprise!

-Weer'd Beard
Now lets see if the Carver Chief and Plymouth County DA's office agree.
At least "Green Teeth" isn't the chief anymore...
She stated that the guns were stored according to Mass gun laws, and the fact that Neil had access to the guns was EXPECTED, since home residets should have access to the guns for personal protection.
Martha said that?
M1911 said:
She stated that the guns were stored according to Mass gun laws, and the fact that Neil had access to the guns was EXPECTED, since home residets should have access to the guns for personal protection.
Martha said that?


I was very suprised.

Pretty much her philosphy about the guns issue is "Crazy people happen".

Aweful down to earth for Massachusettes....I wonder when she's moving to New Hampshire?


-Weer'd Beard
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