The unwashed having night-vision gear "a problem"


Ooh, PVS-2.
Now that is showing your age... [smile]

The friggin hard-shell case for that thing was a huge piece of Samsonite...
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Then it will be go time.

Nope, I want them to kill as many people in as short an amount of time as possible, that want to ban doughnuts. I used to want them because I thought they were cool, now it's all about the banners of delicious doughnuts and other tasty confections and pastries.
I would take out an entire continent over peanut M&M's. Sunsabitches.
Forget the donuts. If they ban coffee, it's on!

Ive half-heartedly looked into it a couple of times. Seems like there like $25k options, down to options that are so low dollar that Im hesitant to buy figuring it'll shit the bed in a couple of weeks. Heard of cheaper comm block stuff that uses goofy batteries not available here. Kind of ended up with analysis paralysis and moved on , but I would like to pick up something decent one of these days that wont require a mortgage.
Because the weight kept the barrel rise low?
Many moons ago I worked in dev/promo for the vidya game industry. A popular game from a company attached to ours came out - if you bought the fancy $200+ "edition" you got a set of cheap NVGs "just like in the game" except not. Mass panic. PDs across the country showed up at the release events where the game was being sold and handed out warnings about crimes committed with night vision gear, and unnecessarily scared the shit out of children and parents. That was over a decade ago.

Be a good sheep; just blow your money on stupid subscription services, eating out four times a week, and a new car every 2.5 years. Don't think much. You don't NEED a gun, small penis redneck. You don't NEED night vision, potential terrorist. You don't NEED 4th amendment protections, freethinking badman.

Can these fools point to a single crime involving NVGs...?
Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

Is NV ok for blind people? Do we have to ban sound enhancement for them?
LOL at "HeliBacon" hunting expeditions.

When the US government stops selling high-tech fighters and smart bombs to terror states like Saudi, then they can complain about night vision sales going overseas.
Challenge accepted...

I gotta run, but it involves Gladys Kravitz calling the cops on me while removing a geocache, me psuccessfully evading the cop, then I posting about it, only to discover everyone siding with the cop and with Gladys. Geocaching is primarily a moonbat activity. I said something about you people would probably be all okay with this if I had a bomb vest strapped to me while yelling aloha snackbar while geocaching. And it kind of went south from there.
It’s funny how things not on my radar that I could care less about owning suddenly become must haves. Is this what it means to become woke?
Guy I worked with swore there was a conspiracy where the Weather Channel was colluding with supermarkets to drive people to stock up on food before any and every weather event regardless of its magnitude. Kind of felt the same way where I was never really all that committed to picking up body armor or NV or whatever until there is talk of a ban and then I absolutely need it.
Was about to post that GK sounds like a nosy old lady neighbor character from an old sitcom and when looking for a pic related to post with that came across a pic of...Gladys Kravitz [laugh] I knew that sounded familiar for some reason.
Mental note: I need night vision.

I think every American should have nightvision and a properly equiped rifle.

Suggestions for decent home defense/SHTF vision, thanks.

A Gen 3 PVS-14, a bump helmet, and a DBAL I2 single spectrum IR laser/illuminator is what you need. You could do it with new gear for around $3500-4k. Cheaper if you are willing to risk the used market.
A friend of mine has a PVS-7, I got to play with it a few times.
Even though it's old tech by todays standards (made by Litton in 1989), it's pretty impressive and they still command some high prices. I remember watching someone smoking a cigarette about 100 yards away, and through the NV it looked as bright as a highway flare. We used it once during duck season to find our spot and set out our decoys before sunup. I took it in a pitch dark bathroom to see how well it worked, the built in IR source looked like a flashlight in the mirror. Also, you can see the light when you push a button on a TV remote control.

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So just so Im understanding this set up, you arent getting a cheek weld and looking down the rifle through the sights or optic, youre looking at the IR beam and using it to aim similar to when you have a Crimson trace on a pistol, other than the fact that you can see the whole beam rather than just the dot.

Or is the PVS mounted to the rifle? Im assuming its mounted on a helmet and hanging in front of my eyeball which would make it awkward to shoot as you normally would I would think.
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